We are on break from our homeschooling group, but we decided to do a mini field trip today. We all went for pizza at lunch. Then we went to this beach by an old spy house (which is closed, but used to be a museum. I went their as a child.) The kids had a blast running on trail and beach, collecting rocks and shells, throwing rocks and shells in water, and climbing trees. We also did mentos and soda experiment on the beach, but I didn't get any pictures of that. We all had a fun time. middle of pier is missing from all the rain and such
all kids in co-op
other co-op moms
looking at beach
Beckah in tree
Nina in tree
beach in background
Andrew in tree
group shot
Jason in tree
Nina & Beckah in tree
Jason in a different tree
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Today at Beach
Posted by Becky R at 6:57 PM 1 comments
I just tried to ride my new bike with kids. Wow, I am so out of shape. I could barely ride up and down street. Josh wanted to go on trail, but there is no way. But if I do a few more minutes each day I will get there. But I think I will get a cushy seat, because ouch on my behind. Yes, I am getting old.
Posted by Becky R at 6:16 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Last night I dreamt of Eric. It was present day time, but Eric had long hair as he had at 14.
I was adopting two children (a real dream of mine) and he was objecting. He didn't want me to mess up any more kids.
In my dream I didn't have the sorrow of losing him. I was just upset with him for not supporting my choice to adopt.
Then I woke up and immediately was reminded that he is not with us anymore. I was immediately struck with the longing to hear his voice for real. I would gladly take him in his harsh tone, "You can't do that."
And I am reminded that near the end I said to him, "I love you" as I often say to everyone I love, and he said it back. That has never happened. He was a man of few words. You knew he loved you by his actions, but hearing it for me was especially nice.
But I would trade that memory to have him back!
I would trade so much to have him back, but that is not an option.
It still is so hard!
Posted by Becky R at 10:48 AM 0 comments
Labels: Eric
Monday, March 29, 2010
Homeschool Lesson Plans
Today I got all Jason's homeschool paperwork caught up. I still have to catch Josh's up. I also did lesson plans (basic) for April-July. If we work through July we will get everything accomplished and then my boys can have all of Aug. off.
Co-op ends at the end of June, so July will only be about three days a week for about three hours each day, so they will get plenty of summertime activities.
They will still have to read daily though (even in Aug.) I think reading is one of most important thing we all can do (spending daily time with God is at the top of the list.)
If you homeschool, do you keep records? If yes, are you caught up on them?
Posted by Becky R at 5:14 PM 0 comments
Sewing Classes
I just finished taking six beginner sewing classes. They were so helpful. I learned how to thread a bobbin, basic machine stuff (turning it on, etc), hems, how to do a zipper, how to make a small bag, and how to make pj bottoms.
I am going to take some other sewing classes as well:
-pillows and drapes
-bags, totes, and purses,
These are all separate classes. I can't wait for the bags, totes, and purses class.
I am super excited to get a sewing machine and do some other projects.
My goal is to re purpose fabric I already have (i.e. turn old flannel pj pants into some hankies.) I also want to make fabric gift bags so I don't have to buy wrapping paper. I figure if I use thrift store finds and turn them into gift bags it will be a good deal. Plus the recipient can use again.
I also want to make gifts for Christmas (pj's, totes, etc.)
And I am making my sister a gift, but it's a surprise so I can't share until after I give it to her.
I like getting back to basics. Plus I like knowing I can make stuff if needed.
Posted by Becky R at 5:04 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Home Projects
Yesterday I got my roof replaced. I am so excited, no more swimming pools in my living room (hopefully.)
Here are projects I have to do:
Go back to old house get rest of my stuff
Clean old house
Paint bathroom, and backroom at my old house
Fix damage to ceiling in current living room from leaky roof (sheet rock damage)
Paint my living room
Clean up my yard:
remove all dead leaves, itchy balls, and branches
Turn over ground for garden
Buy plants
Plant garden
Fix Jason's door
Fix hole in wall in upstairs hallway
Paint upstairs hallway
Projects I hope to do:
Remove wall by back door
Replace back door with sliding glass door
Convert coat closet and utility closet to one enclosed closet with shelf above closet bar
Replace bathroom mirror
Replace bathroom vanity
Remove all fixtures from bathroom and replace with new ones I already bought
Make bathroom storage closet twice as big
I hope to be able to do all of this by end of year.
