Monday, November 17, 2008

My weekend

Fri. night I worked at a temple doing dishes for a service they had. They serve tea and coffee and pastries and hor dourvs (how is that spelled?) they use real dishes and real teacups with saucers. It is mindless work though. I just rinse, dry, and repeat. My mom watched the boys, they slept at her house.

I got home around 11:00pm, but could not fall asleep so I watched Because I said So (we got movies at the library during day on Friday.) The movie was ok.

Then Sat. I slept in till 11:00am (which was SO nice) then went to get the boys. I made a baked ziti for a friend at church who is ill. Then we went to Josh's soccer party (soccer is over till spring.) Then Jason had a ct scan on his foot. He has been having some pain in it lately. It is not broken or fractured or sprained, we discovered he has two bones that are supposed to be separate that are fused. We'll see about treatment options when we go back to podiatrist.

Then Sat. night I babysat. Joshua came with me, Jason stayed home with my mom. It was an early night and we got home by 9:00pm.

Sunday we went to church,then had a friend and her 5 year old son over for lunch. Then we relaxed and I napped. We straightened the house a bit, and I cooked slider burgers and fries and peas for dinner. Everyone liked the dinner. Yeah!!

Sunday night we watched Extreme Makeover Home Edition. The family had 5 boys adopted from Haiti, 3 from domestic, and 3 biological boys. 11 boys in total. It was a nice show. ABC also sent truck loads of stuff to orphanage boys came from in Haiti. It was cool to see. We even got to see kids in Haiti receiving the stuff. They were so thankful!!!

I also talked to Duane on the phone after the boys had fallen asleep. We had not talked in over two months (except I called him on his birthday to wish him a happy birthday.) It was nice to talk to him, but I am not sure what God wants in that situation and I want to put GOD first!!!

So that was our weekend. It wasn't too bad, we got some family time, fellowship time, some relax time, and some cleaning done. Plus I don't think I yelled at boys all weekend!!! Yeah! I have been very calm this past month.

How was your weekend? -Becky