Tuesday, August 25, 2009

My two sweeties

Can you feel the love?


Jeannette said...

Love the new color that is so happy looking (the color of the house not the kids)
The kids look like you are pulling their teeth out.. just like today when you made Joshua talk to me...
ha ha

Anonymous said...

I love the color you choose for the outside of the house. I wish we were allow to use other colors on our house other than brown and beige.

That is so wonderful that you have a new job as a preschool teacher. That must be such a relief for you to be earning an income again to support your children. Praise God. You make a great teacher.

Becky R said...

actually we do not get paid to participate in co-op, but I just posted a blog entry about how it does benefit our family

Denise Punger MD IBCLC said...

You are doing a great job with your boys. I like the new profile photos on your blog.