Plus my boys want to build a tree fort/house.
My stepfather Scott and my dad are going to help with a few things.
I am going to do the old house stuff, the yard work, the garden, and painting my living room.
What spring / summer projects do you have in the mix?
Posted by Becky R at 4:08 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
He is that powerful
"I am who I am"
Exodus 3:14
Let us remember God in all we do today. He is, and was, and ever will be. He does so much for you everyday. He gives you a new chance each morning (or afternoon or night, whenever you ask Him for forgiveness.)
What are you going to do for Him today?
Posted by Becky R at 9:07 AM 0 comments
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Pictures of boys
You may notice that I have not really posting pics of Jason. He has decided he doesn't like his picture taken. And he especially hates when I post pics of him here on my blog. I want to respect that. But I also didn't want you all to think Josh was my new favorite kid (lol.)
Posted by Becky R at 9:14 PM 1 comments
It is already the 20th. On the 14th it has been nine whole months since we lost Eric. Sometimes I am so proud of myself for doing better and taking positive steps (like one forward for every three back) to make my life better (trying to do it God's way, with His help.) Some days I take time to think of Eric and cry and laugh. But some days it just all hits me again.
Today when I was spending a little time alone I thought of Kevin who is in Texas visiting friends. That made me sad. Then I burst into tears thinking that Eric and my mom are the only people who have been in my life my entire life and have actually been there. I guess there are more (grandparents, aunts, etc.) but it's not the same as my big brother. He was three when I was born. I have never lived my life without him. It's hard.
Posted by Becky R at 8:03 PM 2 comments
Labels: Eric
Hectic morning
This was our schedule this morning:
up at 8am
out of house by 8:30am
be at basketball 8:45
Josh's basketball game 9-10 (he did great)
go home quick and eat and change for soccer
11-12 Josh's first soccer game of spring season (he did good)
12-1 Jason's basketball game (he did good, but then his foot hurt again)
home eat lunch
boys to friends / me rest (I didn't sleep just sat on couch 1/2 hour)
food shopping at Costco
I am exhausted. I could not fall asleep last night until after 3am. It is hard as I am still sick, but starting to feel better. Still I cough a lot at night. I have to sleep leaning up as my chest is full of mucus (yum,) but this makes my neck hurt.
I know, I know I am a crybaby.
Tonight early bed. I hope I can fall asleep by 12.
Tomorrow Sunday school at 9:15am. Church at 10:30. Lunch. Then movies to see Allison in Wonderland (Jason is paying, for me too) at 3:50. Fun!
What are your weekend plans?
Posted by Becky R at 7:43 PM 0 comments
Bye Bye
The dogs all left last night. My kids are very upset. I am so/so. It was a lot of work taking care of five puppies. Not the first two weeks, the mom took care of them, but the last two weeks was a lot. It was very educational though. Also I frequently saw the hand of God in how the mom took care of her puppies.
It was a good experience, but not one I am willing to jump in and do again so soon. Maybe for one older dog, but not puppies.
The kids really did help a lot, and they really bonded with all the dogs. I think they learned a lot too.
So so long...
Joshua with Cocoa, his favorite
Bullet, a.k.a. the bruiser (weighing almost 3 lbs.) Bullet was Jason's favorite
Buddy, a.k.a. one of the twins
Cloey, a.k.a. one of the twins
Snowball, a.k.a. the crybaby
Cocoa, a.k.a. the runt (weighing only 1 pound as of yesterday)
Treasure, a.k.a. the mom
Posted by Becky R at 7:26 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Doctor visit
I went to my doctor's today. She says I have Bronchitis. Fun. I don't really feel any better yet, this has been since Saturday. I have to take antibiotics and she gave me cough medicine.
I just took a nap and feel disconnected. I can't believe I lost a whole week. My house is a mess and my boys are having a free for all. Right now they took the puppies on the back porch. The puppies love to play out there. They are so cute to watch.
I am going to try and go sit with them outside, it is such a beautiful day!
