Sunday, May 31, 2009

Still on crutches and our lazy day

Hello! I am still on crutches. I did put some pressure on my boot this weekend. I even tried to take a step, but I am not ready for that yet. But still it gets easier every day. My kids have been amazing. They (especially Jason) are doing so much for me. Jason is doing dishes and cleaning and cooking. Joshua is also cleaning and more.

Today we all slept in and did nothing most of the day. Then I had the boys help me clean (I delegate from the couch.) Then we played with the wiki sticks I bought yesterday at the convention. Jason made himself, it is really cool. Joshua did some dot to dot activities. They were actually entertained about an hour. Then my boys went on the trampoline.

Jason made out of wiki sticks by Jason.

My mom, brother, and stepfather brought dinner over and we all ate together. That was nice. (My mom is an amazing cook. Her meatballs are my favorite!!!) After dinner my boys tried to chase down the ice cream truck. For some reason they do not come down our street. They were unsuccessful so they had to settle for the boring vanilla we had in our freezer (by the way you know I am frugal, the ice cream truck was there own money not mine.)

I am getting crutch fever. I can't wait until I am off my crutches, so I can walk, and clean, and ride a bike, and paint my house, and mow my grass, and more. I should be better using this time to grow in the Lord, but I am not. I sure am well caught up on tv, blogs, and books. But still I need more time with HIM!!

I think I will go and do just that before bed.

Have a great week.
