Dear Family & Friends,
I hope this letter finds you well. I pray your Christmas was blessed as ours was. I also want to wish you a Happy New Year!
2010 has been a great year to our family. We have settled into our new house (we moved in one year ago) nicely. We are well into our homeschooling this year. And we have added two new family members this past year.
This year we put a new roof on the house (after decided our living room did NOT need a swimming pool.) The boys have decorated their rooms and have a place for all their toys and books. We tried a veggie garden, but either the soil, the very hot summer, or my green thumb netted us with less than fruitful results. In addition we have added a really cool tree fort (Scott helped the boys build it.) Things are really shaping up in our home.
Homeschooling is going well. Jason is 13 and in the 7th grade. Joshua is 7 and in the 2nd grade. We read lots of books. Jason likes to re-read his Harry Potter books as well as browse our encyclopedias. He also likes mysteries. Joshua likes Cam Jamsen books as well as the Moody Book series. We also meet up with other homeschooling families two days a week for history, science, art, and p.e. It is a huge blessing to be able to learn together (I learn so much too) and the bond I see in my boys is an added blessing.
My baby sister, Samantha gave birth to my nephew in May. Kaiden was almost 10 lbs. at birth and still is a big boy. He is now 7 months old and nothing but pure joy.
In Oct. we added another new member to our family, Lady, an Old English Sheep Dog. She is 6 years old. She is so much fun and so sweet. She is huge (67 lbs.) and much to Jason’s dismay enjoys sleeping in my room.
I have started a cleaning business called Green Clean. I use all natural, non toxic, biodegradable cleaning supplies to clean homes and offices. It allows me the flexibility to homeschool and still provide for our family. I also have a blog that chronicles some of our day to day and has lots of family pictures. I really enjoy writing and my blog allows me to keep up my writing skills.
We feel more blessed now then we ever have. God is so good. We have so many blessings and we count you and your family among those blessings. May you feel the love of God and discover His blessings throughout 2011.
Becky, Jason, & Joshua
Thursday, December 30, 2010
2010 Christmas letter
Posted by Becky R at 11:41 PM 1 comments
Doctor's visit
Yesterday I went to the doctor because my ear was hurting me. I have had a cough for a few weeks and the mucus had spread to my ears and is infected which caused an ear infection. My doctor put me on antibiotics. I try to avoid these but my home remedies (including lots of rest) were not working.
I also got the results of my last blood work.
The good news is that my Vitamin D level is finally normal (it was low for about 6 months.)
The bad news is that my Cholesterol and Triglycerides are both high. They have been for over a year. I so need to work on that. Lowering them will also probably help my digestive issues.
I know I need to exercise. However I do feel like I am making better food choices, but it doesn't seem to have helped.
I need to come up with a better plan and stick to exercising as well.
But for today and tomorrow my goal is to get better and straighten up my house.
Posted by Becky R at 3:27 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Look what this baby can do
Kaiden at 7 months old is pulling himself up on anything he can. He really think he is hot stuff.
By the way Lady is right behind him each time he goes up as if to protect him. So sweet.
Posted by Becky R at 7:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: Kaiden
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Cloth Tissues
Ok, so I think I am sick. I have been coughing for a few weeks. Now it is worse and I have such an earache. And I am constantly blowing my nose (yum.) So yesterday I sewed about 10 cloth tissues.
I made them very quickly so they are sloppy, but they work great.
They actually work so much better than paper tissues. Paper tissues usually fall apart as I am using them. And are not usually too soft. I made the cloth ones out of flannel and they are super soft on my nose.
I have been using all cloth in my house since 2008, and have used the same few cloth tissues, so I figured I would sew some new ones.
They are now in the wash and tomorrow will be ready for use again (I even have some left for the night.) I have a feeling I will be needing them tomorrow as well.
I better be off to bed so I can get better.
Posted by Becky R at 11:04 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 27, 2010
Today we woke up covered in lots of snow, so we stayed home all day.
The boys did go outside to play and clean my car and shovel a path from the backdoor. But it was too cold for them to stay out too long.
Today we also cleaned the entire upstairs. 7 garbage bags and 4 loads of dirty laundry later. We needed to make room for the boys new toys.
Josh is pretty good and keeps his room clean, but Jason's room is constantly like a bomb went off. Dirty and clean clothes all over. Garbage and toys everywhere.
The worst part is I found so many food wrappers, but the rule is no food or drinks, except water upstairs. So I told Jason and wrote it and put it on his wall if I find him eating or drinking anything else upstairs he will lose his radio.
I need to be stricter on him, and check up that he really is doing his chores each day. I give him simple chores like put dirty clothes in hamper, not just go clean your room. So he should be able to handle it. Then if he does not comply I need to be stricter with the consequences.
I can't keep giving him excuses like his room is too small or he can't handle it with his ADHD.
But for now the upstairs is spotless and all clothes and toys have a place.
I also have folded and put away all clean laundry. This is a task I usually lack in so I am particularly proud of myself.
And I also got to go shopping (all without leaving home) using my Christmas gift cards.
I ordered a skin, case, and light for my Kindle. I also ordered a hand grain grinder, and book on wheat (usage, recipes, etc.) I can't wait for my grain grinder. I have been using my magic bullet, but it does not do a great job and heats the grain up too much. I also ordered a book to help Josh with his reading skills. Unfortunately neither of the two books I ordered are available on the Kindle.
I did put some free stuff on my Kindle though. Games and Bible verses and a daily Bible study blog.
Off to do another load of laundry and try to get to bed by 12.
Posted by Becky R at 10:58 PM 1 comments
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Feeling so spoiled
I know Christmas is about the birth of Christ. But I like presents too. Here is what I got:
kitchen shears (from my boys, I really wanted these)
winter hand towels (from my boys, I love them)
$100 Visa gift card (to buy a hand grain grinder)
all natural and organic: deodorant, calming cream, cold spray, and lotion
soy vanilla cookie smelling candle (awesome)
smores kit (with dye free marshmallows)
place mats and cloth napkins (all matching)
two Christmas ornaments that have all our names and 2010 on them
Christmas pj pants (from my sister and her boyfriend)
Christmas warm socks (from my sister and her boyfriend)
digital frame (from my brother)
cookies (from my aunt)
cookies, candles, peach preserves, and Christmas decor (from an aunt in law)
and from my mom and Scott: (yes they really spoil me)
Amazon gift card to buy books
olive oil
mister (reusable so you can spray olive oil, instead of buying a can to spray)
Whole Foods gift card (YIPEE)
misc. stocking stuffers
I also got cash, but that went towards bills, Christmas offering at church, and buying boys stuff.
Ok, now it's your turn, what did you get for Christmas?
