Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Dec. budget- yikes!!!

Becky’s Budget Dec. 2008

Jason $386 ($96.50 weekly)
Joshua $170 ($85 bi-weekly)
Office Work $240 (two weeks)
Mon. childcare $ 70
Childcare $200 (4 Sat. nights at $50 each)
Temple $ 50 (working one Fri. night)

Total $1116

*Tithe $120
Savings $
Offering $ 70 (Compassion Child $35 / Solutions $25 / F.O.F. $10)
*Rent $500
Car Repairs $
*Car insurance $ 70 (due 11/13)
Gas for car $120
*Allowance $ 60
Gas & electric bill $215
*Phone $ 24 (for basic phone only with taxes)
Non groceries $ 30 (contact stuff, misc.)
Freedom account $ 80
*HSLD $11
Clothes $ 0
Spending $ 0

Total $1300

$184 short
$35 owe for Avon order (I know should not have done)
$25 chip in for boss’s Christmas gift
-$245 need to come up with –YIKES!!!