Sunday, September 12, 2010

Good thing I love to read

Our new thing this year is reading a book a week to correspond with our history. I mean chapter books.

I have read to my boys since they were babies. It has been an activity we really enjoy as a family. Jason and I would read chapter books like Chronicles of Narnia even when he was 4 years old. I fondly recall we had a tree outside our apartment that we used to climb up in together and read. It was like the tree had two built in seats. It was made for us.
Josh has also enjoyed me reading to him. He was (is) always full of questions, making each chapter last twice as long. But I like that he is thinking about what I read.

Well, I think they enjoy me reading to them too much because the books I intended them to read alone during reading time are now books I am reading with them.

The other night Josh and I spent an hour and a half reading his book of the week. And tonight Jason and I have been reading for almost an hour and a half as well. He is assigned The Secret Garden this week. At 27 chapters, it may be a bit ambitious for a week. But if he does 5 chapters Mon., Tues., & Wed. he will be done in time. Thur. he will start new book (we do history Wed. & Fri., so he has from Thur.- Wed. to read each book.)

It's a good thing I like to read, but I think I will start counting these children's books in with my books, so it doesn't seem like I am not reading at all. lol.

Seriously, how cool is it that I get to read books with my kids? How cool that they listen when I read and still rest their head on my lap, and how cool is it that I get to see the pride in Josh's face when he pronounces a word correctly, or see Jason intently listening to a book? I am so glad to get to share my love of reading with my kids.

On this week's reading list