Joshua has finally fallen asleep, but now Jason is crying about his lizard biting him (why he was playing with it at 10:00pm I don't know.) He said he put a toy in there and thought it was funny that lizard was acting weird. The lizard was probably threatened. It has never bitten before. Anyway Jason threw the lizard and now is in agonizing pain. Just a note there is not even a speck on his finger (least you think I am cold hearted as I blog away.) He is clearly tired and over reacting! The joys of parenting!!!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Prayer Requests
Please Pray for me to be calm and fun with my boys every day!!!
Pray that Joshua would obey, he is flat out not listening to anything I say lately. As of right now it is 9:00pm, I put him to bed at 7:00pm because he was so disobedient and he has been yelling, getting up, and such for 2 hours!
Pray for Jason to have nothing wrong with his foot. Pray for him to obey me as well(although he is much better at it right now.) Pray for him to not shut down before his Odyssey of the Mind class at 3:30.
Pray for my boys not to antagonize each other so much.
Pray for me as I need a tooth pulled, a cavity filled, and a dental cleaning (all without dental insurance.)
Pray for me to spend time with the Lord daily and stick to my First Place study and commitments to the Lord!
Pray for us to spend calm time just being home, not always going, going, going! I feel like we are never home and when we are we have such an agenda (you know clean house, cook, laundry, etc.) I want my home to be a calm haven for us, lately it has not been.
Pray as Monday at 7:30 I have a phone conference with Jason's dad, Jason (they have the same name.) We have not spoken in over 10 months. I am very stressed about this phone call. But I desire him to make the effort to see little Jason.
Thanks! -Becky
Posted by Becky R at 9:09 PM 0 comments
yeah-praise God!!!
My car passed inspection today! Now it is good for two years!!!
All I had to do was get a new headlight to get it to pass. I had money to get the headlight fixed and renew my driver's license as well.
Also I just paid all of Oct.'s bills including Nov. rent. I even have money to get my brakes fixed. I only have one bill that is a little behind (my electric is $60 behind.) I even got and started a few Christmas gifts this month (we are making gifts this year.)
The boys had dental cleanings and both were calm. Joshua had a cavity and got it filled without incident!
We are all healthy!
We have lots of food!
Joshua is doing well at school and listens well there. He is making new friends as well!
Jason's homeschooling is going well. He is not behind on Bible, Language Arts, Science, History, Geography, Handwriting, Math, Art, or Gym. (Just a little behind on Spelling.)
God is so amazing again!!!
Posted by Becky R at 9:00 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Lia Sophia Jewelry
My Lia Sophia Party
Hostess: Becky Rivera
Belford, NJ
Friday, November 21st, 2008 @ 7:30pm
email me to get exact address and rsvp
Be the first to see our new Fall/Winter 2008 Collection! With so much to choose from you will be able to perfectly accessorize your wardrobe with all of the current trends.
lia sophia collections are right in line with the fashion features of Elle, Glamour, InStyle, Cosmopolitan, Vogue & other leading fashion magazines.
lia sophia offers over 500 styles with more than 200 priced under $35 each.
And there is a LIFETIME REPLACEMENT GUARANTEE on every piece.
Most importantly, please come and relax, enjoy the company of friends and be assured that with me, there is no long boring demonstration.
Just a fun Girls Night Out!
The special for November is: when you buy 3 items, the most expensive of the 3 is half price! THEN get up to 3 necklaces at ½ price! They make great gifts for teachers, bosses, secretaries, babysitters, etc.
Holiday pins and bracelets are now available for purchase too!
Kristen Trumble, Independent lia sophia Advisor
Posted by Becky R at 1:01 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 24, 2008
Cloth diaper lot for sale / over 70 items
Hello! In the market for any cloth diapers size small, check out this link
I am selling a set of some used and new cloth diapers.
The starting bid is $10. I paid over $200 for all the items.
At least 30 diapers can be made with this set (reusing covers.) Some are all in ones, some are prefolds, some are diapers that have Velcro but just need a cover. A wet bag is also included, as well some inserts, and nursing pads. 4 snappi's are also included (no need for pins anymore.)
Leave a comment if you have a question. -Becky
Posted by Becky R at 6:37 PM 1 comments
Monday, October 20, 2008
about me
I was going to re post my original about me from back in July. of last year when I started this blog, but so much has changed I thought I would rewrite it.
Well, my name is Becky, I turned 29 years old on Oct. 3rd. I am a Christian, or follower of God. I love the Lord, and am striving to live each day His way, but I stumble, and I give into my flesh, and I backslide-A LOT!
I am a single mom to two amazing, strong willed, energetic, creative boys.
Jason is 10 years old and had ADHD and some different learning abilities. He is super sensitive and has such a heart for others, being especially considerate to younger children (except his younger brother of course) and those who are less fortunate. We moved last year into a new school district and I felt they were not meeting Jason's particular needs, so after praying a lot I decided to homeschool him. This is going along. We are getting some stuff accomplished, but I desire to be home more (I do work outside the home 4 days a week.) Jason is doing well, and especially enjoys the homeschool co-op we go to.
