Hello! It is already the last day of 2008. I know each day has 24 hours, yet still it seems we have less and less time. Of course this is silly. God gives us 24 hours a day. I belive he wants us to give Him time first everyday and everynight in prayer and Bible reading and study.
So my day should be:
get up 6:00am
time with God -1 hour (30 min. in am, 30 min. im pm)
exercise-1 hour (30 min in am, 30 min. in pm)
work-11 hours (daycare 7:00am-6:00pm)
cleaning-1 hour
special time with boys-1 hour
my time-1 hour
sleep-8 hours
bed 10:00 pm
But it never works out this way. Usually I get up at 6:30, skip my exercise and go to bed around 12:00am, especially since Joshua's new thing is to get up and yell and try to not go to sleep for 1-3 hours everynight. During this time I have to do nothing else but sit at his door and calmly put him back in bed. This is great prayer time though. GOD GIVE ME PATIENCE! GOD GIVE ME PATIENCE!
Also we have lots of night committments since I do not take the daycare kids out during the day. Tues. I have aerobics and my new First Place Bible study. THIS IS FOR ME! My mom has agreeded to watch the boys at my house so I can go. Wed. we have church from 6:00pm-8:15pm. Thur. we go to the doctor's. So this cuts into out calming down time.
But I want to get the time with God and exercise in every day as I NEED IT! I am putting here so I can be more accountable.
Please pray that in Feb. I could make the time for daily time with God, daily exercise, and go to bed by 10:30. Thanks!
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Jan. has come and gone
Posted by Becky R at 12:14 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Welcome to the family
Well, after discovering my Dodge Shadow was not fixable, we sent it off to the junkyard the other day. It was the prettiest colored car I have ever had. But no tears as I have replaced it with another used car we picked up last night. It is a 1995 Geo Prizm. It is also pretty, a greenish color. The driver's side window rolls down yeah! (my old car the window was glued shut.) The trunk stays open by itself (my old car you had to hold the trunk open.) And it has a cd player. My old car had only a radio. I am so excited! Also it does not need to go through inspection for over a year. Thank God for His provisions. Right now the car is nice and clean, I hope to keep it that way.
Posted by Becky R at 2:07 PM 3 comments
Monday, January 28, 2008
gone but not forgotten
Two years ago today my family learned that my cousin, Cristie had passed away. This was such a shock as she was just 29 years old. She had her whole future ahead of her. She was married a few years with an adorable stepson and had just moved to Georgia to be a teacher. It was very hard to get all the details and understand what had happened that day. I didn't really know what was going on. I remember crying in the shower after my mom called to tell me, but thinking it had to be a misunderstanding. But after talking to more family members it was confirmed. Especially after talking to her husband who had witnessed the whole horrible nightmare and watched his wife die.
The thing is that we all grew up together. My brothers, and I, with Cristie and her brother, Jerry, and my cousin Charlene. We are all close in age. Also all my aunts for the most part lived within 15 min of each other. Not only was it hard to let go of the past in the years before her death Cristie and I become friends. We talked and hung out and shared a love for teaching. Only she understood why I needed so many books, she had MORE! She had become my friend.
I hated the funeral, I kept looking at her body wondering who was that? I could not stand the smell of the flowers and I knew with all Cristie's allergies she be sneezing if she were alive. Cristie's dad was there. He and my aunt split up when Cristie was young and he lived in Cal. while we lived in NJ, so they had a less than perfect relationship. While I was crying at the funeral he took my hand and said he didn't feel like he had a right to be there. All his regret over not knowing this lovely woman more was on his face.
Then I just assured him he was her daughter too, but now I think all we really have is right now. Will I live to regret this moment? Could I be using my time more wisely? I think I want to relax and let my kids just go play, but what if this all the time we have? It reminds me to live for today. I spend so much time thinking about and worrying about tomorrow, but we have no guarantees that tomorrow will come and even if it does why let today slip by with no real accomplishment or memory? God gives us just enough for each day and that is really all we have. -Becky CRISTIE
Posted by Becky R at 6:44 PM 3 comments
Thinking of using cloth diapers or mama pads?
I may freak some of you out, but I love the idea of cloth diapers and mama cloth. If you are interested in trying either please go to:
this work at home mom makes great stuff and is so professional. Help support the environment, and a work at home mom, all while saving yourself money and saving your baby's delicate skin. Check her out. Thanks! -Becky
Posted by Becky R at 5:54 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 27, 2008
House Warming
Kevin with gift
Yesterday we had a housewarming party for my brother Kevin. He bought his condo (well he bought a mortgage anyway-lol!) We had baked ziti, eggplant parm., rolls, shrimp cocktail, cake, brownies, canolis's, chips, and other goodies. YUM! Friday night my mom and I
started to clean his house as part of Kevin's gift. Saturday Samantha and I finished. His house looked so nice. It is a cute condo. Kevin was very happy with the party. He got a few nice gifts.
