Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Ohio Trip Budget

I had $550 for this trip. Kevin was not supposed to spend any money as we were driving his car which he got tuned up so we could go.
The $550 was supposed to be:
$200-Kevin's spending

But it did not really work out that way, we ending up changing plans and staying in a hotel and going to Indian Echo Caverns and Hershey Chocolate World tour on the way home, so we spent more than planned for.
This is what we spent for entire trip:

$100-cash (used for all meals driving up and misc.)
$ 25-a store in Ohio town on some silly stuff kids wanted-debit card*
$ 35-gas-debit card
$ 30-gas-debit card
$ 7-Rite aid I needed Motrin-debit card
$141-hotel one night-debit card
$ 10-Indian Caverns gift shop-debit card*
$ 33-Lunch at Hershey Kit Kat cafe-debit card
$ 30-gas-debit card

$412 -total

$120-cash (food, tolls, mics.)
$ 20-gas-debit card
$ 40-Indian Echo caverns admission-credit card
$ 92-Hershey gift shop (souvenirs-yikes)-credit card*
$ 20-Hershey 3D movie-debit card*

$292 total


$$704 total trip


*absolutely not necessary, could have easily been cut from trip (then we would have been at budget and still went to caverns and free Hershey tour.)

I know where $65 of my cash went ($25 food Fri. night, $22 food Sat. convenience store, $10 mini golf, $5 dinner tip, $3 hotel tip, but am unsure about the other $35, that is weird.) I also know where all of Kevin's $120 cash went as well ($40 dinner Sat., $25 McDonalds Sun., $25 tolls, $15 WAWA, $4 scratch offs, and a few misc. dollars.)

But overall it was fun and worth it. It has been three years since I have seen my grandparents, and it was great to have four days for boys and I to bond with my brother.

I still was able to pay all July bills after all and my gas tank is full which will last about a week. GOD IS SO GOOD! Not only does He provide for all our needs He even gives me so much more. We are SO blessed! -Becky