Posted by Becky R at 6:15 PM 2 comments
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Dec. bills and credit card
I have money for all Dec. bills. Also I have my credit card down from $500 to $400 (plus last month I paid off Kohl's and Home Depot that I used in past few months.)
I also was able to get Christmas gifts for:
Jason (some homemade)
Joshua (some homemade)
Kevin (homemade)
Kaiden (homemade)
our sponsor children
a family we adopted
I feel so blessed!!!
I am so thankful not to be stressing about money especially as Christmas is in 2 days.
Posted by Becky R at 10:49 PM 4 comments
Friday, December 17, 2010
Once a week since Kaiden was 5 weeks old I have had him sleep over (with a few exceptions.) It is so fun to spend time with him. He is the best baby. He is super happy and he smiles all the time. He barely cries.
He will be 7 months old on Christmas day. He is about 22 lbs. and has 4 teeth with 2 more trying to cut through the gums.
He is the best blessing for our family since we lost Eric. He is pure joy to be around.
He slept over last night and now is happily playing in his exersaucer.
Yesterday I was thinking so much about Eric, so having Kaiden really helps me not to feel so sad. I am sad Eric is missing his nephew. But Kaiden's smiles are contagious. So when he is here I can't help but be in a good mood.
Posted by Becky R at 10:11 AM 1 comments
Income sources
This month in addition to the childcare I do, I am working on my cleaning business. I have had three jobs. I also did letters from Santa and raised about $35 after shipping and supplies. In addition I made up a flyer for my friends that I am renting myself out next week for childcare, housecleaning, and general Christmas help. I got four jobs. Mon. I will be doing childcare, Tues. I am cleaning a house, Wed. I am cleaning, and Thur. I am doing childcare. I told my friends they can pay me whatever they chose this week only. Any money I get is more than I had.
I need about $100 to square Dec. bills away and would like to get Josh & Jason one gift each from Santa (we don't really focus on Santa, but Joshua is super excited for Santa to come this year and I don't want to take the excitement from him.) So hopefully between the four jobs next week I will make about $120 (I am assuming $25 per job, which for the cleaning is low. I usually make $60-$100 to clean a house, but will not take that much from friends anyway.)
I feel so blessed that God is sending me more work.
I especially like the satisfaction I feel after cleaning a house. It feels so good to leave knowing the house is shining (yet without any toxic chemicals or paper towels having been used to clean. Go green!)
Posted by Becky R at 9:51 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Not so merry
We put up our tree today. It wasn't such a peaceful, enjoyable time. Josh didn't want to help and even though has been asking me to put up the tree for 2 weeks, changed his mind and said he didn't want the tree up at all. Jason basically carried tree in, set it up, and put the lights on by himself. I helped a bit, but mostly kept Josh from annoying Jason. Jason did a great job.
I think my mood has not been merry at all lately. I feel like I am just drifting sometime.
I know I am so blessed, and am so grateful for what God has given me. I know we have a great life, yet can't always get my emotions on board with that.
It all comes down to my heart not focusing on Jesus lately.
I Have been focusing on getting lots of sleep.
I Have been focusing on learning about living green.
I Have been focusing on the evils of food dyes.
I Have been on facebook daily.
I Have been checking my bank accounts online a lot.
I Have been focusing on making enough money to get through the month.
But my walk with God is virtually non existent lately.
When I write down what I do everyday (sleeping, watching tv, eating, going online, worrying, stressing, homeschooling, running errands, yelling, and other meaningless things) it makes me realize my priorities are all messed up.
God should be first, my raising my boys and homeschooling should be next, family and friends should follow, then work. Stress and worry shouldn't even be on my list at all. Healthy living is important, but not everything.
The way my heart feels (EMPTY) reminds me of all this, but getting back into walking with Him seems foreign to me.
Dear Lord,
I am sorry. I tried to do life my way again. I have seen how that works out before, yet still I have let so many things come before you. And here I am again, feeling so lost and empty. Lord, I need you to help me. On my own I am nothing. I need my heart and life to be consumed with you. I want to wake up and think of nothing but praising you Lord. I want my heart to be so full of you that I am overflowing you on all those in my life and all those I meet.
Help me Lord!
In Jesus Name, Amen
Posted by Becky R at 10:54 PM 1 comments
50 kids for Christmas
My good friend, Courtney posted about what she wants for Christmas is 50 kids through Compassion to get a sponsor family. Check out her post here. Her family introduced me to Compassion so many years ago and I have been sponsoring a child ever since, now we actually have two. You may think you will sponsor a child to bless them, but you and your family will be the ones who are truly blessed.
Receiving a letter or drawing from our sponsor children is so amazing. Especially when they tell us they are praying for our family. How cool is that?
So get in on the challenge and sponsor a child today!
Posted by Becky R at 1:22 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 13, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
I failed
I wanted to stay out of stores, but yesterday we went to:
Dollar King
Party Store
Five Below
Dollar Tree
All searching for paper for my letters from Santa. I didn't find any. We did buy 2 drinks, and a few other things. I spent about $20.
Today we went to Toys 'R Us because Jason got a gift card for his birthday. He spent his birthday money, so I didn't spend any.
I still have to go to another store as I still need the paper. I think Dec. is a bad month to try and avoid stores.
Posted by Becky R at 11:20 PM 1 comments
Friday, December 10, 2010
Happy Birthday Jason!!!
Happy Birthday Jason!!!
My sweet, firstborn is 13.
I recall the day he was born, the day I cried that I couldn't do it (give birth.) It was the hardest thing I had ever done, until that point. Being a mom has been harder. But I would not change a moment. Being his (and Josh's) mom has been the best blessing of my life.
Jason is so sweet, caring, funny, and compassionate. He is an amazing big brother, with more patience than I could ever hope to have.
He is also awesome with animals and seems to have a sense with them that calms them instantly. He has a genuine care for all God's creatures that amazes me.
Jason is a serious Legoer (made that word up) and can put together a Lego set in what seems like seconds.
I am so glad God blessed me to be his mom.
Posted by Becky R at 1:54 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Hot water heater
This happened last year and is happening again. It is so annoying. My hot water heater keeps going out. We don't know until we try to wash our hands or step into the shower. It does restart, but then takes about 45-60 min. to heat up the tank. Jason is currently waiting to take a shower.
Scott took filter off and it is clean. There is no water under tank, so it is not leaking. It is so weird. I pray it fixes itself, because new hot water heater is not in the budget.
Posted by Becky R at 12:14 PM 0 comments
Green Clean Business
I cleaned another house on Sat. That makes my 4th job in 2 months. This time I did not use one paper towel. I used mostly my non toxic biodegradable cleaners, but they had air freshener they were throwing away and some soft scrub, so I used those up. Green is also about not wasting even if product is toxic (because if not used it still needs to be disposed of.)