Joshua said it was not a party without a pinata, so we got a Darth Vader one and filled it with clearance Christmas candy. The only children there were my kids and my 13 year old nephew. The kids enjoyed there candy. The adults were like what's the pinata far? For fun people!
I am so proud of Kevin, and Eric who bought a house three years ago. It is so strange to see my brothers go from the most annoying gross people on the planet, with all that bathroom talk growing up-EWWW! But now they are mature men taking care of them themselves and there homes. I really like the people they have become. And now that I have two boys at home I don't have to miss all that bathroom talk cause my boys do it now. What is that all about? LOL! -Becky
Posted by Becky R at 10:29 AM 2 comments
Thursday, January 24, 2008
I am so stressed. I know I need to give it God. I know! I know! I know! But I am stressing about issues with Jason's dad. I am stressing about Jason's behavior lately. I am stressing about Joshua's behavior lately. Seriously can't I turn one off and deal with the other and vice versa. I am stressing about not having a car again. I am stressing about my upcoming surgery.
But God is like why. I have Jason's therapist coaching me with his dad. I have time to be consistant with my boys. I have an assistant to help when I have surgery and the money to pay her. I may be buying a cheap good car soon. God has already provided, yet I let the thoughts stew in my head until my stomach aches and then I am no good to anyone. I am so glad for my mom, and Monica, and Leigh Ann keeping it real for me today. I almost lost it. Leigh Ann gave me a reminder that if I let others control me I am putting them before God; Monica just listens and gives me spelling tips which make me laugh; and my mom actually came over to referee and take us to Jason's doctor. God had put such awesome people in my life (oh yeah Scott took Joshua to McDonalds to get him dinner.) I have such a great support system. I need to take all my energy stressing and pray and spend more time with God. This is the only way to not waste time. I am glad to blog as it helps me see once again to turn it back to God. Good night! -Becky
Posted by Becky R at 11:22 PM 4 comments
Monday, January 21, 2008
Day off
Hello! I took a day off today. It is nice to spend a weekday with my kids. My sister in law picked us up and we tried to go see The Waterhorse at the movies. It was sold out, so we went to Party & Play it was packed. We tried one bowling alley, no available lanes. Then we went to A Time to Kiln, they were closed. We almost gave up but found some available lanes open at another bowling alley. So we went bowling. We had the bumpers in the lane (good thing for me-lol!) It was fun to see Joshua bowl and Jason enjoyed himself as well. After bowling and eating nachos, cheese fries, soda, and candy, we then had ice cream from Cold Stone Creamery for dinner. That was fun as well. Joshua put marshmallows and gummy bears in his ice cream. Frozen marshmallows are gross! Jason had the cookie dough creation. UUMMMM!!! YUMMY! I did not get one (not at $6 each) but shared with the boys. YUM GERMS! It was nice to get out of the house and do fun things like this.
Our car is still in the shop, no word as of yet about total estimate for repairs. It seems it may be on its way to the junkyard very soon. Pray for cheap repairs or cheap replacement. Thanks! -Becky
Posted by Becky R at 10:12 PM 2 comments
my new blog address
Hello! I was able to move my blog. Hopefully this will help with the problems I was having. -Becky
Posted by Becky R at 10:08 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 18, 2008
all secretive
I am a very open and honest person. I like to share my business, but even I did not realize the scope of how huge this internet thing is and have had to put this blog on invited readers only. I hope having to sign in will not deter you from catching up with us. It's off to bed for me now. Goodnight! -Becky
Posted by Becky R at 11:33 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Doesn't sound good
When you take your car in for a regular scheduled oil change and they tell you you really shouldn't be driving this way, it doesn't sound good
When they remove all the broken stuff to find more broken stuff and they say they don't make this part anymore and we are not sure if we can get a used one, it doesn't sound good
When they say without that part we are looking at about $700 in repairs, but they can't even fix without that particular part, it doesn't sound good
I have had many cars over the past 10 some years. My first car. It was a 1979 Chevy (the year I was born, so it was 17 years old when I got it.) My stepfather had gotten it when his aunt died, but a year before I could drive, so they lent it to my cousin for the time being. When I got it they had it painted a pretty blue for me. I failed my driver's test the first time but I still took that car driving on my 17th birthday (shhh don't tell.) I got it in Oct., in Nov. I attempted to drive it to Mass. for a crazy road trip. It died on the way. My mom came to Mass. and had the car towed home. After a rebuilt engine was installed it lasted me until Feb. By then I was with Jason's dad and pregnant with little Jason, so we just used his car. I was without my own car until over a year later. In Dec. 1997 I had little Jason (I had turned 18 on Oct. 3rd) and I was with his dad until Nov. of that year (1998). I did not get a car until around then. I got a yellow