Monday I start my new job. I am very nervous. My mom is taking me shopping this weekend so I can have some nice work clothes. We are actually spending Sat. & Sun. away with my sister and cousin as well. My stepfather is watching the kids. I am excited to get a break from them. Plus I have not really hung out with my mom in a long time, I miss that. I hope I can not be cranky, for some reason I am cranky alot lately, not sure why.
On my shopping trip I hope to get:
new sneakers for working out
sports bra for working out
new regular bras
a few nice summer work shirts
fitted tee shirts(most of mine are stained or too small)for summer
work sandals
white summer blouse to go with my three skirts
I will let you all know how the weekend goes. Please pray I can be positive and not so negative and have an enjoyable time with mom, sister, & cousin. -Becky
Friday, May 30, 2008
Posted by Becky R at 3:17 PM 1 comments
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Work history and changes
Hi! I thought I would post about the numerous jobs I have had in my life. At 11 I started babysitting. I remember being 12 and babysitting for this family with my friend Lauren, we got $20 total for about 5 hours babysitting and we cleaned the house too (this family had a snake and we thought once a dead hamster in the cabinet-lol.) We thought we were rich with our $10 each.
My first real job I was 14, I worked at Fun City USA on the Keansburg boardwalk. I worked there for many summers and took quiet a leadership role, actually taking a fun teenage job too seriously.
I also worked at Rag Shop where I worked 14 months and received employee of the month like 3 months in a row, but never a raise (although 3 male employees made more than me-go figure.) I loved working here though as I love crafting.
When I started college I worked as a nanny 6:30am-1:00pm. They were such cute little red headed kids. I got pregnant while working there and for some reason I quit. After I had Jason I went back to work there. I took him with me, this worked for about five months and then they moved.
Next in my home I watched a little girl Jason's age and then a year later watched her sister as well.
When Jason was almost two I started nannying for an awesome family with one child, a boy two years older than Jason. It was 12:00-6:00. It was a great time. Jason & I had our mornings to relax and we did projects and lots of reading together. I was living on my own for the first time (with little Jason of course.) I worked for this incredible family up until I got married. I was also able to obtain my AA in education during this time taking morning classes (my mom babysat.)
I got married Sept. 1, 2002 and then I worked for this family until end of Oct. when we moved to Kentucky. I did not work in KY as I was newly married, newly moved, caring for Jason, and newly pregnant. This was a very calm time for Jason and I as we got to take long walks and do school everyday.
When I moved back to NJ in April 2003 I was almost due with Joshua, so I could not work. Thankfully my mom took care of us until Josh was 6 months old I took a part time job in a preschool. I worked aftercare 2:30-5:30. Sometimes Jason came with me and my mom watched Joshua.
In Sept. 2004 I started another nanny job. I took Joshua to work with me, and Jason was at school. I would occasionally pick Jason up from school or my mom would. I did this for a year.
Then in July 2005 I started my in home daycare. I have been doing that ever since. This is the hardest I have ever worked and the longest hours as well. I have had as many as five kids besides my own and as little as one child. I have had three sets of twins, two were special needs. I have LOVED doing this job, but come a few weeks my in home daycare will be closing. It is bittersweet. I am sad to end something, yet exciting to start something new.
I will be working in an office two days a week (Mon. & Wed.), doing homeschool co-op two days a week (Tues. & Thur.), and homeschooling Jason Fridays. I am not sure how I will handle all this but as I look back I can say how did I handle some of the things in the past? God and my family and friends, hard work, and one baby step at a time. That is the best I can do. This is all any of us can do.
At least at co-op I will be doing a preschool, this is the age group I feel most gifted in, so I am excited about that.
So that is my job history (oh I left out last summer teaching social skills to Autistic kids, that was amazing, and that is the office I will now be working in, isn't it amazing how God weaves all we do to grow us?!!!)
So I will add office employee to my resume, but more importantly I want to be an ambassador for Christ in all I do. I want to glorify Him in all I do and share Him in all the jobs I do. What an exciting opportunity I will have to share Him with families whose children have autism and severe physical handicaps (the office I will be working out.) I look forward to the changes and opportunities, yet still am taking time to grieve the loss of my daycare and all the children who have passed through my doors. I love them all. They became part of our family, that is not so easy to let go of. I am so grateful to have had that time though. I also am grateful that for TEN plus years I have been with my kids for a majority of the time, and if they were not with me they were with friends and family, people who really care about them. That has meant the world to me!