Posted by Becky R at 3:17 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
My mom is awesome
My mom brought me soup. She also brought paper towels and paper cups last night. When I am sick paper towels and paper cups are nice. But my mom is even nicer!!! She really is the best mom ever. -Becky
Posted by Becky R at 7:13 PM 3 comments
Good news
I paid all March bill's already (except the boys allowance.)
I got my state tax refund.
I am set for roof replacement which is to begin Monday.
My finances are looking good. It is all to God's glory! He is so amazing! But it also makes me feel good too.
Posted by Becky R at 3:30 PM 1 comments
Thrift Shop Score may have been more
I haven't been online in a few days. I have gotten some kind of cold. This really upsets me because in the past 10 years I have had a stomach bug maybe twice, a gall bladder thing, and a few headache days. This is ridiculous. I realize I probably picked something up in the thrift shop on Thur. (as I didn't go anywhere else.) I am coughing like crazy, my body aches, and I feel like I am in a fog. This is no fun!
It started Sat. when I went to the mall with my mom, sister, brother, and my boys. I hadn't been to the mall in a long time. Upon entering the mall I began to have lots of stress. It was really hot and so many people. I though, "Ok what kind of weird o can not even go the the mall." But alas I am not a weird o (ok that is debatable) but that was my first day of being sick. Sunday I pushed through as I had a Christening. By Monday I couldn't even get out of bed (although I did to feed puppies and clean up after them, this has to be done 4 times a day, oh joy!)
Here it is Wed., and I don't feel any better. I am tossing and turning all night, sleeping long enough for the night quill to wear off. It hurts my head and throat when I cough so I am trying not too, but that is hard as well.
I am such a baby when I am sick. (Can you tell by this post?)
I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow at 9am, because my doctor was not in today, but my mom wants to take me to one of those EMO walk in places. I don't want to go, because then I will have to pay cash. They do not take my insurance. I can wait till 9am to see my doctor. Who knows, maybe I will be all better by then?
Posted by Becky R at 3:21 PM 0 comments
Spam comments
I have been getting a ridiculous amount of spam comments. Are any real people reading my blog anymore? lol. If you are I have a great in to some shoe warehouses, video game sites, and more. These things don't even have anything to do with the post I wrote. Too funny!
Posted by Becky R at 3:19 PM 1 comments
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Another Thrift Shop Score
Today we went to St. Agnes thrift shop in Atlantic Highlands, NJ (today they were open 9-2.) This thrift shop is an old house and all three floors are filled with stuff.
This is what we got:
New pie tin with three candles that look like desserts (they smell great too); The Heavens book on solar system; outlet covers; two new kids rain ponchos; four American Girl books; bug question and answer book; never used baby photo album (using this as a gift for Christening I am going to this weekend.)
three pairs shorts for Jason; bathing suit for Jason (he picked it); two pairs shorts for Josh; one pair jeans for me; one pair new with tags still on khaki's for me; one shirt for me
Today we spent $48.00. It was a bit higher than yesterday, but if the pants fit me it will be a great buy. Plus now boys have a few pair shorts as weather turns warmer. And I got a gift for the Christening. The books are for homeschooling. The rain ponchos I will keep in car. The candles may be a gift, but I think they are so cute I may keep them.
update: Jeans fit me-yeah! Khaki's are a little tight.
Posted by Becky R at 3:59 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Thrift Store Score
Today we went to St. Clements thrift shop in Belford, NJ (their hours are Wed. & Fri. 9-1.)
For me:
black pants (I am hoping they fit); 3 new beeswax candles in red, white, & blue; new wide white candle with dried flowers in it (so pretty); 3 separate pieces fabric (two are the same, the yellow print-these are heavy fabric I hope to make two aprons out of these)
For the kids:
Parcheesi; How to Draw Cartoon Heroes & Villains book; new craft kit with pipe cleaners, pom poms, and google eyes ; new travel mini game set; travel mini chess; new electronic mini pinball with batteries included; American Girl Book Girls and their Dogs (looks brand new with all trading cards still in book); two fold out picture books: Jungle & Oceans; mini basketball game (looks new.)