minivan. I loved it. After having it about 7 months I decided to try another road trip, I got a maintenance check and oil change. We drove once again to Mass. The car made it, yeah, the trip was crazy with Jason about 18 months and my friend Joanna. On the way home the car died. My mom came again and had it towed home (is my mom not so awesome-well she is!) So then I was without a car again. Then I got my crazy person blue station wagon. It was ugly! I had that car over a year (my longest so far if you are keeping track.) This car actually did not die on me, but my mom got another car and gave me her white car. My nicest car so far. I had this car from 2001-to end of 2002. After I was married we drove it to KY, it lasted 2 weeks there. So in Ky we used my husbands car, and Jason & I walked alot of places too. When I came home in 2003 I had no car again. In May/ June my parents got me a used station wagon (but much nicer looking than my first station wagon.-lol) That also lasted over a year until it died. No road trip just went. It was a 1988, and it was done driving. And just about that time a couple from another church donated there used 1995 Ford Explorer to me. It was burgundy with leather seats and a moon roof. I felt like a queen. They just gave it to me, it was full of gas and clean, and they gave me the money to register it. It was awesome. I felt so good in it and kept it pretty clean. It caused me no trouble until over a year later when the transmission went. It was not worth fixing. I miss that car. So from Nov. 2006-May 2007 I had no car, lucky for me I broke my ankle in Feb. and could not drive anyway. In May 2007 I bought a 1992 Dodge Shadow for $500. It was a nice color and only ever had one owner and was $500 and I had been without a car for 6 months. To taste the freedom of driving again. This is the car I still have that may or may not come back to me.
I have never had a car that cost more than $1000 or that lasted me more than 18 months. I do not take road trips without renting a car anymore either. Learned my lesson on that one.
I don't want a new car or a fancy car, I would just like peace of mind that I could drive say out of state and be ok. But hey, it could be worse, I know it always could be worse and we are so blessed! -That's my car history -Becky
Posted by Becky R at 10:47 PM 3 comments
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Since I can not sleep (sure is weird cause I am so tired all day long) I just googled some old songs I loved. The Heart of the Matter, Tears in Heaven, November Rain(I loved that dress as a kid-hated it tonight-LOL), and Tiffany's Could Have Been. I so wanted to be Tiffany, I remember rocking out to my Tiffany cassette. I liked her more than Debbie Gibson. I love looking back on her now how modestly she dressed and how she did not get a nose job and of course her red hair. She helped me to love my hair (still do.)
I can see myself in my room as a preteen and teen, singing into my white mirror with shelves for all sorts of treasures. I loved my room and my full size canopy bed. I can remember being happy.
Not so much anymore. Life is so stressful, it is hard to take the time to sing a favorite song, although I did take a moment to dance in the kitchen with my little daycare girl today. That made me smile.
Music has such power, to bring us back to times of our youth, a first dance, a first kiss, having an our song, and to uplift us, and to bring us down. Do the lyrics make us cry or the memories? And how can certain artists just touch my soul and feel what I am feeling?
I remember wanting to be a singer (those who know me please hold the laughter) but I think it is because music can make me feel so good.
Certainly my taste in music has evolved. I still like the Beatles and love Chicago's Colour My World, but now I find more praise songs on my playlist (which I actually do not have, I just like the word.) Nothing soothes the soul like singing to the Lord. I especially love Mercy Me's I Can Only Imagine. It is beautiful!!! But I realize I can sing any song to God, and despite my voice, He wants to hear me sing, not just sing, but talk to Him, pray to Him, recite poetry to Him. Everything we do we do because of Him, why not for Him.
Wow, I feel uplifted, He has that power. Now I will try and catch some Zs. I wonder which 80's icon I will dream of tonight.
Could have been Tiffany
The flowers you gave me
are just about to die
When I think about
what could have been
makes me want to cry
The sweet words you whispered
didn’t mean a thing -HIS WORDS ARE TRUE
I guess our song is over
as we began to sing
Could have been so beautiful(HE IS)
Could have been so right (HE IS)
Could have been my lover(HE LOVES YOU RIGHT NOW)
every day in my life(EVERY DAY HE LOVES YOU)
Could have been so beautiful
Could have been so right
I never want what could have been
on a cold and lonely night
The memories of our lovin’
still linger in the air
Like the fading scent of your roses
stay with me everywhere
Every time I get my hopes up
they always seem to fall
Still what could have been
is better than what can never be
at all..
Could have been so beautiful
Could have been so right
Could have been my lover (HE CAN)
every day in my life
Could have been so beautiful
Could have been so right
You can hold what could have been
on a cold and lonely night
Could have been so beautiful
Could have been so right
You can hold what could have been
on a cold and lonely night
How can you hold what could have been
on a cold and lonely night...