I have two more jobs this month (repeat customers from last month.)
Please pray I would get about 4 jobs a week. Thanks!
Posted by Becky R at 12:07 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 6, 2010
Almost Free Mug or Desk Calendar
Get a free mug or desk calendar with any picture you add. Go here.
I paid $3.20 for shipping only and got a mug.
What a great Christmas gift. You don't have to buy the candy bars it will generate UPC's for you. Awesome!!!
Posted by Becky R at 11:59 PM 0 comments
I'm a winner
Today I discovered I won a watercolor and 10 rolls of scotch tape (from two different blogs.) I am so excited!!!
Check out the watercolor here.
Joshua liked the Elijah so I chose that one for him.
Check out the blog I won the watercolor on.
Check out the blog I won the scotch tape on.
Posted by Becky R at 9:29 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Handwritten, Personalized Letters From Santa
Would you like that special child in your life (child, grandchild, cousin, niece, etc.) to receive a handwritten, personalized letter from Santa?
Please leave a comment with your email address in it for form and payment options. (I will not publish email addresses.) Or click the buy it now button. Make sure to include email address, so I can email you form.)
$5 includes handwritten, personalized letter, Santa's sugar cookie and frosting recipe, and a special surprise all addressed to the child.
All forms and payment are due by Wed. Dec. 15th
-Santa's Helper (aka Becky)

Posted by Becky R at 3:18 PM 0 comments
Kohl's and Home Depot charges are paid off!!!
Praise the Lord!!!
Now I will work on Dec. bills.
Next year I will focus on paying off $460 I owe to Mastercard.
Posted by Becky R at 2:49 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 2, 2010
No store challenge
I was thinking of challenging myself not to go into any retail stores all month. And to not buy anything new all month (except food.) Including not buying anything online all month.
I don't need anything. I don't have any money for gifts. So there is no point to shopping. Plus it will give me more time to make gifts. I have some fabric, I can make an apron, and some tote bags as gifts. I can also make some cloth napkins that I wanted to make as gifts. And I want to make boys a case for their ipods (that I did not buy, Josh's we won, it is a shuffle. Jason's Poppie found one at work and gave it to Jason, it is an ipod touch.)
I will see how well this goes.
Posted by Becky R at 11:28 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Letters from Santa
Would you like that special child in your life (child, grandchild, cousin, niece, etc.) to receive a handwritten, personalized letter from Santa?
Please leave a comment with your email address in it for form and payment options. (I will not publish email addresses.)
$5 includes handwritten, personalized letter, Santa's sugar cookie and frosting recipe, and a special surprise all addressed to the child.
All forms and payment are due by Wed. Dec. 15th
-Santa's Helper (aka Becky)

Posted by Becky R at 9:31 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Nov. unbudgeted for spending
$ 30 -to join a homeschool group
$ 6 -McDonald's
$268 -payment on MasterCard
$306 -payment on Kohl's charge
$610 total
This is insane. The money I spent on charges were all wants, not needs.
The worst is that I was $400 short on Nov. bills (money I put away for quarterly taxes) and these charge payments would have paid this. I could kick myself.
But Kohl's is paid in full and I am going to cancel it, as it just is too much of a temptation for me.
Now I have to work on:
$320 Home Depot Charge
$480 MasterCard Charge
After paying all Dec. bills that is.
Posted by Becky R at 4:03 PM 2 comments
Practical Gift
This can be costly, but will be used and appreciated. Would especially be great for a housewarming gift. It's a ...
A first aid or cold care kit.
Who doesn't need band aids, head ache meds, cold meds, etc?
Find out about recipient and what medicines they use. If they use homoeopathic, stock up on those. If they don't use dye, make sure all meds are dye free (things like Children's Tylenol has dye in it.)
For first aid kit get some band aids (all sizes), neosporin, alcohol, cotton balls, ace bandage, reusable cold pack, reusable warm pack, tea tree oil is great too. You can add emergency blanket, flashlight, glow stick, hand radio, etc. A used tool box or dollar store one will hold all this nicely.
For cold care kit get some head ache / fever medicine, cold medicine, chest rub, sore throat drops, sore throat spray, medicated lip balm, and saline nose spray. Add some boxed tissues or sew some homemade tissues out out flannel. Flannel is so soft and not linty at all. A wicker basket with a handle would house all this nicely, and make it portable to carry to different rooms.
You can even alter this if recipient is already sick and make it a get well gift, add some books and dvds (used of course) and some homemade or store bought soup as well.
Some other homemade touches for kits:
-boo boo bunny
-reusable aches and pain pads (using 2 pieces fabric sew square, any size, leave one side open, fill with white rice, sew up open side. Directions, heat in microwave and apply to area in need of some TLC)
-homemade tea (I dry spearmint leaves, put in dark jar, add a reusable tea bag, and instructions on how to brew)
-other possibilities are endless
What would you want in first aid or cold care kit?
Who do you know that would benefit from receiving one of these?
Posted by Becky R at 12:29 PM 0 comments
Green Clean Gift Idea
Make a green clean kit for $10 or less.
-Gallon vinegar $2
-Print or write out list of cleaning uses for vinegar
-Baking Soda $2 (2-3 small boxes)
-Print or write out cleaning uses for baking soda
-Spray bottle $1 (or reuse an old spray bottle you have for free)
-Cleaning Cloths Free-$3 (make, sew out of old towels, or buy a package)
-Scrubbies Free (make out of mesh that comes on lemons and other fruit and veggies-fold up and rubber band or knot, these work great)
-Tote bag Free-$1 (recycle one you have at home, sew one with fabric you already have, or buy one, food store ones are about $1)
-Bottle Peroxide $1 (use as you would bleach on stains on counters, in shower, etc., and on clothes)
-If you got tote, cleaning cloths, and spray bottle for free you can also add a gallon of homemade laundry soap as well $2
Make up one for everyone on your list.
I would love this as a gift and it creates no clutter.
Posted by Becky R at 10:43 AM 3 comments
Monday, November 29, 2010
I just received a letter that one of our sponsor children through Compassion Child has moved out of the area, so he can't travel to Compassion centers any longer. We have been sponsoring Edelson for about 3 years now, so this is sad news. But on a positive note he has graduated 8th grade (he is almost 16) and has had vocational training in carpentry and plumbing. So these skills will help him overcome the circle of poverty. Please pray for Edelson, his two brothers, his mother, and father. His mom has gone abroad for work and Edelson has moved in with an aunt. His father is away most of the time as he is a fisherman.
Posted by Becky R at 1:52 PM 1 comments
Labels: Compassion
Saturday, November 27, 2010
What will you give?
