Saturday, May 5, 2012

Wellness Week Day Three

I will admit I did not make breakfast, but I had taken an extra hard boiled egg from the previous day. I slept in until about 9:00am.

I called to check on my car, which I was sure was dead, but it turned out it was a water pump and some belt. It would be $530.00 to fix it. I didn't know what to do. I asked them if I could call them back.

At 10:00am we had our second team meeting. Carole asked the question, "If I knew I couldn't fail, I would..." As some of the other woman shared their answers, at first I thought I am so consumed with survival that I don't even have time for dreaming, but I did come up with somethings I would like to do:

-lose the weight and keep it off
-have joy daily
-write a book, perhaps about my life, or the miracles God has performed for me
-get some Biblical nutrition training
-get some Biblical holistic training in regards to health and treatment of illness and ailments
-use these trainings to serve the Lord

It was really cool to think about me.

Then we had a session on proper workout shoes, which made me realize I do need new sneakers (mine hurt even when I am only walking in them.) I learned stuff I never knew about (like why your foot arch matters) and what type of sneakers (not any particular brand) were good for each foot type and activity being done.

Next was a group photo and then lunch.

After lunch I went for a walk, rested, and then did Pilates. It was really challenging for me, but I discovered, I can do, and I liked it.

Another quick shower, and then dinner.

After dinner we heard another success story from Carol Watson. She had another amazing story.

Then we heard from Vicki Heath. She also did yesterdays intro to First Place 4 Health. Once again her amazing personality was inspiring.

On day three I did over 10,000 steps plus Pilates.

Stay tuned for day four.

                       Group photo, I am to the right (about 4 from right), behind the glare (my glasses.)
