Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Summer Goals

I have some summer goals:

read one book a week

go to beach once a week

do a fire in our pit once a week

mow my grass once a week (this is proving to be quiet a challenge as the grass is currently at my knees)

weedwack once a week

sew at least one hour each week

visit Jason's great-grandfather in nursing home at least once a week

visit my grandma at least once a week

go to library once a week

find way to earn money to buy boys Sept. school supplies

exercise 3-6 times a week (even if a short walk or swim)

go to bed by 12am and wake up by 8:30 am, every day except for one sleep in day

have two no drive days each week

declutter ten items per week (completely out of the house, shed, car, etc.)

mop my kitchen floor more (I hate doing it)

hang all my laundry on line to dry (I have gotten lazy about this)

keep my garden alive

Some of these are similar to my new year's goal, some are new.

Do you have any summer goal?



Kate said...

I like your summer goal list! It has inspired me as well! Please keep us posted through the summer on how you're doing!

Becky said...

Those are some great goals! I also don't like mopping the kitchen floor :)

My main goals are to catch up on my scrapbooking before baby comes and to get the baby's room ready!!!

Rose said...

My goal is ??? I don't know.......
You have ALOT of goals!

Unknown said...

Off the top of my head, my summer goals are:
-Finish 2nd draft of novel
-Vacation with my mom
-Take a class in something
-Epic bike ride w/the boy
-Turn my front yard into something presentable!