That's my job history, and my job future as well.
Tell me a little about your past or present job in the comment section! -Becky
Posted by Becky R at 10:28 AM 3 comments
Hi! We bought our caterpillars from Insect Lore. They are a great company. They are offering 5% off any web purchase. Just enter WEB5 at checkout. Again I am not getting paid to post this, I just wanted to share. -Becky
Insect Lore the site also has bug facts and fun games for the kids (that are free to play online.)
Posted by Becky R at 10:12 AM 0 comments
FUNtastic Felt sets
Hi! We love our flannel board (that I made) and felt sets. I buy great sets to go with many themes from Funtastic Felt a great work at home mom. Check her out. I am not getting paid to post this just wanted to share. -Becky
ps-her prices are very reasonable and she offers free shipping! Go Away Big Green Monster! -we have this felt set and kids love to use it with story
Posted by Becky R at 10:08 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
long weekend
I had a very nice long weekend. Fri. I hired my assistant Marenda to watch daycare kids from 11:30-5:30 (thanks so much Marenda.) This allowed me to get ready and go get Duane from the airport. Even after his flight delay and all the traffic we still had an hour before I had to be home at 5:30, so we went down to the beachfront. It was very relaxing. I don't get to just be that often so it hard for me, but so needed. Saturday was spent preparing for Sunday barbecue. My parents and Duane were nice enough to mow the lawn, do the trim, finish preparing my garden bed, and generally straighten up yard and set up tables and chairs. I helped too (I made iced tea, does that count?-lol) Sunday we went to church and then had a barbecue. I invited family and church family. We had about 25 people, kids included. The weather was awesome. The food yummy (thanks for all those salads), and the company great! We also had cake to celebrate Joshua's 5th birthday. After all the setting up and such I finally sat down and chatted with guests and played with my friends new son, Matthew (he is so... cute!)
I think Duane held out well, he is a bit shy, but with 25 strangers around I can't blame him. I am glad he was there.
Saturday night we cleaned up, Josh slept at my mom's and Jason was at another barbecue so we walked on the beach again (Duane loves the beach since he lives in NE and they do not have a beach or ocean.) There was this great cool breeze coming off the ocean. It was so nice, but I was a bit tired!
Monday Duane took me and the kids to IHOP. Then we tried to set up the kids new pool, but we did not have an air compressor, so the kids played in the new slip & slide. Then I dropped Duane at the shuttle to the airport. I put the kids to bed by 9:00 and then I went to bed. I was so exhausted from all the entertaining, the barbecue, and sun time.
Overall it was nice to spend time with Duane, family & friends, and to relax this weekend.
It is a bit strange to be dating someone from NE. It is strange in that I can not see him that often and that when I do see him it is not just a date, but a whole weekend at a time. But I can't expect him to come for a date then fly home, and I do like spending time with him, it is just hard to find a good balance with me time, my kids, my responsibilities, and fun time too.
Dear God,
Thanks for the awesome weekend you gave me. Thanks that Duane arrived here & home safely. Thanks for mom & Scott helping with my yard stuff. Thanks for Duane helping with my yard stuff. Thanks for my two wonderful boys. Thanks for the reminder at my barbecue of the wonderful family & friends you have put in our lives. Thanks for a yard to host the time together and the money to buy the food, thanks also for the awesome grill that Pastor Josh & April gave me last year. I praise you for all you have done and are doing in my life. Lord, I love you! -Amen!
