Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I need prayer

Hi! I have to make a decision about taking a job by tomorrow! I am not sure what to do. I feel God leading me to homeschool Jason next year and be part of a homeschool co-op. But I of course need to earn a living as well. With the co-op parents must be involved in some way, so I plan on doing a preschool. The co-op is Tues. & Thur. 10-3 (but I have to leave by 2:30 to get Joshua.) So I need a way to make enough money to live, have time to homeschool, and do co-op, and still be there for Joshua after school. It almost seems impossible, but we know nothing is impossible for God.
My schedule would be:
Mon. drop Joshua at school at 8:30
be at work 9-4
(what to do with Joshua from 3:00-4:30???)
(what to do with Jason 9-4???)
Tues. drop Josh off at school 8:30
9:30-leave for co-op
3:00-pick up Josh
Wed. drop Joshua off at school
be at work 9-4
(what to do with Joshua from 3:00-4:30???)
(what to do with Jason 9-4???)
Thur. drop Josh off at school 8:30
9:30 leave for co-op
3:00 get Josh
Fri. Jason's English & math school days

My mom can watch Jason one day a week and I hope to bring him to work with me the other day. I think Mon. & Wed. I could put Josh in latchkey (but I HATE the idea of that.) Or perhaps have him go home with a friend. But I can not afford to pay someone to watch him, this is a problem!!! With this job I would make about $600 a month, with no benefits or anything (just 6 paid personal days.) I really need to make at least $800 a month and this is bare minimum. But I can still keep my part time Sat. job and make up the difference.
I have to let the job know by tomorrow. I am so not sure what to do about it.

Pray also as I may be watching the little boy I watch now, which would be ideal and he would come to co-op and get the preschool part of it, but his parents are not sure as Wed. & Fr. he would not be with any other kids except Jason and Joshua after school. This would be better as then I never have to worry about what to do with Jason Mon. & Wed. or what to do with Joshua after school Mon. & Wed. But this is now up to the little boys parents.

I hate having to make these sort of decisions. Please pray I would get clarity. -Becky