Monday, April 12, 2010

Two Weeks Completed

I weighed in at my Weight Watchers meeting tonight. I am down another 1.6 lbs. For a total of 7.8 lbs. down.

This week I continued to write down everything I ate. I also ate lots of fruits and veggies. I tried to drink 6-8 glasses water. I also exercised five days this week. I walked three of the days, 20 min., 20 min., and 40 min. The other two days I did yard work and outside stuff.

I am excited.

It makes me want to exercise more and eat healthier as well.

This morning I made a fruit smoothie with flax seed. I want to start making green smoothies for energy as well. Tomorrow I am going to get some spinach.

I also ate a salad for lunch and veggie stir fry with dinner.

I am still toying with a no sugar and almost all raw diet. But one step at a time.

I also want to eliminate fast food from our lives, but again baby steps.



Denise Punger MD IBCLC said...

Congratulations on all your positive changes. Small steps,like you say. I am still learning more after doing this for almost three years.

Kate said...

Good for you!! That's fantastic! I also am thinking about a raw food diet. Just not sure where to start. I would be interested to hear your thoughts on the matter.

Becky R said...

Maybe I will do a post on why I am considering raw and some resources I have found online. But I still need to learn a bit more.

Thanks for the positive comments.

Thanks for reading my blog too!