After posting my selfish post about what I want for Christmas I wanted to post to encourage others to do something for someone in need this Christmas.
We have already:
-Sent money so each of our sponsor children through Compassion can have a gift
-Helped our church make up 40 shoeboxes for Operation Christmas child
We are going to:
-chip in with another family to buy gifts for two local families that can not afford gifts this year
-make cookies for our neighbors
-buy diapers to donate to Solutions, our local Christ based pregnancy center
So many people, organizations, churches, neighbors, and more are in need. The possibilities of what you can do to lift someones spirits are endless.
What are some ideas your family is doing this holiday season to help those in need?
Posted by Becky R at 2:51 PM 1 comments
Friday, November 26, 2010
Natural living as an idol
I just read this great blog post here. It is about Natural Living becoming an idol. I have been grappling with this myself lately, so it was great to read this post.
My thoughts are that God wants us to be good stewards of our bodies, our finances, and the earth. He gave them all to us to care for.
-Eating healthier food helps us be good stewards of our bodies.
-Making many foods from scratch is better for our bodies, plus if making these foods is a family activity it blesses God that we are spending this time with our family.
-Spending money on fillers (things that many companies are disguising as food) is not blessing Him with our finances. A bag of chips is about $3. I can get a small bag of organic apples for that cost. Eating organic, local, and healthier doesn't have to blow the food budget.
-Growing our own food is a better use of our finances, and the earth (no gas to drive to store to buy, just walk to your yard. As an added bonus gardening is great exercise.)
-Making our own cleaners is better for our bodies, our finances, and the earth.
-Eating organic and locally grown food is better for the environment (I am certain when God said for us to rule over the animals, it wasn't to abuse them. Free range animals that eat what God intended are better for us to consume anyway.)
That all being said if I spend more time researching natural living than talking with God, praying, and reading the Bible than natural living is an idol (and I am guilty of this.)
If I yell at my kids while doing above mentioned research (again I have done this) than it is an idol.
If I have an argument at Thanksgiving table with cousin over white bread verses wheat, maybe it is an idol (yes, this happened yesterday.)
My natural living should not be a stumbling block to sharing Christ. Or send a bad testimony of me (I don't want people to think I am judging them, because then they certainly will not want to talk with me about Christ.)
On the flip side God has been revealing how He wants me to live, and since I am the mom to two boys this also includes how they should live until they are old enough to live on their own. And my ultimate goal is to do His will for my life and share His good news. I have to find a better balance to do so, but I believe that for my life more natural living is a part of that.
On a side note my definition of natural living includes family as #2 priority (under God.) This means lots of time spent with family, and teaching my children to value family as well. This goes against what many believe (many feel they should be with peers and kids own age all day, as in school; and that time with friends should come first, especially at Jason's age.) This may be right for some kids and families, but for ours I feel they are right where they should be at home. And I believe this is God's will for our lives right now. (Next year I may feel He calls me to put them back in school.) I want to be doing what He wants, even when it is not what I want or what the world says is right.
Any thoughts?
Posted by Becky R at 3:41 PM 1 comments
Labels: finances, frugal living, green living
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Contact Me or leave a comment on my latest post. Thanks!
Posted by Becky R at 9:51 PM 1 comments
Some of my blessings
Our home:
Mom & Scott (stepfather)
Jason age 17
Jay (hubby)
Josh age 12
Jonah age 19 months



Posted by Becky R at 9:06 PM 0 comments
Labels: blessings
Parenting is heart work
Joshua has a problem with hitting. He especially likes to put his hands on his brother. I realize that all too often I just say stop doing that with no real consequence. Well lately Jason is feeling quit abused by this.
Tonight the boys have their cousin's over. Josh put his hands on Jason upstairs. I put him in time and out and he apologized to his brother.
About 15 min. late Josh kicked Jason. Again he went in time out and Jason gave him mercy and let him out after Josh once again apologized. I told Josh that next time he hurt or tried to hurt someone he was going to bed until tomorrow.
Of course it happened again and he pushed Jason. So I had to stay true to my word. He is now in bed (in my room, since kids are playing upstairs.) As I type this he is crying. My heart aches. I want to let him out, I want him to be happy. But I know that that will not help him to be the man God someday wants him to be.
Parenting is hard work, but more so it is heart work.
We have to, in love, show them boundaries and consequences every time they cross those boundaries.
I have to admit I don't have healthy boundaries myself. This make it harder to show my kids them and then follow through on consequences when they cross the line.
I mean they get confused if Tuesday they hit and nothing happens, but Wed. they are given a consequence for the same offense. They will only really learn if the lines are clear daily and so are the consequences.
We have the if then and blessing charts by Doorpost and these are wonderful, so kids know what to expect when they don't do the right thing and what is right and wrong. It is all on the charts. They are very helpful.
But still I NEED to be more consistent! I also need to set healthy boundaries for myself.
The more I parent (I have almost been at this 13 years,) the more I realize that to be a good parent I need to seek God in all I do, and I need to be a more healthy, complete person.
I mean healthy, in my walk with God, healthier in the physical sense of exercise and food, healthy in relationships with family and friends, and healthy in my view of myself.
Honestly, sometimes I don't want to work on myself, but I realize my kids need to be healthier and they are learning from me. Laziness and parenting do not go together. (Don't get me wrong lazy days are great, I mean lazy in when they are fighting I just sit there and say, "stop" without actually doing anything, which by the way I have done.)
I had no idea at 18 what I was getting into being a mom. I thought is was all lovely and sunshine and joy (and at times it is,) but it is work. Hard work and heart work on my part and theirs.
I do wish I was healthier than so my kids didn't have to go through this process with me and I could be healthier now. Yet I am grateful that I am working on it now and not after I am done raising my boys.
And I am so grateful to have these two boys in my life and to be their mom.
Posted by Becky R at 7:57 PM 0 comments
Our Christmas traditions
I will start this post by saying I love presents. One of my love languages is gifts. Buying me a gift or writing me a note makes me feel loved. (The value of the gift is not important, if you remember my fav. toothpaste is Tom's of Maine Spearmint and buy me a tube, I feel loved because you remember that I hate Peppermint.)
Growing up our Christmas's were great. I had my family, and great food, and lots of gifts. We all took turns opening the gifts so that we all got to see what each other got. The memories of Christmas mornings are very dear to me. Of course I can barely remember what gifts I got but can recall the sitting around the living room, throwing wrapping paper at each other, mom's new slippers, and yummy brunch with all the cousins, grandma, and aunts and uncle. I can smell the pork roll and cinnamon rolls as I type.
Although I greatly value the memories I have of Christmas's growing up. I have not recreated the exact ones for my boys.
