Thursday, February 11, 2010

Homemade dishwasher soap

You will not yet be seeing my homemade dishwasher soap recipe. It was a flop. It actually left a film on my dishes. Eww soap flavored food. Anyone make there own dishwasher soap? Care to share the recipe?


p.s. that is not my dishwasher, got the picture online


Becky said...

I've never tried to make my own dishwasher soap, but I like your p.s. note!!!

GAmomdb said...

I use my dishwasher only a couple of times a week, so a big box of the on sale stuff lasts a very long time. I have a friend who uses borax and washing soda in the soap comparment and vinegar in the rinse compartment. She says that it works great, so might give that a try.