Some of my goals:
-daily time with the Lord in prayer, Bible reading, and a Bible study EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!
-lose weight (20-50 lbs.)
-exercise for 1 hour, 5-6 days a week
-drink 6-8 glasses water daily
-stop eating after 8:00pm
-have emergency fund up to three-six months living expenses
-stop yelling! (it does not work with kids, it only stresses me out)
-paint house and deck
-paint my room
-paint my kitchen and the cabinets
-grow a bigger garden this year
-take one trip with kids
-take one trip alone
-be asleep every night by 11:00pm, and up by 7:00am
Have you made any resolutions?
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
2009 Resolutions
Posted by Becky R at 9:56 AM 2 comments
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
cloth pad giveaway
click here
check out this blog for a cloth pad giveaway -Becky
Posted by Becky R at 3:49 PM 2 comments
Friday, December 26, 2008
super blessed Christmas!!!
GOD is way too good to us!!! We had an awesome Christmas!!!
Posted by Becky R at 11:01 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Tuesday Treasures
My friend Courtney always does Tuesday Treasures, so now I like to do it too. Check hers out here.
Here are mine: Dec 2008-We had a visit from Santa last night
Dec. 2007
Posted by Becky R at 9:17 AM 1 comments
Another awesome Christmas gift!
As a family gift my mom and stepfather got us basic cable. We have not had cable at all for over 3 years. And that meant very few channels, and the ones we got were fuzzy (we tried an antenna as well.) Anyway due to the Feb. change over (no more analog signals) we would have had no tv. I know this is not the worse thing in the world and we love to watch movies, but the cable is SO NICE!!!
Thanks MOM & SCOTT!!!
Also we have gotten some gift cards and cash this Christmas. I have been able to pay all Dec. bills, Jan. rent, and I paid ahead on the Jan. gas bill. So all my bills are current or have a credit!!!
In addition I have $150 left to buy a refurbished computer with a used flat screen panel monitor. I need to do so as my cd drive has not worked in years. I got an external cd drive ($50) but that too is now broken (we accidentally dropped it.) So instead of buying another $50 external cd drive, I am just going to buy a refurbished computer. We use them at work and they are great!!! I am so excited. We will be able to load new games, programs, etc. I also hope to get one that I can watch dvd's on.
I know these are material things and so not needed, but we never get to splurge and get ourselves stuff, so it feels so nice. God has always provided for all our needs, but so often He also provides for our wants, and wishes. Our God is so awesome in that he blesses us so.
Merry Christmas! -Becky
Posted by Becky R at 9:00 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tuesday Treasures
check out Courtney's Tuesday Treasures at her blog
Thanks! -Becky
Posted by Becky R at 12:25 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
2008 Christmas Newsletter
Dec. 2008
Dear Family & Friends,
Merry Christmas! We hope this letter finds you well.
As we approach the Christmas season we have been baking cookies; and driving around some nights to see the houses lit up. The boys love to do this! We also made rice krispy houses and then decorated them.
Joshua is 5 and now in Kindergarten. He loves playing on the playground and has mastered swinging with no grown up help. Joshua also played soccer this fall and his skills are greatly improving. He especially likes playing goalie. He also learned to ride his bike with no training wheels thanks to his grandpa. He also likes to ride his scooter around. Joshua loves people and will have conversations with anyone (sound like anyone else? –me –lol.) He is doing great at school. He especially enjoys computer class. Joshua likes to be read to and is starting to read some first reader books. He also loves to build with legos.
Jason is 11 and now in 5th grade. Jason is being home schooled this year and we participate in a home school co-op with about 25 other families. Jason is taking an art and art appreciation class and he has is very creative and talented. He especially pays good attention to details. He is also participating in Odyssey of the Mind. Last year his team took first place at the regionals. Jason still loves to read, and build stuff. Legos are still a favorite toy. Jason spent the summer studying for his hunting test, and in Sept. he passed and got his shotgun license. He and grandpa enjoy hunting together (thankfully, for me, they have yet to catch anything.)