I try to make Christmas last the entire season, not just on Christmas day.
We start getting in the holiday season by making shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child (these are made in Nov.)
We spend all of Dec. trying to give to other's. Usually we adopt a family and buy items from that families wish list. Also I encourage my boys to save allowance to buy gifts for friends, and each other.
We usually put our tree up after Jason's birthday (Dec. 10th.) We put it up as a family.
Each day in Dec. we read a Christmas book (I have a nice collection from getting a few here and there over the years.) We also love watching Christmas movies as a family.
Christmas Eve we got to church (it is a candlelight service.)
Christmas morning my boys get three gifts each from me (just as Jesus got three gifts.) Even though Santa is not a huge part of our holiday they usually will get a gift from Santa. (because Santa loves God and brings gifts to share God's love.)
We usually spend the rest of the day with family.
I am enjoying these adult Christmas memories as well. I hope my children will recall them as fondly as I recall my childhood Christmas memories.
What are some of your family traditions?
Posted by Becky R at 12:06 PM 2 comments
What will you give?
After posting my selfish post about what I want for Christmas I wanted to post to encourage others to do something for someone in need this Christmas.
We have already:
-Sent money so each of our sponsor children through Compassion can have a gift
-Helped our church make up 40 shoeboxes for Operation Christmas child
We are going to:
-chip in with another family to buy gifts for two local families that can not afford gifts this year
-make cookies for our neighbors
-buy diapers to donate to Solutions, our local Christ based pregnancy center
So many people, organizations, churches, neighbors, and more are in need. The possibilities of what you can do to lift someones spirits are endless.
What are some ideas your family is doing this holiday season to help those in need?
Posted by Becky R at 11:49 AM 0 comments
I'm Dreaming
My Christmas wish list:Whole Foods Gift Card
Good Hand Grain Grinder
Vitamix blender
dustbuster that stays plugged in while using (our broke and it was a great one-the shark stick vac)
Posted by Becky R at 11:36 AM 0 comments
Where do I go?
Since posting about my no drive days I thought I would post about where we go.
Wed. 3-5 homeschool co-op / 6-8 church
Thur. 3 occasionally babysit
Fri. 12-1 doctor appointment / 3-5 homeschool co-op / 7 work at Temple
Sat. errands / 4 babysit
Sun. 9-12 Sunday school and church
Either Mon. or Tues is our library day or no drive day (we alternate.)
In addition we visit Jason's great grandfather at least once a week and I try to visit my grandmother as well once a week (usually Fri. in am.)
I need to add in 3-5 cleaning jobs a week. My goal:
2 jobs Mon. or Tues
1 job Thur.
1 job Sat.
leaving either Mon. or Tues. as a stay home, no drive day
What does your week look like?
Posted by Becky R at 11:30 AM 0 comments
No drive days
I read this blog about a family without a car. Although that is not a possibility for me, it did make me want to drive less and be home more. I decided that at least one day a week I would have a no drive day.
The goal:
do not use car
do not go out in anyone else's car (basically stay home, but a walk is ok)
Here is how I have done since starting:
July - 5 no drive days
Aug. - 5 no drive days
Sept. - 4 no drive days
Oct. - 4 no drive days
Nov. - 5 no drive days so far (today being #5)
I like the no drive days. I think my kids enjoy them as well.
How many days a week do you drive?
Posted by Becky R at 11:25 AM 0 comments
More finances
So every Nov. bill is now paid! PTL!!!
I even got my Kohl's charge down to $155, which I will pay off at the end of next week.
Now to work on Dec. bills.
And Home Depot ($320) and MasterCard bills ($480.) Hopefully I can pay all Dec. bills and work on Home Depot Charge as well. And not add any new debt for Dec. (this will be the real challenge.)
Posted by Becky R at 11:22 AM 0 comments
Labels: finances
Friday, November 19, 2010
Selfish post
I am itching to buy some fabric. I actually want to use it to make a few more Christmas gifts, but I can't spend another dime I do not have (see previous post.) I am going to ask for donations of fabric (especially flannel) from anyone who has any (family, friends, etc.) Even old flannel sheets that are stained or ripped will work for my needs.
I am proud of myself as I have resisted going to the fabric store even though I have a coupon.
Just needed to praise myself (plus I am procrastinating washing the dog who likes to roll in yucky stuff.)
Have a great day!
Posted by Becky R at 10:49 AM 2 comments
My finances
Just checked all my bank account balances:
ING .91 cents
TD 0.00
Chase 0.00
Wachovia 0.00 (my business account)
However I have paid almost all Nov. bills. I just need to put away $100 for home insurance ($1,200 due Nov. 1, 2011) and $400 for taxes ($1,200 due Feb. 1st, 2011.) I may have to take care of these with my 2010 tax refund.
I also still need to pay boys allowance and get gas, but I will have money to do this by end of next week.
We also have plenty of food, and fall/winter clothes, including coats, boots, hats, gloves, etc.
The dog has food to last until the end of year as well.
I even bought the boys three Christmas gifts each and bought Jason's birthday gifts (he will be 13 on Dec. 10th.)
I also got my mom, stepfather, sister, brother, and nephew a small Christmas gift (some are homemade.)
The bad part is besides my mortgage ($125,000) I did acquire some debt this month:
Kohl's charge $300 (buying above mentioned gifts, and winter coat, and snow pants for Jason.)
MasterCard $500 (more on above gifts)
Home Depot Charge $300 (buying my sister rugs and padding for living room and baby's room, plus a curtain rod, and some paint)
So I am worth -$126,100. Seems weird to type. I plan to have charges paid off asap as I HATE debt.
I have started my own cleaning business with the goal of being able to support all my family needs and pay off above debt.
I also am still doing childcare in other's homes as needed.
In addition I make and sell homemade laundry soap, hand soap, and cleaners. Unfortunately since we left the larger homeschool co-op I lost most of my clients for this and only have one right now.
My final thought on all this is my first as well. It all belongs to God. Every dollar is His. With each dollar He flows into my life I give the FIRST 10% to do His will. It's not my money. I am just managing it for Him. My goal is to advance His kingdom and with debt this gets harder. So I need to pay off that debt asap so I can be free to do His will completely with His money!!!
Any thoughts?
Posted by Becky R at 10:29 AM 5 comments
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Kaiden 5 1/2 months old
Matching Spider man pj's (Jason didn't want any, I wonder why?)
How cute am I?
I love my Aunt Becky
Do not take my picture
I have three teeth
Spidey Web action
Posted by Becky R at 1:50 AM 5 comments
Labels: Kaiden
My medical issues
I asked in my last post for prayer for my medical issues.
