Sunday, September 21, 2008

Amazing book

The other day I stayed up until about 3:00am, as I could not put this book down.

It is about a family who in the 50's wanted kids and could not have any. They were a pastor and his wife, so they really could not afford to adopt. But over the course of time they prayed and sought out kids nobody wanted, special needs kids and mixed race kids. They book is so good, you feel as if you are part of there family. I am actually having Jason read it as well. He likes it so far. This book went out of print, but now is back in print. You can get it at:

I am not getting paid to write this post, just wanted to share a heartwarming story.

Now, I really am off to bed! -Becky


Anita said...

I love reading. I will try to track down this book.