Sunday, July 15, 2012

What have we been up to

Our summer schedule looks sort of like our regular schedule. We do have my nephew less as my sister is not taking college classes this summer. It is a nice break (some days we had him like 7:00am or 8:00am until 9:00am or 10:00pm.)

Our schedule right now is:
leave am for cleaning job
four hour cleaning job cleaning job
while we are at cleaning job Jason does online math class 11:15am-12:15pm (the client lets us use their wifi)
after cleaning job Jason piano
after piano Josh art class (this starts tomorrow) for two hours
night Jason chiropractor

4:00pm Kaiden comes over
10:00pm Kaiden leaves

4:00pm Kaiden comes over
10:00pm Kaiden leaves

Jason has online class 11:15am - 12:15pm
Therapy in the afternoon (we alternate, each week it is someone else.)
afternoon Jason horseback riding
4:00pm Kaiden comes over
10:00pm Kaiden leaves

Fri. ~
My goal is field trip Fridays,
but we have been doing doctors appointments
and / or extra cleaning jobs

Sat. ~
8:00am Kaiden arrives
6:00pm Kaiden leaves
night I go babysit (I drop Kaiden and boys at my mom's on the way.)

Sun. ~
night usually dinner with family (mom, stepfather, sister, nephew, & brother)

Somewhere in the schedule, I have to do food shopping. I also try to visit Jason's great grandfather weekly, and my grandmother too. They both live about ten minutes from me.

For now Jason has weekly: math class, piano, horseback riding, and chiropractor. In Aug. he will not be doing piano.
Josh has: art class (I had also signed him up for a class at Sandy Hook, but he didn't like it)
They each have therapy once a month as well.
I am also trying to make sure they have time with friends weekly. Just today Josh had a friend over after church.

I don't always clean on Monday. Also I don't always babysit on Sat. nights. It stinks when they don't need me as I don't get paid when I don't work and I really need that money.

We try and do things outside daily, even if just eating a meal outside. Last Wed. night we went to a local park and had a picnic dinner there with my friend and cousin's kids. It was fun. Plus the weather was mild for a NJ summer night.

We have season passes to Great Adventure but have not really been utilizing them too much (mostly because my car needs brakes and new tires, so I am only driving it local. Great Adventure is about forty five min. away.)

I am happy with our schedule as it is right now.

Is your summer schedule different than your regular schedule?
