Monday, June 2, 2008

I am home

Hi! I am home. I had a great weekend with my mom, sister, and cousin. I got three shirts for work, a pair of sunglasses, two new bras, two pairs underwear, a bathing suit, mini funnels for sand art for Josh's party, candy for the boys, a ring toss game for Joshua's party, and food. It was nice.
We did a game where we broke up into two teams and we shopped for a nice shirt and matching accessories for the other two team members, we had a $40 limit. My mom and I shopped for my sister and cousin, they shopped for us. It was fun. My mom and I had so much fun getting my sister a shirt, purse, belt, flip flops, and mood ring. We thought it all looked so cute, she did not like it. But we had fun anyway. My cousin seemed to like her shirt and she looked good in it too. They got me a nice blue shirt and a Coach clutch. It is nice. I like the clutch because now I have a place just for my phone and money without weighing down my pockets (I don't really like big purses.)
We stayed in a hotel with a pool and Saturday night we went to a comedy show. It was so relaxing. I am glad I got to spend time with my mom, sister, and cousin. (THANKS MOM!) Plus it was nice to have a break from the boys who had a blast fishing and flying kites with grandpa. They didn't even want to come home when I went to pick them up.

Today I start my new job, I have my clothes picked out and my day planned. I will update on my day later! -Becky


Anita said...

Good luck with the new job! Hope it goes well.

Anonymous said...

I will try and leave this comment, but keep fogetting my password. LOL

Good luck with your new job. You will be great at it. Lots of luck. You can always go back to child care if this doesn't work out. I think you will enjoy getting out a little and it will be good for your children.