Not pictures I also got 2 brand new tablecloths (Scooby Doo & Basketball. I will use for Josh's 7th birthday party.) And Gremlins on VHS, plus a Pokemon book for Joshua.
All this for $13. I am so excited!
update: black pants did not fit. boo-hoo.
Posted by Becky R at 4:24 PM 1 comments
Monday, March 8, 2010
Aging out to a future of nothing
I just read an amazing post on this blog. It has me in tears. They are really stepping out in faith. And they need our help. They set out to adopt a child with special needs (enough of a challenge) but have since felt called to add a 13 year old who in May will age out of the adoption system and be on the streets.
I have a 12 year old son who will be 13 this year. I could not fathom on his 14th birthday sending him to live on the streets. What will he do? How will he survive? Hopefully this 13 year old will not have to wait and find out.
If you can make a donation here he can go to a loving family and have a real future.
Please pray about it. And pray for this family!!!
Posted by Becky R at 1:12 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Thursday, March 4, 2010
This post may make you uncomfortable. But sometimes God's truth will do that.
The best way to get a grasp on your financial situation is to give money away.
Are you in shock, you need more money, right? How could you possibly give some away?
It is all God's money. It is not your money or your spouses. It is all God's.
"When you tithe you are aligning your attitude and actions with God, the great Giver (Matthew 10:8; 19:21; 20:28; Luke 6:38; 12:32; Acts 20:35). Tithing reflects the unselfish, giving nature of our Creator and Provider. Through willing and cheerful giving (2 Corinthians 9:6-8), we honor God while supporting the physical means of preaching the gospel. Jesus Christ said, "It is more blessed to give than to receive" (Acts 20:35)." -to read more click here
God calls us to give the first portion of 10% back to the church. Remember it's all His. If he gives you $100 and asks for $10 back who are you to say, "no."
"Honor the Lord with your possessions, and with the first fruits of your increase; so your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will overflow with new wine" (Proverbs 3:9-10).
The 10% is a starting point. After that He wants us to give love offerings. That could be to a friend out of work, a single mom struggling, a stranger, a reputable organization, the list is endless.
"And the king will answer them, "Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me."" -Matthew 25:40
The reason why giving is so important is because it is a trust issue. Do you trust that God will provide as He promises? Do you trust God is Lord of your life and finances or do you leave Him out of your finances?
So today I challenge you to:
Pray about giving back 10% to the Lord and how you can even go above that.
If 10% is daunting, start with 1% of your income. Make that a priority. God wants to show you He can handle your finances as well. Give them over to Him.
Also, don't take my word for it, take some time to read other verses about God's thoughts on money from the Bible. God is the ultimate financial expert.
Posted by Becky R at 11:19 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Cool Contest
I found this family who is fundraising for an adoption and is having a really cool blog contest. Check it out here.
Also pray for this family as well.
Posted by Becky R at 9:29 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Passport Problem
I got my passport, but not Jason's. There is a glitch. I need prayer about how to precede. One solution involves court, not sure I want to go there again. Oh the joys of dealing with the consequences of our sin.
It was exciting to get my passport though. I feel so grown up. And so official.
Posted by Becky R at 10:10 PM 3 comments
Amazing Photography
Check out my friend Courtney's great pictures at her ETSY shop.
Posted by Becky R at 10:03 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 1, 2010
I am writing this to ask for prayer and to type up some options so I can see them in black and white. I also would so appreciate constructive ideas and thoughts. Maybe you guys have a better idea. But keep in mind my priority now is my boys, not work and making lots of money. God already knows what road we will travel. I just would like to know too.
I have some decisions to make about homeschooling, one of our co-op groups, and work.
First, I am committed to continue out the year homeschooling. So no changes will be made in that regard until Sept. But I am unsure what God's will is in Sept. And knowing that will help me as I need to find a job by then.
If kids are back in school I can work 9:15-2:15 (aren't I an employers dream?)
If we are still homeschooling I will either do daycare in my home again, do childcare in someones home (with my boys), or something else.
I have run the numbers and working full time (like 8-5) with boys in school full day is not an option. I would have to pay before and after care for Josh. Find somewhere for Jason to go as the school does not provide care for a child over 5th grade (and he is not ready to be home alone 1 hour in am and 3 in afternoon.) Plus I would need care all the days school is closed, and in summer. Also, I would have to take off for all sick days. Finding a job that would accommodate all that would be a miracle. Plus the pay would have to be really high. Unfortunately the most I could make would not cover child care and such.