Posted by Becky R at 1:38 PM 1 comments
updated donation button
Praise the Lord, we have raised all the funds for Jason's summer camp week. He is paid for and all signed up to go in July. I have updated our donation button to accept donations for homeschool curriculum. I really feel lead by God to homeschool Jason this upcoming year. This means many changes for our family, especially financially. We already live on an extremely tight budget, but I will be reducing my income come June. 1st, by $600 a month. I have it figured out how to get through the summer with all bills paid and such. I am working on Sept. budget. However this does not leave much money for curriculum, so if you feel lead to donate towards that we would really appreciate it. Or if you have any 5th grade curriculum that you are no longer using that you would be able to share with us that would be great too. Thanks! -Becky
Posted by Becky R at 1:02 PM 0 comments
Hi! I have been using snapfish since 2000, and I love it. Right now they are offering free shipping if you order over 20 prints. Upload all those photos that are on your camera and get some actual prints. Code PRTFREE08 at checkout.
Also for free you can share photos via snapfish and they store your photos online for free. I feel good knowing if anything ever happened to all my prints that I could reorder some. I am not getting paid to post this, just wanted to share the free shipping offer. It expires in 3 days. Snapfish
Posted by Becky R at 12:56 PM 0 comments
Free / Cheap summer activities
HI! Check out this great blog for awesome Summer ideas, like free kids movies.
Posted by Becky R at 11:37 AM 1 comments
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Decision Made
Hello! The parents of the little boy I watch told me yesterday that they found a new daycare for Sept. So I will be taking the office job. My days will be so different come Sept., but the blessings are:
I can take Joshua to school everyday and pick him up Tues., Thur., & Fri.
I will be able to homeschool Jason and do the homeschool co-op
We will have Fri., Sat, & Sun. without work or co-op for schooling, housework, and field trips
I will be out of the house and around people a few days a week
I am nervous as I have not worked in an office before, but I think I can do it. I also get to get up and wear more than just mommy clothes, but the office is very casual, so I will not need an entire new wardrobe.
I also am nervous about relying on my car to drive 4 days a week (2 days to work and 2 days to co-op.) But no use worrying about something that has not happened yet.
My mom has agreed to watch Jason one of the days I will be at work and that day to also pick Joshua up from school, so I just have to make a plan for the other day. I think I can bring Jason to work with me and he can help and do his schooling. I have a few people who may be able to get Joshua for me. God will work out all the details.
Of course my biggest concern is financial. I will be reducing my income by $600 a month. I can cut about $350 from my budget, but still need an additional $250 a month. Half of that I will make at my part time Saturday job. So I still will be short about $125 a month. And with being a single mom, homeschooling, and working I can not add another job. So this is a trust thing. Since I feel lead by God to homeschool then I have to trust He has all the details worked out. This is tough though.
But it is amazing how God has closed my in home daycare door and opened a new opportunity. Thanks for all your prayers!
Posted by Becky R at 9:47 AM 5 comments
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
I need prayer
Hi! I have to make a decision about taking a job by tomorrow! I am not sure what to do. I feel God leading me to homeschool Jason next year and be part of a homeschool co-op. But I of course need to earn a living as well. With the co-op parents must be involved in some way, so I plan on doing a preschool. The co-op is Tues. & Thur. 10-3 (but I have to leave by 2:30 to get Joshua.) So I need a way to make enough money to live, have time to homeschool, and do co-op, and still be there for Joshua after school. It almost seems impossible, but we know nothing is impossible for God.
My schedule would be:
Mon. drop Joshua at school at 8:30
be at work 9-4
(what to do with Joshua from 3:00-4:30???)
(what to do with Jason 9-4???)
Tues. drop Josh off at school 8:30
9:30-leave for co-op
3:00-pick up Josh
Wed. drop Joshua off at school
be at work 9-4
(what to do with Joshua from 3:00-4:30???)
(what to do with Jason 9-4???)
Thur. drop Josh off at school 8:30
9:30 leave for co-op
3:00 get Josh
Fri. Jason's English & math school days
My mom can watch Jason one day a week and I hope to bring him to work with me the other day. I think Mon. & Wed. I could put Josh in latchkey (but I HATE the idea of that.) Or perhaps have him go home with a friend. But I can not afford to pay someone to watch him, this is a problem!!! With this job I would make about $600 a month, with no benefits or anything (just 6 paid personal days.) I really need to make at least $800 a month and this is bare minimum. But I can still keep my part time Sat. job and make up the difference.
I have to let the job know by tomorrow. I am so not sure what to do about it.