I turned 29 this year. I am no longer doing in home daycare, although I do miss it. With the home school co-op it is not possible for me to do full time childcare. Instead I work in an office part time. The office I work in does Speech, Occupational, and Physical therapy for children, so I still get to see lots of children. In addition I teach the preschool class at the home school co-op. This summer I got a special treat and got to go away for 4 days by myself. I have never left both kids for more than 2 days. My wonderful mother watched the boys so I could visit friends and have me time. It was nice. But I did miss them.
We also all got to go to Ohio this summer to visit my grandparents. My brother, Kevin, came with us. We enjoyed relaxing on the lake, and stopping at Hershey Park on the way home. It was such a blessing to have a vacation alone and a vacation with the boys.
I cannot say enough how blessed we have been this year! We have a wonderful support system in all of you, a nice house, good food to eat, I have enough work to sustain us, and so much more, but what I am so grateful for is Jesus Christ who came to this earth 2000 plus years ago. He is the reason I am writing this letter and the reason for this upcoming season. His birth was amazing, but even more so is his death. He died so that you & I could have a way to know God personally. It is all so amazing. God loves you that much (and me too.) So I pray that your Christmas season is a blessed one and that you would take some time to learn more about why we celebrate the birth of a babe born in a manager.
I’d like to invite you to join us Christmas Eve at 6:00pm at Calvary Baptist Church on the corner of Lloyd Rd. and Church St. in Aberdeen, NJ or any Sunday at 10:30am. Hope to see you there!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Becky, Jason, & Joshua
Posted by Becky R at 5:10 PM 3 comments
Monday, December 15, 2008
Dec. is already an amazing month. I have managed over the past few months to get my non existent emergency fund back up to 2 months worth of living expenses. In addition, I have paid all Dec. bills so far. Between now & Jan. 1st I just need to come up with Jan. rent (only $500.)
I also have been able to give to a few Christmas offerings.
In addition I had Jason's birthday party (thanks Mom & Kevin), and got him a new camera for his birthday. A real camera. He loves it. He likes to take movies of his toys and his hand that he pretends is a monster.
I also got (made, bought, or found) small tokens of appreciation for many people in our lives who I like to give a thank you to at Christmas.
I got Josh a few awesome Christmas gifts. I was not planning on getting the boys gifts (except a new Bible each.) However Josh has this thing about Santa this year; so even though it is all about Christ, I want him to have the excitement that comes with Santa as well. We say Santa brings gifts because Santa loves Jesus. So now I will have to get Jason a few things as well.
I have been to two Christmas parties, and am going to our co-op homeschool Christmas party on Thur.
We have also made cookies and driven around a few times to see Christmas lights; which the boys love to do.
I got a free energy audit from the utility company. They gave me free low energy light bulbs, a free attic cap, and they are delivering a new, free, energy efficient fridge on Thur. Yippee!!!
I can not believe Christmas is only 10 days a way. But we certainly are feeling so very blessed in our home. In addition to all blessings I already mentioned, our home is warm, we have lots to eat, and are all very healthy. Plus we have a wonderful family, friends, and church family!!!
God was, is, and always will be AMAZING!!!!!
Posted by Becky R at 10:46 PM 2 comments
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Want to try goat's milk soap
A christian work at home woman is selling her homemade goat's milk soap. I really like goat's milk soap and it is good for sensitive skin (that is what Josh & I have.) Go here to check it out. Plus it is nice to support work at home Christian women.
her site says:
"Goat Milk Soap is now Available!
I am now selling goat milk soap. I have three different kinds for sale, I have Peppermint Goat Milk, Tangerine Goat Milk with bits of orange peel, and Strawberry Herbal with dried herbs for a gentle exfoliate.
All of my soaps are 100% natural. I do not use any dies or anything artificial in my soaps.