The best job if kids go back to public school would be as an aid in the school, but since we are a small town this is hard to come by, plus the pay is not that great. They are paid hourly so do not get paid on holidays, and summer.
As of right now I am leaning towards continuing homeschooling. I love that my kids are bonding, and them being home, and having say about what and when they are learning.
If that is the case childcare is always an option, but would be alot to handle on top of homeschooling. But working a few nights a week or weekends elsewhere requires needing childcare. Both have pros and cons. AHHHHH!!!!
I know God will provide work for me. He always has. I just sometimes don't like not knowing. Plus I want to do what is best for my boys (the best I can do anyway.) I want to make sure what I think is best is aligned with God's will for our lives. Plus I want us all to be growing in Him daily.
I also have an immediate decision to make regarding the two groups we are participating in. They both have been great and have been a tremendous blessing. Both have filled a need at some point. But the one co-op I feel is no longer doing so for Jason. It has gotten so large it is more like a school. Once you have so many kids you have to have control of class, but it is harder to do the hands on stuff Jason learns so well from. And I am not that impressed with his History curriculum. The one they did last year was great.
I love all the people and they really try to help us so much; but we are there 10-3 Tues. & Thur. and I feel like almost that entire time is wasted for Jason (except for Science.) That is two whole days that are wasted. It is half hour away, so we leave at 9:30 and get home at 3:30, by then we don't want to do other schoolwork.
Josh does get alot from co-op. Plus I love teaching the preschoolers; so this is a really hard decision for me. I will say that it is more relaxing when co-op has a break or is called off for a snow day. I am not sure if that is my answer or not.
So those are some of the decisions weighing on my heart lately. I would ask you to please pray for me. And if you have any thoughts, I'd appreciate those as well.
Posted by Becky R at 9:30 AM 7 comments
June Mission Trip to Dominican Republic
I am going to post this once a month until we leave. Thanks!
Dear Family & Friends,
Hello! I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to share with you a very exciting opportunity Jason and I have planned for this summer. In June our youth group here at Calvary Baptist Church is planning a mission trip to Dominican Republic. We plan on going for ten days. Lord willing, we will be ministering to youth and adults.
We will have a variety of opportunities and responsibilities while in Dominican Republic. We hope to work in an orphanage providing love, daily care, and helping with some maintenance. We also hope to run a VBS type program for the older children. Other opportunities may be to minister to the children through a sports program. It is our prayer and hope that God will use us in Dominican Republic to bring hope and salvation to some children and / or adults we will minister to.
We need your help in serving God and the people of Dominican Republic. We are writing this letter to ask for your prayers on behalf of the rest of the group going to Dominican Republic. We would ask if you could pray for three things for me and for the group we will be going with.
1) Pray that our team will be unified and organized as we prepare to go to Dominican Republic, as well as when we are in Dominican Republic.
2) Pray that God would open the hearts of the people we will be serving so that they might come to know Jesus Christ as their Savior.
3) Pray that we will be able to raise all the money we will need to go to Dominican Republic.
Prayer is the most important thing in every person’s life, and we are asking you to devote a few minutes of your daily prayer time to our endeavor to serve Christ in Dominican Republic.
In order to serve Christ in Dominican Republic, we need to raise $1250 per attendee. This includes the cost of lodging, food, and transportation for the entire ten day trip. We are pray fully hoping you would consider a financially supporting us in this opportunity to serve Christ and the people of Dominican Republic. If you are able to support us financially we would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!
Please send contributions to or donate below:
Calvary Baptist Church
491 Lloyd Rd.
Aberdeen, NJ 07747
Please make checks payable to:
Calvary Baptist Church and write mission trip and our name on the memo line. Thank you!
I look forward to seeing what God will do in Dominican Republic through your prayers and financial help. I also look forward to sharing with all of you what God did in our lives and the lives of those we served. May God bless you!
In Christ,
Becky & Jason
Posted by Becky R at 9:28 AM 0 comments