Saturday, August 1, 2009

Finances cont.

I was able to pay myself back the $75 I spent yesterday. Now I am figuring out how to come up with:

$43 gas bill due Aug. 11th
$116 electric bill due Aug. 12th
$200 owe contact money need asap to get contacts

$359 needed by Aug. 11th. Plus I need $260 more to cover Aug. bills, but I should make this at my Sat. job., so it is really the $359 I need to figure out.

I just posted on a few of my friend websites that I am available for childcare. Plus tomorrow I will go through the house and see what I can try to sell online. We have some dvds that I can try and get like $5 each for. I also have some new ladies clothes that are not my style (not the ones you bought mom.) They still have tags on them. I have 6 new shirts and 1 pair nice capri's all new with tags. Maybe I can get a few dollars each.

I also may not have to pay the gas bill as I am on the budget option and next month (Aug.) plan recalculates. It looks like I am over but will call Monday to see about that (meaning I paid more than I used, so in Aug. they credit the difference.)

It will all work out. It always does. I just am using this as a reminder to only spend cash, and once that cash is gone don't borrow from another budget category.
