Friday, November 6, 2009

Brrr, it's chilly

We just got home from a great day at the Camden Aquarium (where I forgot my camera.)

Upon arriving home, I discovered it was 55 degrees in my house. Brrrr!!! So I turned the heat on to 60 degrees to get the chill out. But I was trying to avoid turning on the heat since we are moving so soon.

Fortunately it is supposed to be nice tomorrow, so I will turn it off before we go to bed (since we all have nice warm blankets on our bed.)

Tomorrow we will sleep in, then Joshua has a soccer game at 12:00pm, next we are going to new house to rake all the leaves (there is SO many.) Finally, at 5:00pm tomorrow I have to work.

Sunday after Sunday school and church we are going to Eric's to help Sam move all her stuff out and back into my mom's. Then get some more of Eric's stuff sorted and into another place, as we need to get out of Eric's house soon (I think it is going on the market.)

I also have to food shop sometime before Monday.


This up coming week (in addition to regular life and homeschooling) I have to:
1) arrange to get stuff for c of o to pass finished
2) get the c of o guy back to pass me
3) pack (I have only packed one box so far)
4) get new house ready to be painted (Ideally I want to paint my room, bathroom, kitchen, and living room BEFORE I move in. Realistically I will probably only get my room done.)
5) rake leaves in house I still live in


Jeannette said...

We will help with whatever u need