Friday, December 10, 2010

Happy Birthday Jason!!!

Happy Birthday Jason!!!

My sweet, firstborn is 13.

I recall the day he was born, the day I cried that I couldn't do it (give birth.) It was the hardest thing I had ever done, until that point. Being a mom has been harder. But I would not change a moment. Being his (and Josh's) mom has been the best blessing of my life.

Jason is so sweet, caring, funny, and compassionate. He is an amazing big brother, with more patience than I could ever hope to have.

He is also awesome with animals and seems to have a sense with them that calms them instantly. He has a genuine care for all God's creatures that amazes me.

Jason is a serious Legoer (made that word up) and can put together a Lego set in what seems like seconds.

I am so glad God blessed me to be his mom.



Jeannette said...

okay seriously I am proud of you but he isn't and doesn't want to be considered sweet he's becoming a young man Macho, strong, fearless, not sweet

Happy Birthday to my first grandchild

Becky R said...

today I wrote on my deposit slip at bank 12-10-1997, opps (teller must have thought I was a little off-lol)