Joshua is my baby, he is 5 years old but thinks he is 10 like his brother. He loves to argue and talk back and try to convince me of what he can do. We are working on this. On one hand his verbal skills are amazing, he can hold a reasonably entertaining conversation with just about anyone, yet does not quite know his limits when to stop. (If you know me at all, this is so much like me, I love to talk also and sometimes do not know my limits-lol.) Joshua plays soccer and he is enjoys it; especially playing goalie. Joshua is in kindergarten at our local public school. He really enjoys playing with all his friends there.
Both my boys are very creative and love to build things (especially with Lego's.) We have built Lego creations all over the house as well. I so need a Lego room (and a library, craft room, two more bedrooms, a full basement, and a BATH TUB!!!!)
And we ALL love to read; Jason & I the most. We have books all over the house. Currently I am reading about five different books:
Nicholas Spark's A Walk to Remember,
Scott Turansky's Good and Angry,
Dr. Steve Stephen's the Worn Out Woman,
Carole Lewis's Stop It!
and Julie Ann Barnhill's She's Gonna Blow!
At our homeschool co-op I teach the preschool class. I love this age group, and God has really given me a heart for them.
I also do childcare Mon. & Sat.
Mon. for a sweet almost 4 year old girl. Jason comes to work with me.
We go 9:00-2:30. We take the little girl to our homeschool gym class (she also is homeschooled.) It is nice, as I get to bring Josh to school and pick him up as well. And if he has no school he can just come with us.
Sat. I do childcare 5:30-10:00 for a set of 7 year old twins. The boy has severe allergies so his parents are very leery about who they leave him with. They feel better with me since I have CPR & First Aid & Epi-pen training. I also have an AA in Early Education. Sometimes one or both of my boys come with me, sometimes they sleep over at my mom's.
My other job is working in an office two days a week (Wed. & Fri. 9:15-2:15.) I get to bring Josh to school and pick him up as well, so this is good. I answer phones, clean, organize, help out the Occupational, Speech, & Physical therapists and other odd things. Sometimes I even teach in the social skills groups. My office only sees babies through teens, no adults. It is a very friendly, easy going place to work. But like any office, it can get very busy.
In addition to the above, I am a daughter to an amazing mother (as well as to our Heavenly Father), I am a sister to three brothers, (Eric 32, Kevin 27, and Matthew 6 months old) and two sisters (Lindsey 23, and Samantha 19.) I am a niece, cousin, and granddaughter. I also am a friend, and of course I am a blogger!
Please share about you in the comment section.
Thanks! -Becky
Posted by Becky R at 4:53 PM 4 comments
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Best friends
one of my best friends and I, Monica about 8 years ago
Monica & I met about 9 years ago. We were both single moms who lived at home, so after some prayer we decided to get a place together. Monica is the big sister I always wanted. We talk about everything and do so a few times a day. There are only 3 pictures of Monica & I. This is the first one of us ever. Charlene, Monica, & I on a retreat about 6 years ago
This is the second picture with Monica & I in it. My cousin, Charlene is also in the photo. Charlene and I are also very close.
Posted by Becky R at 11:05 AM 2 comments
Oct. budget
Budget Oct. 2008
Jason $386
Joshua $170
Office Work $576 (10/17 & 10/31)
Mon. childcare $268
Sat. night job $120
Total $1520
*Tithe $150
Offering $ 70 (Compassion Child $35 / Solutions $25 / F.O.F. $10)
*Rent $500
Car Repairs $
*Car insurance $ 70 (due 10/13)
Gas for car $160 (10/4, 10/11, 10/18, 10/25)
*Allowance $ 60 (10/4, 10/11, 10/18, 10/25)
Gas & electric bill $215
Food $150
*Phone $ 24 (for basic phone only with taxes)
Non groceries $ 30 (contact stuff, misc.)
Freedom account $ 80
*HSLD $11
Clothes $ 0
Spending $ 0
Posted by Becky R at 11:03 AM 0 comments
Me at 17 years old
This is me in Nov. or Dec. of 1996. I had just turned 17 years old. I also had just met Jason's dad. I was a freshman in college. I love my hair (I know I am vain.) And yes that is a piercing in my chin. I loved it. And still have the scar from it.
Posted by Becky R at 10:51 AM 2 comments
my best friends from high school with baby Jason
Lauren & Joanna with Jason. This photo is over 10 years old, from early 1998 (maybe March.) Lauren was 18, Joanna was 19, Jason was about 4 months old.
Posted by Becky R at 10:46 AM 1 comments
My best friends in high school
This is a photo of Joanna & Lauren. This was them in high school.
