Saturday, April 5, 2008

sigh of relief

Hello! Well, I once again have a working washer and dryer (thanks so much Scott!) and hot water (I had to get a new hot water heater.) It feels nice to take a hot shower again (wow I went without one for one day-lol.)

We just got back from Joshua's soccer game. It was at 9:00am, so I had to get out of bed early. Yikes! I am making lunch now and then we are going to clean 12-2, and rest 2-4 and watch a movie, then I have work at 5, but we have to leave at 4 so I can bring Joshua to my mom's. After work I will go to the food store as Joshua will be sleeping at my mom's tonight.

I am back on a cash only system. I had a problem with my debit card last night (unauthorized usage) and plus I use my card to buy unnecessary purchases too much. With cash I can't overspend. I will get the unauthorized money back, but still I am going to try cash only for a while. I used to only operate this way.
