Wednesday, December 30, 2009

no baby news yet

I was so excited to learn the sex of my new niece or nephew today, but it didn't work out and we have to wait longer. My sister was pretty upset it didn't work out.

I would ask you to pray fr her. She is 20 and having her first baby. The baby's father is also young and they have lots to work out. They are dating, and I pray they would both be what each other needs and especially what the baby needs. I especially pray they would both give there lives to God and live for Him everyday. And I pray that God would use me in there lives in some way as well.

I am really excited though as I get to be in the delivery room (with my mom and my sister's boyfriend too.) She is due May 17th (which is Josh's 7th birthday.)
20 more weeks to go (give or take.) I love babies.



Samantha said...

I had fun with you yesterday, thanks for coming with me, I don't think I could have handled that disappointment without my sister there. I also enjoyed sharing the baby's heart beat with you, it's such an amazing thing to listen to!

Love you, Samantha

(p.s. surprise! i read your blog!)

Becky R said...

this is probably the BEST comment I have ever gotten. I love my sister so much and am so proud of her!!!