Monday, April 13, 2009

Ohio trip budget

Thank God I had an emergency fund in place.

I spent $1100 on my emergency trip to Ohio. Here's how:

$450 Minivan rental (so worth not worrying if my car would make it)
$ 50 gas for car (my mom paid for rest of gas)
$320 two hotel rooms (with pool and continental breakfast)
$150 donation to church for lunch provided after funeral
$ 30 tolls (yikes)
$100 misc. (fast food, activity books for boys in car, Walgreen's stuff)

That almost wipes out my emergency fund, but I am glad I had it. I think attending my grandfather's funeral was important to me and to my grandma, and my dad.

I will be able to get money back in emergency fund account after I am done recovering from my surgery. And since I have money to recover for 3 months and pay all my bills (which I have almost all prepaid until the end of June), plus I will not be driving, so I do not foresee needing any emergency money in the next 3 months.

I do need to save as since my brother will be staying in Ohio for awhile I will want to go see him sometime this summer, which will be about the same amount of money. I will still need to rent a car when we go, and get a hotel as for my sanity and my grandmother's my boys need a place they can be a bit crazy. And I need down time.
But I do not need to worry about that right now.



Becky said...

Wow! That seems really expensive for a vehicle rental. I'll bet you'll be able to get the car rental and the hotel cheaper next time since it won't be so last-minute! :)