Ingredients: Coconut oil, Olive Oil, Soybean Oil, Sodium Hydroxide, and (in some not all) essential oils, dried flowers, dried herbs, dried fruit peelings.
I sell my soaps for $1.00 an ounce. All of my soaps are rough cut, different sizes, and different weights. If you are interested in buying soap or any other items from my store, please send me an email @ letting me know what you would like to order."
Posted by Becky R at 9:03 AM 1 comments
Happy Birthday Jason
Jason turned 11 today! Happy Birthday Jason, I love you so much! Isn't he a cutie!!!
this picture was taken on the camera I gave Jason for his birthday.
Posted by Becky R at 12:08 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
so cool
we got our first Christmas gift. Jason's grandparents (his dad's parents) gave us a gift certificate to blockbuster online. we can get 1 DVD at a time, for 6 months. these are delivered in the mail, but I think we also can go to the store and exchange 2 DVDs a month as well. this is so cool. what a great gift as we love to watch movies. and no clutter involved!
Posted by Becky R at 8:33 PM 0 comments
finally got some new photos
For some strange reason I got my camera to take these few shots. Then it turned off and would not focus again. I am going to try new batteries and a new memory card. I miss taking lots of pictures all the time.
Today we ran errands and went to Huber Woods (a science park with live reptiles and a nature walk and Lenape Indian room.) We also went to play on a park we have never played on. It was nice out. When we got home the boys decorated our rice krispy houses.
Here they are in action: Joshua & Jason
Joshua decorating his rice krispy house
Jason decorating his rice krispy house
Posted by Becky R at 8:17 PM 0 comments
Tuesday Treasures
once again my Tuesday treasures are my cutie boys, Jason & Josh. I am so blessed to be there mom (even though they can drive me crazy.) Want to check out Courtney's treasure's, go to her blog please! this photo is from June of this year, wow Jason's hair has grown really fast
Posted by Becky R at 10:24 AM 0 comments
Sunday, December 7, 2008
our day
We just spent the day putting up our tree (with some yelling, but not too much.) Actually Jason put most of it up, he is such a good helper. Josh just kept doing something else or yelling about something.
We have not decorated the tree yet, but we are exhausted so we are going to watch Prince Caspian on DVD and then go to bed.
I am sad that I was not able to take pictures as we put up the tree as my digital camera is broken. I am not sure if I can get it fixed. I bought it for myself three years ago. We are pretty rough on it and drop it alot. It turns on and still takes pictures, but it no longer focuses, so all the pictures are blurry.
I did not get up in time for church, which I am very upset with myself about. I am becoming so lazy!!! It is no excuse that I worked last night. I was home by 11:00 and asleep by 12:00. I should have been able to get up by 8:00am. I just forgot to set the alarm, so we didn't make it. And it certainly is not my kids job to wake me, even though I get mad when I wake up late to find them playing video games and eating junk food.
I need to get back to being asleep by 11:00pm and getting up at 7:00am. I am a baby, but for me that is so hard. I like to stay up late and sleep in. I wonder when I am like 80 if I will still sleep in so late.
How was your day? -Becky
Posted by Becky R at 7:18 PM 0 comments
Christmas Wish List- vain post
This post is all about me. I love to make lists, so here is my Christmas wish list:
calm in my home
Christmas lights that put themselves up and take themselves down
clean kitchen
my bedroom done (all spackle & new paint job)
day at spa to get massage, eyebrows waxed, manicure, & pedicure
free sitter for day at spa
winter coat for play
winter coat for work / church
new sneakers (for aerobics) woman's size 9 1/2
Little House on the Prairie DVDs season 8, 9, & 10
Little House on the Prairie DVD Christmas special
Love's Unfolding Dream on DVD
The Courtship of Nellie Fisher Series by Beverly Lewis volumes #1, #2, & #3
The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman
Yankee Candle (cucumber cantaloupe one, or vanilla)
I, of course, would first and foremost want all those I love and care about to know about and accept Jesus Christ as Lord and saviour. But this was just a vain post.