I wanted to explain that a bit as to not worry anyone too much.
First, I need to lose weight.
Second, for some reason my body is not functioning right (could be all the extra weight.) My liver has fat deposits in it. My body is not properly digesting my food. I am vitamin deficient (from the food not being digested properly.) I am extremely tired all the time (yes, being up at 1:00am could be the culprit-lol.) My cholesterol is way off. And I get easily irritated and am not much fun to be around at times.
In regards to the weight it seems like it could be so easy to do, but for some reason it is hard for me. Honestly I am lazy. I like to sit around and read a book or watch a movie. Also I am not self motivated. I also need to eat better and in more consistent intervals. Many times I skip breakfast, or another meal. Sometimes I eat too late at night as well. Sometimes I eat really bad stuff (like salt and vinegar chips, even though they burn my tongue, still yum.)
But it all comes down to excuses. I know what is right with eating and exercise:
eat breakfast, lunch, dinner, and 2-3 light snacks daily
eat healthy foods, that are not processed and full of dyes, etc.
do not eat after 7pm
drink 8 glasses water daily
exercise 30 min. daily 5-6 days a week
be asleep by 11pm and up by 8am (to get my body in a good schedule)
This stuff is common sense, so please pray it could be my common sense!!!
Second, I am under a doctor's care regarding liver and digestive issues. I am taking vitamin d and fish oil daily (ok sometimes I forget.) I just got more blood work on Monday. I am seeing a GI doctor later this month.
I want to heal naturally without medicines, and I sure losing weight, eating healthier, and getting on better sleep schedule is the key to many of my problems. So pray that God would help me with the motivation part!
Posted by Becky R at 1:16 AM 2 comments
Prayer request
I wanted to ask for prayer for a few things:
-new cleaning business I started (I need more clients)
-calmness in my home
-productivity in my home (especially in regards to boys schoolwork)
-medical issues I am having
-my grandmother in Ohio is in hospital for numerous issues
-my grandmother in Ohio needs to sell her home ASAP to pay for nursing home and hospital bills
-family members seeking work:
brother, Kevin
sister, Samantha
dad's wife, Nola
my biological dad, John
Posted by Becky R at 1:10 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Cleaning job
I have started a cleaning business, called Green Clean. I provide all the cleaners and they are all non toxic and biodegradable.
I had my second job today. I realize although the more natural cleaners do work they require more elbow grease.
The job today took me two hours, which wasn't too bad. I made $60. (About $10 of that covers supplies.)
My goal is to get 4-5 clients a week.
I am trying this as a business because in 2-3 hours work I can make $60-$75. This way I can still devote most of my time to homeschooling.
The thing is my heart is in childcare, but working 50-60 hours a week I make $100 per child.
I can have about 2 kids in my house, but then we have to be home all week and can't do co-op. That would be about $200 a week working Mon.-Fri. 8:00am-6:00pm.
With cleaning I can work 15 hours a week and make about $300 (5 jobs, 2-3 hours each at $60 a job.) Even with driving time, it is only about 20 hours.
Of course right now I have 1 client, once a month, so I am far from 5 jobs a week.
I have made up some business cards and will start leaving at business's and on community bulletin boards.
Please pray if this is God's will for my life, and if so that I would fill up with clients quickly.
Posted by Becky R at 2:24 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Orange Cleaner
So simple and easy. Save your orange and lemon peels (I use organic so I know my cleaner has no chemicals), soak in white vinegar for 1 week to 1 month. Remove orange peels (don't forget to compost or put down garbage disposal to freshen room.) Mix half vinegar mixture and half warm water in a spray bottle. I did this and soaked a little over a week. I recommend soaking a bit longer. This stuff smells yummy and works great on my stove top and counters (although I still have a stain it did not get out.)
As a test I bought a bottle of non toxic, biodegradable orange cleaner. This works just as good. Both smell similar as well.
It takes a while to peel all the oranges needed (I used about 15.) But you can add orange peels to a bowl, jar, etc. in fridge for a few days then make cleaner.
Jason and I just peeled more oranges, we made fresh orange juice for breakfast, and I am making another batch of cleaner as well.
I was thinking of sewing some old towels, sheets, etc. into cleaning rags and making this cleaner for friends as a Christmas gift. Is that weird?
I would love that as a gift, but not sure what others think.
Have you made orange cleaner this way? Have another recipe for orange cleaner?
Posted by Becky R at 11:47 PM 4 comments
Labels: frugal living, green living
With all the chores my kids do, Jason's room occasionally gets neglected and I have to help him out with it. (It goes something like this, if you don't have that room clean by ____ -insert day, I will clean it, and everything on floor is garbage.)
Today I had to help him out. It looked like a bomb exploded, plus I was out of towels (which he said were not in his room.)
Two and half hours, two bags garbage, and four loads dirty clothes later I am done. Jason's response, "I need to rest, because I am upset you cleaned my room." Actually I think I need to rest. lol.
One thing I will say is the boys rooms are small (about 7'x11'), so they are hard to keep neat and organized. My own room (6' x 10') is messy as well (I am about to tackle it next.)
To help with that I got rid of some toys Jason does not play with and some he does. If they were on floor they went in trash (ok, I kept alot, including all his legos, wii, and dsi stuff.) Then we went through his toys in closet together and he agreed to give away three games, a science kit (that I took for younger kids in co-op), and a bug making kit (that I also will be using with kids at co-op.)
So that made room for all his toys to fit in his closet. I also organized and decluttered his clothes. All his shirts are hanging. His pj's, socks, and underwear have a drawer under the bed. His pants for now are in a pile on the closet floor.
I hope he can keep it this way for awhile.
Now off to straighten my room. And then cook dinner.
Posted by Becky R at 4:59 PM 0 comments
Labels: Jason
Monday, November 8, 2010
My kids have turned the living room into a fort. The started last night and have been tweaking it today. They slept and watched a movie in there already. I love their creativity.
Posted by Becky R at 7:18 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 7, 2010
No Impact Man
Just watched No Impact Man last night.
I believe we should care for the earth because we need to be good stewards of all that belongs to God. I think it was good this family raised awareness that we consume TOO much, by living without much for a year. They only bought local food, rode bikes (they live in NYC), tried to have no garbage at all, lived without power for 6 months, bought nothing (but food) new, did worm composting, and more.
I enjoyed watching their adventure and am even considering reading the book. Living more naturally, and especially frugally certainly appeals to me. So if I can learn something new I am all for it.
One thing that struck me about their experiment is that they obviously made much more money than me so buying healthier food was easier for them. It is very hard on my food budget to eat all organic and local food. I do try and want to do best for my family. But $400 a month for the three of us only goes so far. That is $100 a week, or $13 a day.
