Wednesday, January 6, 2010

how long until it's a habit?

Last night I turned off computer and tv by 11:00pm. I spent time with the Lord once again. I love when I am reading the Bible and it is alive to me, like a story. I pray I continue to pray, do my devotion, and read my Bible every day, so that I am so filled with His love that it is spilling over to my boys and all I meet. I think it takes something like 21 days of doing the same thing to make it a habit, so pray I do not stop my new nightly routine.
I also feel a bit refreshed this morning. That is unusual for me. I didn't fall asleep until a little before 1:00am, but still here it is 8:00am and I am awake. Thanks to my friend, Kristen who called to pray with me, and then my mom, who called and chatted with me a few minutes. That is a really amazing way to start my day!



Shelley said...

The question you pose is interesting. I know it's said that it takes so many days until we form a habit but I've found with weight loss it isn't that easy.

I started weight watcher's in early September. I find that as issues come up or changes in my schedule (we were in California for a few days last week), I'm still prone to go back to my "old ways". It's still a day in/day out having to be intentional about it. It still isn't automatic for me.

This leads me to believe that it isn't just an issue of the outward behavior or choice. There are some things you have to work on the "inside" for lasting, sustained change.

I'm finding as I'm confronting my old habits like, over-spending, lack of discipline with Bible reading and getting to bed on time that it's a matter of what's going on in my heart. Some of it is a sin issue. I want to do it my way, and in my own strength or I don't want to do it at all. When I confess this to Him and allow Him to work on my heart, I trust Him more to give me the grace to make the changes I so need to make.


Anonymous said...

What is it that you do (in regards to employment) so you can stay at home to homeschool?

Jeannette said...

It was nice chatting with you too, you sound more positive and ready to rule the world

As usual you are an inspiration to so many