What do you want for Christmas????????????
Posted by Becky R at 2:45 PM 1 comments
oops budget mistake
I previously posted I needed to come up with an additional $245 to pay all bills this month. I forget a bill and it is actually $360. But I did make an extra $50 yesterday at a job, so it is down to $310 that I need to come up with by the end of this month to be current on all bills.
I hope to do some extra childcare to make up the difference. I am confident God will provide a way, as long as I am willing to work. Which I am.
Posted by Becky R at 2:42 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 6, 2008 coupon code
I love this site Christianbook!
They have awesome stuff at great prices.
They also ship very quickly.
I have a 10% off coupon for this place it is code 251523FF, enter this at checkout. I am not getting paid to plug this, just wanted to pass it along.
Oh, and if anyone is wondering, I would love a gift certificate for here for Christmas. They have some books, home decor, and DVDs I want.
Posted by Becky R at 11:24 PM 0 comments
If you want to win a great book
A great mom, author, and doctor, Denise Punger, is giving away a copy of her book Permission to Mother: Going Beyond the Standard-of-Care to Nurture Our Children .
I own this book and highly recommend it to all pregnant woman and mom's, and even dad's too.
Go here to enter to win. -Becky
Posted by Becky R at 12:38 AM 4 comments
Friday, December 5, 2008
Warning -this post may gross you out
Here it is my last wisdom tooth. It really is big. It came out all in one piece (not like my last two that were impacted-ouch!)
Posted by Becky R at 5:22 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
This month's budget
I know I have been tremendously blessed in that so far up to Dec. 1st all my bills are paid in full. I also have money for Jason's 11th birthday party which is in two weeks. And my teeth are all taken care of for at least 6 months. My car is also current on brakes and oil changes and the tires are good as well. In addition we have our home, and our health plus so much more! We are so blessed!!!
However, this month my office is closed two weeks and my Mon. childcare job is over (they only needed someone temporary.) So this reduces my income this month by about $300. So I need to find a way this month to come up with another $245.
I already am doing childcare 3 Saturdays this month and 1 Friday night, but this is reflected in my budget. I do not have any other Fri. nights available for childcare as this Fri. is my church ladies Christmas party, next Fri. is my work Christmas party, and the 26th I am working a Hanukkah dinner (also reflected in my budget.)
I have offered myself out to those I know for childcare the times I usually would be at work. I am hoping some families need some time to do holiday prep.
I do have my emergency fund and technically this is loss of income, but I am hopeful I will not have to touch that money.
But this is just another opportunity for God to provide. I am able and hopefully He will provide more work. I will keep you updated about how it is going!
Posted by Becky R at 12:43 AM 0 comments
Dec. budget- yikes!!!
Becky’s Budget Dec. 2008
Jason $386 ($96.50 weekly)
Joshua $170 ($85 bi-weekly)
Office Work $240 (two weeks)
Mon. childcare $ 70
Childcare $200 (4 Sat. nights at $50 each)
Temple $ 50 (working one Fri. night)
Total $1116
*Tithe $120
Savings $
Offering $ 70 (Compassion Child $35 / Solutions $25 / F.O.F. $10)
*Rent $500
Car Repairs $
*Car insurance $ 70 (due 11/13)
Gas for car $120
*Allowance $ 60
Gas & electric bill $215
*Phone $ 24 (for basic phone only with taxes)
Non groceries $ 30 (contact stuff, misc.)
Freedom account $ 80
*HSLD $11
Clothes $ 0
Spending $ 0
Total $1300
$184 short
$35 owe for Avon order (I know should not have done)
$25 chip in for boss’s Christmas gift
-$245 need to come up with –YIKES!!!
Posted by Becky R at 12:35 AM 0 comments