Thursday, March 1, 2012

March Physical Goals

-Call regular doctor for physical and blood work appointment this month

-Go to appointment and lab for blood work

-Lose 5 pounds by:

walking 60 min. 3x's a week (this is up from my 45 min. walks)

track everything I eat and drink on my free livestrong tracker (online)

try and keep daily calories under 1,700

-Take daily:

fish oil* (2 capsules daily)


apple cider vinegar (2 tablespoons in am)

2 tablespoons ground flax seed*

(I already do fish oil & priobiotic, want to add the other two.)

Today I:

walked 40 min (it started raining)

took my fish oil, priobiotic, flax seed, and apple cider vinegar

I also had a green smoothie with 1 cup spinach, 1 cup mixed fruit, ground flax seed, and aloe.

* These are to help lower my very high cholesterol.
^ For my gut / digestive issues

Do you have any physical goals? How will you accomplish them?



Canadian Saver said...

Sounds like a great plan, good luck!!

I also need to do something in March... my weight always goes up in the winter...