I am happy that they can afford such healthy food choices, just pointing out how costly it could be if we all ate local, organic food. Although I agree this would have great environmental impact.
But in regards to my walk with the Lord, although I feel He absolutely wants me to eat better, I am not sure if I am feeling called to eat only local and organic food. I do buy a few things (eggs, milk, bread, and beef) organic. I also buy a few things grown locally (produce.)
Have you seen the movie? Read the book? Any thoughts?
disclaimer: this movie has some curses. Otherwise it would make a great family movie, but for that reason I don't want my kids watching it.
Posted by Becky R at 8:46 PM 4 comments
My kid's chores
My kid's do chores every day.
Jason has 12 chores daily. Josh has 7 chores daily. (They are 12 and 7 years old.)
Some of Jason's chores:
feed dog
walk dog
clean up dog poop
make bed
put all dirty clothes in hamper
put away all clean clothes
put away all books
put away all toys
clear bedroom floor
empty garbage in room
dust tv, tv stand, & computer screen with vinegar spray
straighten living room
vacuum living room
take out kitchen garbage and replace bag
wash kitchen table
take out compost
throw in a load of laundry
hang laundry on line
put clothes from washer to dryer
clean out car
empty dishwasher
load dishwasher
dustbust floor
mop floor by back door
take garbage cans to curb Mon. & Thur. night
Some of Josh's chores:
feed dog
take dog out
take out compost
take out garbage and replace bag
make bed
clear floor in room
put dirty clothes in hamper
put toys away
put books away
empty trash in room
empty dishwasher
load dishwasher
wash kitchen table
clean out car
clean bathroom mirror with vinegar
clean bathroom cabinet
clean toilet
clean bathroom floor
feed hermit crab
water hermit crab
dustbust floors
They actually do a really good job at many of their chores. I have had them doing chores since they were very young.
The also are expected to clear own dishes after meals and occasionally my dishes as well. They sometimes cook meals with my help. They also help me do yard work, gardening, and watering plants.
I am trying to train them to be adult men who can take care of themselves and know how to clean. I want them to be a blessing to future roommates and their spouse. Plus I CAN'T do it all. (From above list it may seem I do nothing, lol, that is my goal, but somehow I still have lots of work to do daily.) I need their help. That is our reality.
Do your kids have chores? What are some of their chores (plus their ages?)
Posted by Becky R at 8:24 PM 2 comments
Age appropriate chore list
I just found this article here:
Age-Appropriate Chores
Do you know which chores your child can do?
by Sheila Seifert
What chores are important for your children to learn, and what are they capable of doing?
First, recognize the difference between a chore (an ongoing task that benefits the household) and a life skill (an activity that children should know how to do before living on their own, such as managing a checking account). The following list does not include life skills. It is a list of chores.
Second, remember that every child matures at a different pace. Adjust this chart to what you know about your children's skills and talents, and realize that no child should do all of the chores listed below every day.
With those two qualifiers in mind, here are some general guidelines for personal and family chores. This list is only meant as a guide and reflects the types of chores that many children in these age ranges are capable of completing:
Ages 2 and 3
Personal chores
•Assist in making their beds
•Pick up playthings with your supervision
Family chores
•Take their dirty laundry to the laundry basket
•Fill a pet's water and food bowls (with supervision)
•Help a parent clean up spills and dirt
Ages 4 and 5
Note: This age can be trained to use a family chore chart.
Personal chores
•Get dressed with minimal parental help
•Make their bed with minimal parental help
•Bring their things from the car to the house
Family chores
•Set the table with supervision
•Clear the table with supervision
•Help a parent prepare food
•Help a parent carry in the lighter groceries
•Match socks in the laundry
•Answer the phone with parental assistance
•Be responsible for a pet's food and water bowl
•Hang up towels in the bathroom
•Clean floors with a dry mop
Ages 6 and 7
Note: This age can be supervised to use a family chore chart.
Personal chores
•Make their bed every day
•Brush teeth
•Comb hair
•Choose the day's outfit and get dressed
•Write thank you notes with supervision
Family chores
•Be responsible for a pet's food, water and exercise
•Vacuum individual rooms
•Wet mop individual rooms
•Fold laundry with supervision
•Put their laundry in their drawers and closets
•Put away dishes from the dishwasher
•Help prepare food with supervision
•Empty indoor trash cans
•Answer the phone with supervision
Ages 8 to 11
Note: This age benefits from using a family chore chart.
Personal chores
•Take care of personal hygiene
•Keep bedroom clean
•Be responsible for homework
•Be responsible for belongings
•Write thank you notes for gifts
•Wake up using an alarm clock
Family chores
•Wash dishes
•Wash the family car with supervision
•Prepare a few easy meals on their own
•Clean the bathroom with supervision
•Rake leaves
•Learn to use the washer and dryer
•Put all laundry away with supervision
•Take the trash can to the curb for pick up
•Test smoke alarms once a month with supervision
•Screen phone calls using caller ID and answer when appropriate
Ages 12 and 13
Personal chores
•Take care of personal hygiene, belongings and homework
•Write invitations and thank you notes
•Set their alarm clock
•Maintain personal items, such as recharging batteries
•Change bed sheets
•Keep their rooms tidy and do a biannual deep cleaning
Family chores
•Change light bulbs
•Change the vacuum bag
•Dust, vacuum, clean bathrooms and do dishes
•Clean mirrors
•Mow the lawn with supervision
•Baby sit (in most states)
•Prepare an occasional family meal
Ages 14 and 15
Personal chores
•Responsible for all personal chores for ages 12 and 13
•Responsible for library card and books
Family chores
•Do assigned housework without prompting
•Do yard work as needed
•Baby sit
•Prepare food — from making a grocery list and buying the items (with supervision) to serving a meal — occasionally
•Wash windows with supervision
Ages 16 to 18
Personal chores
•Responsible for all personal chores for ages 14 and 15
•Responsible to earn spending money
•Responsible for purchasing their own clothes
•Responsible for maintaining any car they drive (e.g., gas, oil changes, tire pressure, etc.)
Family chores
•Do housework as needed
•Do yard work as needed
•Prepare family meals — from grocery list to serving it — as needed
•Deep cleaning of household appliances, such as defrosting the freezer, as needed
Posted by Becky R at 8:22 PM 2 comments
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Praise the Lord
All Oct. bills are now paid thanks to a donation from my dad. THANKS DAD!
That feels good. I even have my mortgage due Dec. 1st as well. Now to work on the rest of Nov. bills and paying off $200 Kohl's charge by end of month (my goal.)
Posted by Becky R at 1:36 PM 0 comments
re-post: My siblings
In case you are confused by my siblings, here is the run down:Eric is my oldest brother. He was born in 1976, so he would have been 34 this year, but he passed away last June. We have the same mom and dad.
