Monday, June 7, 2010

Do something nice

Today to get over my pity party I am going to try and do something nice.
I will start be being kind to my boys (so far today I have been.) I will see where it goes from there.
I will post about it later.
The theory here is if I act happy and unselfish, it will come true. Let's see.

So I encourage you no matter how you feel today to act happy and do something kind for someone else. Even a smile to a stranger will count. Then blog about it here.

I am sure even on Jesus's saddest days, he was still loving and kind. I want to be more like Him.



Jeannette said...

This is my take on this, I can choose to let Eric's death consume me or I can choose to live life. Eric isn't coming back and I am wasting time not living
I think a walk tonigh will be nice, I will meetyou around 6:30 pm if it doesn't rain, and if rich guy doesn't want to see anything

Becky R said...

I am living, but I feel different. Inside I feel mad and angry all the time. Some days I can pretend it's fine, but some days I can't.
A walk tonight sounds nice!