Wednesday, January 6, 2010

question from Anonymous about employment

Anonymous said...
"What is it that you do (in regards to employment) so you can stay at home to home school?"

I do childcare in other people's homes on a part time / as needed basis. Parents are happy to have an adult providing childcare and don't mind sometimes if I bring my boys. With one of my clients I have a contract that even if I do not work (if they do not need me) they still pay me, as I am holding that spot for them.

I also do other odd jobs, like do some cleaning / dishes at a temple when they have Fri. night services. In addition I sell my homemade laundry soap. I also am selling things for some people for a small commission. God provides so many legal, interesting opportunities for me to make money (which by the way I claim all income earned on my taxes under self employment income.)

For three years I did in home daycare which was successful and would also accommodate homeschooling. Last year I worked in an office two half days a week. In addition to childcare in other's homes.

Also I got a settlement for an injury I sustained in 2007. So that has helped with down payment on house and covering some of the monthly bills. That money is now tied up in my home, so it will be interesting to see what new employment opportunities God will bring in 2010.

I realize my life and employment are unconventional. However I trust that if God wants me to home school He will work out all the details. My career and priority right now is raising my boys, my jobs are just what I do for money.

On paper my life and finances does not make sense, but somehow God makes it work.

One final note. I feel like all money that flows through my hands is not my money but God's money and He is entrusting me with it. So for all the money He gives me no less than 10% goes back to Him through my church, and other ministries. Anything less and I would feel as if I was cheating God. This is one area I have given God completely (yet I still hold tightly to other areas of my life, go figure. I am so glad God loves me despite my flaws and strongholds that I put before him.)

Thanks for your question.



Becky said...

I think it's awesome that you're able to make this work (with God's help, of course!). :)

sylvia said...

i also cannot always make the money work on paper. every two weeks when i get paid [i work an academic schedule, end of august to middle of may] i take a certain amount of money out for my cash envelopes: church tithe for two weeks, groceries for two week, gas, mad money, and personal --hair cut, accupuncture, massage, whatever--. i fill the church envelopes first, and divide the rest according to what i have worked out. whatever is left stays in the account, and once a week money goes over to my long term savings and my freedom account, which pays for irregular expenses.

on paper it doesn't work. in real life it has worked for a couple of years. i don't mean i have all the money i want, oh boy, i sure do not. i have juggled and switched things around, drained the savings, put off hair cuts, etc, all the stuff we do. but as long as i put that church money first, somehow the money lasts until the next pay.

yesterday i made it a point to start moving money over to another savings account to cover my summer months. i did that after i took out the cash for the envelopes, and yes it means some things will be put off longer, or not done at all. i also have other groups i give to, but that is not part of my tithe. i have tried to explain it to others and even to myself, but i have given up and just trust that God is in charge of the money thing. my job is to be a good steward of it, as you expressed so well.

i do hope your water heater troubles work out in a very inexpensive way. there is money available i think for things like new roofs? at least in our area there are some options. at the very least, i pray you find someone able to do the work for very cheap or barter.

keeping you in my prayers