Sunday, May 18, 2008

my new closets-yipee!!!

me so happy my room is almost done (only spackeling and painting to go.) excuse the mess in the background, this picture was taking before I put stuff back in my room.
my custom computer closet made by Mom & Scott
my new custom closet made by Mom & Scott
my closet curtain (instead of a door)
my bed, not sure if I like it this way or with headpart against the wall
my bed


jackson's mama said...

i love that you have that tin thing i gave you years ago over your bed! the room looks great! love the color:)
by the look fantastic!!!! keep up the good work & don't be too hard on yourself:) ttys!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful closets. I like what you did to your room. Can you send Scott and jeannette over to remake my closets please