Thursday, July 29, 2010

Cooking mini camp and today

Today I invited some kids over for a cooking mini camp (it was a last minute idea.) Only one came but we still had fun. We made strawberry muffins and egg salad. I supervised, and the kids read the recipe and did everything (I did oven.)

The muffins are sort of healthy, made with real strawberries, organic cane sugar, and whole wheat. With no preservatives or artificial dyes. I sort of made the recipe up using some recipes I found online, substituting things I had and the strawberries for bananas.

The egg salad was made with organic free range eggs and whole wheat organic bread. The mayo was just regular.

The kids had fun. I did too. I like doing hands on activities with the kids. Plus it is a learning activity. Reading- they read the recipe. Math- they measured. Science- turning ingredients into muffins. Social skills- taking turns. Fine motor- stirring.

Now we are doing chores. Well, I am blogging, but chores in a minute.

They cancelled me for work tonight, so I am going to mow the grass later (it is way too hot now.) Jason will do the weed whacking. Josh will water the garden and plants.

So today will be another no drive day, which makes six for this month. This makes me (and my car) super happy. Especially after driving to great adventure two times this week (first time it was raining when we got there, second time was Tues. and we had a blast.) And driving a little girl to camp Mon., Tues., Wed., and tomorrow. I needed a break from the car.
