Thursday, February 18, 2010

More puppy stuff

So we settled on: Cocoa (the only boy), Snowball, Bullet, Buddy, & Cloey. The mom we are calling Pretty. Puppies are cute, but sort of boring. They sleep almost all day. Except when they are nursing.

Mom likes me, but not the boys. She is eating and drinking well. I take her outside on the deck and she likes to walk around (I have her on a leash.) She doesn't really get I take her out there to do her business though.

The puppies are in a crate. Mom is too, but I leave door open so she can get out (I did just close it for the night.) She likes walking in and out, so she gets a break from puppies. They are too young to be able to get out.

My boys are doing well with them, but I think they are a bit disappointed they can't play with them. Puppies are too young, and mom is busy with five puppies; plus I don't think she knows how to play, she is from a puppy mill.

One thing I don't like is my house smells like dog. I am going to see if I can give them all a bath or something. Never having owned a dog I am not sure if smell is bad (like from them being in a puppy mill) or normal dog smell. Either way I can not stand it. I have a sensitive nose, plus I want my house to smell clean (not chemically, but clean.)

Just keeping it real. Lol. But now I am a bit worried that my mom will not come over until these pups are gone. And that is a bad thing, I love when my mom comes over. She is super cool to hang out with. Plus she makes yummy food and usually cleans my stove (how does she get it so clean?)

Does anyone have some bath free pet bath options? Or recommend a good natural or homemade pet shampoo? Or even know if I can bath puppies?


Bullet, Buddy, & Snowball

Jason with Cocoa
(more cheating to right. I had my mom send over some paper towels so I can clean up puppy messes. Not frugal or green, but I am not there yet where I can wash dog pee stuff too, even I have my limits. LOL!)

This is her retreat next to crate. She loves snuggling on this quilt away from puppies for a few minutes, but still they are next to her in crate.


Becky said...

Let those boys of your know that the puppies will be ready to play in NO time - and you'll wish they still slept all day ;)

We've bathed cats, dogs, and horses with people shampoo. If you have a natural alternative that you use instead of people shampoo, that should work, too. I'm not sure if you should use shampoo on the puppies at this age, though. They're really young. Maybe just warm water for now and shampoo once their eyes are open???

I'm no expert, just my opinion :)

Samantha said...

don't use soap on the puppies, jenn said they're still too young. wait until 8 weeks.

Becky R said...

No bath for now.

Jeannette said...

I love the pitures of the puppies, the mom is cute too.