Monday, July 23, 2007

Hi! Welcome to my world

Hello! My name is Becky. I am a single mom have been for about 9 years now (with 6 months in between that I was not-a story for a later time.) I have two boys. Jason is 9 and has ADHD and can be difficult to like at alot of times. And Joshua my 4 year old, well throws lots of fits and yells and talks very loud. Honestly, sometimes I do not like either one of them much. But I love them all the time. I pray for them daily. I thank God for them daily. I only get through each day because of God.
Overall I really do have a heart for children. I love to see them learn and grow. I love the innocence and complete faith they have.
Currently for work I run an in home childcare from my home. Also I work at a camp for Autistic children and babysit at someone elses house Sat. night for extra money. I also volunter at my church and run the Wed. evening children's program infants to 6th grade. As you can see I am around lots of children alot of the time. So I guess that's why I get burnt out and stressed with my own. I wish I wouldn't, but I do. My children know how to really push my buttons because they put them there.
Now I'll put some great qualities about my children. Joshua, my sweet baby (now 4) loves to help with the little ones I care for. He loves to give me hugs and kisses and he loves to help with housework and cooking and baking.He doesn't mind sharing and will do it most anytime. Joshua may start preschool this year. Jason, has such a heart for the Lord. He is constantly wanting to send his allowance to some organization to feed babies or build churches. He is great at sports, I guess because with his ADHD he has so much energy. He has accepted the Lord and has been baptized. He constantly talks about how he is not going to hell and how he wants to tell other about it. Jason will be in the 4th grade.
Well, I think this is good for now. Except I want to share my favorite verse: Jeremiah 29:11 this verse is so true. God has provided for me in ways that do not make sense. Not only have ALL our needs always been met, we have been blessed and continue to be so blessed. God is so good!