Kevin is my younger brother. He is about to turn 30 in Jan. He lives 10 min. away from me in NJ. We have the same mom and dad.
Lindsey is my youngest sister. She just turned 26. She lives in Georgia. She is married and adopting a 3 year old girl from Russia very soon. We have the same dad, but different moms.
Adam is my baby brother. He was born in 1988, but passed away as an infant. We have the same mom, but different dads.Samantha is my baby sister. She is 21 years old. She lives very close to me in NJ. She has my new nephew, Kaiden. We have the same mom, but different dads.
Matthew is my baby, baby brother. He lives in Ohio with my dad and his new wife, Nola. Matthew is 2 years old. We have the same dad, but different moms.
I grew up with Eric and Kevin. Then my mom remarried and Adam and Samantha came along. I did not grew up with Lindsey, but have a relationship with her now. I also am trying to have a relationship with Matthew as well.
It gets a bit confusing, but I love having lots of siblings to love!
Posted by Becky R at 11:47 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
It's the little things
It's the little things that make me happy. Today I melted a candle that I love and made it into a new candle. I can't wait to use it again. All it cost me was a new wick (which I got on clearance.)
I also got a brand new paraffin wax spa set from a thrift shop a few months ago and used it again tonight. It was $10 brand new in the box, it came with wax and bags to wrap after you wax. It is also large enough for feet.
So far it has been used three times. The first time my friend Joanna and I each did both hands and feet. The second time Joanna, my sister, and I all did each hand and feet. Today I used it again, so did my boys and my niece. They were cold after playing in my boys new fort.
A paraffin treatment at a spa or salon is about $25 a person, all the above treatments would have cost about $200 plus tip. I think my $10 purchase was really worth it.
If you have never tried it is so relaxing. Plus your hands and feet are super soft afterwards. You can do without warmer by buying paraffin and heating it in double boiler or even in oven in a glass casserole type dish. Exact directions can be found here. I seriously recommend you do so. Make it a fun girls night in with friends.
It is the little things that bring me such joy!
Posted by Becky R at 11:21 PM 4 comments
Make your voice heard
We just voted.
Did you?
No vote is like no say.
This is your government.
Make your voice heard.
Posted by Becky R at 3:13 PM 3 comments
One year ago today...
I bought my house. I have been a homeowner for one year. Yippee!
We didn't actually move in until Dec., but the house became mine one year ago!
Posted by Becky R at 12:28 PM 7 comments
Oct. bills
I just realized I am $312 short on Oct. bills. I still need to pay:
$115 electric bill
$107 termite bill (I have a contract with them)
$ 50 water bill
$ 50 sewer bill
$ 60 phone/internet
I have $70, but I am still $312 short.
I do have my tax money ($1,200) that is due this week, so that is a praise!
This week I am working Fri. night for $50, and cleaning an apartment for $60. Both these amounts will go towards $312 still due, reducing amount to $202.
The water, sewer, and phone/intenet have not actually even come in mail yet. But the termite and electric are due asap.
I really messed up. Up until Sept. of this year all my bills have been paid up by the end of the month. Last month I went over by 1 week. This month it seems I will go over by 2 weeks. Yikes. This is dangerous.
I need to do whatever I can to get this $202 by the end of this week. Let me see what I can sell around the house.
Posted by Becky R at 12:17 PM 4 comments
Unbudgeted for Oct. spending
$13-Petsmart-pet treats
$15-Gamestop new controller for Jason
$10-magnet to hang my fall wreath
$100-payment on Kohl's charge *
$8-baby spoons
$5-A&P non food
$10-mailing baby gift to cousin's new baby
$10-mailing box to my friend
$6-ebay seller fees
$80-Christmas donation to sponsor children
$36-donation of food to needy family
$63-socks for me, boys, and some for Operation Christmas child boxes *
$75-non toxic cleaning supplies (for my new cleaning business) *
$20-Diabetes walk donation
$40-business cards for new cleaning business *
$10-mop and bucket for new cleaning business *
$5-Dunkin Donuts for boys
$5-recycled garbage bags
$32-Babies movie and something else at Target
$105-Great Adventure (food, gas to go, souvenir for Josh and Kaiden)
$60-boys fish oil *
$13-Blockbuster-renting movies
$54-Lady antibiotics *
$33-2007 blog book
$85-holistic dog food, harness, new leash, and breath treats for Lady
$962-I could kick myself
I put a * next to the things that I needed to do ($402), everything else was wants.
It kills me because I am actually $300 short on paying Oct. bills. The money could have come from above wants I spent.
I thought I had a good handle on my money, but clearly I was wrong. I need you to guide me in all my decisions. I need your wisdom. I need your patience. I need more of you in me!
In Jesus Name,
Posted by Becky R at 12:03 PM 2 comments
Monday, November 1, 2010
I hate debt
I do hate debt. I think it causes us to be slaves to the future.
I took a Kohl's card for the discount, but now it is maxed out (at $300.) I know that is a small amount, but it starts out this way. I surely could have done without spending that $300. Plus the interest is over 20%. My discount will not even be covered once I add interest. So my goal is to pay this off before the end of the year!
I do have a mortgage, but in theory if I had to I could sell house and pay off mortgage. The stuff bought at Kohl's will be long gone by the time I pay off the bill (if I only pay the minimum.)
What do you feel about debt?
Posted by Becky R at 8:02 PM 3 comments
My new financial goals
-make enough money from new cleaning business to live off of
-once I have full income again tithe first 10%, give away another 10%, and save 10%
-save $1,000 emergency fund
-pay off debt ($300 Kohl's charge)
-fund my freedom account ($1,200)
-save 6 months emergency fund ($12,000)
-start saving for retirement ($500,000; currently I have $70)
-pay off mortgage ($125,000)
-save for my kids college
How are your finances doing? Any new goals?
Posted by Becky R at 7:55 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Lady ate my toothbrush. Ewww! I hope she has fresh breath now. I now I sure don't. lol. This is what she has eaten so far (that I know about):
2 fire starter logs
loaf of bread
homeopathic PMS pills
3 tomatoes
3 granola bars
my toothbrush (she ate the brush part, but left the handle)
a chapstick (ate the chapstick, chewed and spit out the plastic container)
What fun!
Posted by Becky R at 6:36 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Goodbye Link
Sat. Jason's bird, Link passed away. It seems he was startled to death by Lady, our dog. I didn't even know this could happen, so I feel horrible. Jason is very upset. He has been training Link for the past 6 months.
Goodbye, Link. You will be missed.
Posted by Becky R at 7:50 PM 2 comments