IT STILL CAN WITH GOD!!!!!!! He is RIGHT!!! -Becky
Posted by Becky R at 11:37 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
So tired
Hello! Even though I was so glad to have a week off over Christmas and New Year's all that staying up late and sleeping in has really wrecked my schedule. I was finally falling asleep by 11:30pm and getting up at 6:30am before the break. Once agian I am falling asleep around 1:00am and am exhausted getting up at 6:30am. Today I feel like going back to bed all day, and it's after 1:00pm, I still want to go back to bed. I have 6 kids here to keep me busy (Jason, Joshua, D, J, Peter, & Liam) Jason stayed home sick and I am watching Peter & Liam. So of course I can't actually fall asleep, but I WANT to. LOL!
As we are back into schedule I am trying to work in more time with God, this is always a challenge as so many things seem so urgent, that I put off my time with God. But I am praying about this. Putting God first makes me whole day run smoother (of course.)
I am happy to report that I ended 2007 with no bills and no debt. This was no small feet as my total income was only about $12,000 plus child support. And my rent from Jan-Aug. was $1240 a month-THIS IS ONLY GOD! I was unable to take too many daycare kids because of my ankle, but God saw us through. I am so grateful. This year I am working on trying to save as I can not be sure how long my 1992 Dodge Shadow will last, it has to be reinspected in Aug. 2008 so I am not sure it will pass without some repairs, if at all. I know it needs something with breaks right now and an oil change, so I want to be proactive with its care. I will use all my part time job income to care for the car. I am so grateful to be able to have a part time job Sat. nights babysitting for a great family. I go about 3 times a month. It is nice because I can bring Jason with me if he is not with his dad. He like to play with the 7 year old twins.
Well, I have to go straighten the kitchen and do daycare paperwork while some of the kids rest and the rest are playing outside (OH YEAH IT IS ABOUT 60 DEGREES OUTSIDE TODAY-WEIRD!)
Posted by Becky R at 1:12 PM 1 comments
Saturday, January 5, 2008
broken pipe
My stepfather was trying to put a foam door for better insulation in the crawl space under my house when he discovered a leak. I have a plumber here now and he showed me the trap from under the kitchen sink (under the house not inside it.) Do you think there's a problem? LOL
Posted by Becky R at 4:00 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 4, 2008
Another failed attempt
Hello! After making my oh so yummy bread the other day (sarcasm-we could not even eat it.) We tried homemade granola bars with dried cherries. Another winner. They are gross. The kids won't even try them, and I made my friend / neighbor Joanna try one and her face said it all (what a good friend.) I ate two trying to convince myself they were good. Even I am willing to admit defeat, they are going in trash. I still will prevail, tomorrow I am going to get fresh flour and try the bread again, without the wheat flour this time. It is my new hobby, making yucky stuff (lol), no trying new recipes. I want to start scrap booking again but do not have the space. Every time I take my stuff out it is time to clean it up again.
We took down our Christmas tree. Jason was such a big help, he helped me carry everything into the attic (he loves to go in the attic-go figure since our last attic scared him.) Joshua got himself in trouble by hitting me, so he ended up in bed early with no snacks or no movie that Jason and I watched after putting away the tree. We watched Fantastic Four Rise of the Silver Surfer, it was good. I really enjoyed doing something just with Jason. I think he enjoyed it too.
Tomorrow we have no plans. I do have to work, but that is at 5:00. We were going to work on my closet with my parents (we are cutting wall out to enlarge opening in closet as doors block some access), but my stepfather is feeling under the weather, so we will try for another weekend. Maybe we will go food shopping, but otherwise we are just going to relax in day. Sounds very good to me after the hectic Christmas & New Year's. Even having the week off I did so much. I am almost glad to be back to work. Daycare kids were so good this week. We just hung out and relaxed as I figured they needed to destress as well. Next week back to our lesson plan.
Well, I am sure you are bored now (if you even made it this far) so I will get going. Have a relaxing weekend yourself. -Becky
Posted by Becky R at 10:13 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
$40 off coupon for tv converter box
Box cost $50-$70, coupon is for $40 off. Since I do not have cable, I will need one of these for next year. Get your coupons (2 per household) before they are all gone. Coupons going out this year not next year! -Becky
Posted by Becky R at 11:26 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
It's 2008
Hello! Well, I was up after midnight but only because I was woken by some noise outside. I fell asleep on the couch around 10:30. Jason fell asleep as well. That's ok, we were all tired. We had a little party and celebrated the New Year at 9:00pm, so we could put Joshua to bed. We had fun. I pray your 2008 will be filled with blessings! -Becky
Posted by Becky R at 12:25 PM 0 comments