Lauren and I met when we were 6 years old and have been friends ever since. We were best friends from about 7th grade and all through high school. We still keep in touch and get together once or twice a year (she lives in another state). Lauren is now married with an adorable two year old son, Jackson. Lauren is an amazing person and so beautiful as well. For many years I lived vicariously through her as she traveled and lived here and there, graduated college, and enjoyed life. I am so proud of the amazing woman she has become.
Joanna and I become friends when I was in 7th grade. She was a grade above me. By the time I got to high school, she had been there a year already. We shared (still do) a love for reading and writing, and quickly became close. We would talk on the phone until about 2:00am most nights, meet at the bus stop at 6:45am, talk on the way to school (ok I slept most days), then talk at school, and hang out afterwords. What were we talking about all that time? To this day whenever we get together (which is more often as I now live across the street from her) we still talk the hours away. I am also so proud of Joanna. She also had graduated college and now is working on getting a job in her chosen field. The best thing about Joanna is how we laugh together. Still when we talk we really have some good laughs. Joanna & I at RBR homecoming (Nov. 1994)
Posted by Becky R at 10:34 AM 1 comments
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Me 29 years old, photo by Jason (he was in a tree)
Yesterday I turned 29. It was strange. I feel so old sometimes, yet so young at others. My body sure feels old. Yet I still feel so small and insecure at times.
My day started out bad. I slept in and then got mad at my kids for making a mess and eating chips for breakfast (they know they are not allowed to do this.) I asked them to clean up and get dressed which turned into a fighting match. Why can't they just listen?
But then we went to Lee Turkey Farm with my stepfather (my mom was also supposed to come, but she is very sick, please pray for her) and had a nice time. We did a corn maze, picked pumpkins (Jason's weighs about 17 lbs.), and picked apples. We also played on the farm playground. It was really relaxing. It was a beautiful fall day and there was a slight breeze in the air. It was also very clear. Despite my heart (mean inside) God still blessed me with an amazing day. Lee Turkey Farm
conquering the corn maze
pumpkin picking
apple picking
apple picking
on the tire swing
After the turkey farm Josh had soccer practice, then we went to my friend, Monica's. She made a fire and cooked me dinner. Then she had a cake for me. She is so sweet. It was a relaxing time.
Then I went home and put the kids to bed. Josh was asleep within 30 min. of putting him to bed (all that outside activity sure helped.) This is a real blessing as sometimes it takes two hours for him to stop trying to get up.
Then I did all my bills. I was a bit behind from Sept. as I took off a week in Sept. to get kids situated for school, so I had to use Oct. 3rd paycheck to finish up Sept. bills. But praise the Lord. I paid every bill from Sept. (except my electric bill is still one month behind, but I plan on catching up this month.) Fortunately in Oct. I was scheduled to get 3 paychecks instead of two, so I will not be behind for Oct. It is amazing that I have no debt (except the electric bill behind one month.) GOD IS SO AWESOME TO US, ESPECIALLY FINANCIALLY!
Now I have gas in my gas tank, gave the boys allowance, and have food shopping money. I even have money to have my front brakes done. This makes me feel good.
I don't know why I stress so as it always works out. I need to wake up each day and give my day to God and spend time with HIM. This way I am not "mean mommy". I really do love my boys and want them to know it each and every day!
Posted by Becky R at 3:45 PM 5 comments
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Amazing book
Hi! I read THE SHACK by William P. Young the other day (my friend lent it to me-Thanks Lisa!) You have to read this book! It is hard and sad in the beginning, but so redeeming in the end.
Product Description
"Mack" Philips took his three children on a family camping trip while his wife visited her sister. Just as they were about to leave the campsite, the two older kids decided to take a last canoe ride before heading home. As their canoe overturned, and Mack went to help them, his back was turned and the unspeakable happened. Mack's youngest daughter,Missy, was abducted by a known child predator. After a massive search, evidence of Missy showed up at an abandoned cabin. Although they never found her body, everyone knew the worst had happened. For the next four years "a great sadness" fell over Mack and his family, until a note from God showed up in his mailbox. What happens next will move you to a greater understanding of God's unfailing love for us all.
Posted by Becky R at 10:45 PM 0 comments
Horrible day
I have been having some horrible days. Not too much happening, but my heart is mean. I have been yelling at my kids and stressing SO much. It is not healthy. I keep thinking I can not do all this. I wonder why God gave me these precious boys, when I do not appreciate that gift?
My house is a nightmare, but we did clean the living room and front hall tonight with lots of yelling and fighting going on.
My fear is that all of our spirits are broken. This is not how parenting should be. My goal is to build them up in the Lord. I am supposed to be the spiritual head of household. YIKES!!!!
I need prayer! I need to be calmer and more enjoyable. I need the joy of the Lord. I know He wants to give it to me, I just have to go to Him and ask, and spend time with Him daily. How come I know what to do, but still don't?
Sorry for the all the negativity, this is so how I do not want to be!!!
Posted by Becky R at 10:36 PM 1 comments