Pray also as I may be watching the little boy I watch now, which would be ideal and he would come to co-op and get the preschool part of it, but his parents are not sure as Wed. & Fr. he would not be with any other kids except Jason and Joshua after school. This would be better as then I never have to worry about what to do with Jason Mon. & Wed. or what to do with Joshua after school Mon. & Wed. But this is now up to the little boys parents.
I hate having to make these sort of decisions. Please pray I would get clarity. -Becky
Posted by Becky R at 10:53 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
What to keep?
Hi! I have always loved to write. And I have every journal I ever kept, but as I have rediscovered them and reread them I wonder why I want bad memories around. I mean some of the stuff makes me sad and mad, should I just get rid of them? Most of the stuff I had long forgotten, should it stay that way? Should the past just be in the past?
I am so grateful though for my new life in Christ and His grace and mercy and forgiveness, and all the second chances He has given me.
So what are you holding on to and should I get rid of the journals I have had from age 10-now? My journals, not the ones I have kept for the kids all about them. -Becky
Posted by Becky R at 4:55 PM 2 comments
to Liam & Peter
Hello! It is nice of you to read my blog. You guys have not been over in a while, did you go on vacation or something?
We are all excited about the camping trip in August. Do you guys want to try and go canoeing? That would be cool. Have a great day! -Miss Becky
Posted by Becky R at 2:51 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 19, 2008
I am shocked!
Let me preface this by saying I do have an emergency fund (3 months living expenses), and my summer trip money, and house painting money put aside. But I was going over my bills and was shocked to realize I spent $605.00 this month on stuff I was not planning on or did not budget for. And the month is not even over yet.
$9.00 -Netflix
$26.00-offering for families in process of adoption
$39.00-post office mailing stuff
$52.00-tote bags (to use for kids to make as gifts)
$4.00-snapfish photos
$9.00-gift for a little girl
$40.00-QVC (impulse purchase, may return)
$50.00-accessory kit for QVC impulse purchase (also may return)
$9.00-Blockbuster renting 2 movies
$16.00-accidentally returned Blockbuster movie to Netflix, owe Blockbuster
$79.00-Mother's day gift
$122.00-renter's insurance (for entire year)
$20.00-more adoption donations
$7.00-Wawa snacks
$20.00-Foodtown snacks
$4.00-Five Below boy birthday gift
$6.00-Dunkin Donuts
$44.00-Loewe's (rod for closet, garden gloves, batteries, ant traps, and bird seed)
$24.00-Buggy Bumpers another baby gift for new brother
$26.00-frame for new poster in room at AC Moore
I write this because I am ashamed and for accountability. Some of this stuff was necessary (like the renter's insurance) but should have been budgeted for. Some was only necessary so Josh could attend two friends parties (but I think the $4 & $9 were great deals and nice gifts.) The tote bags also was a good deal and we will paint them for teacher's end of the year gifts. But still this should have been budgeted for. The snacks and movies absolutely not necessary and should not have been purchased or rented. The library has free movies, why should I pay. The room stuff should also have been budgeted for.
I guess it just shocks me how all the little stuff adds up. I never would have guessed I spent that much. I estimated I spent $200 with out the renter's insurance, but it was about $480 without the renter's insurance. On gifts, snacks, and movies, basically most of which we did not NEED! The QVC stuff I may return.
I really have to buckle down as in two weeks I am losing half my income. I can't keep spending frivolously this way. You may be wondering where this money came from, it was mostly my economic stimulus money that I should have moved out of my checking. I would have preferred to use this to increase my savings or at least take a mini vacation. Well, it will just have to be a lesson to me to pay more attention and plan a little better next time. I just have to keep striving to do it right. Thank God for a new day tomorrow and another chance! -Becky
Posted by Becky R at 9:10 PM 1 comments
Sunday, May 18, 2008
my new closets-yipee!!!
me so happy my room is almost done (only spackeling and painting to go.) excuse the mess in the background, this picture was taking before I put stuff back in my room.
my custom computer closet made by Mom & Scott
my new custom closet made by Mom & Scott
my closet curtain (instead of a door)
my bed, not sure if I like it this way or with headpart against the wall
my bed
Posted by Becky R at 10:38 PM 2 comments
My birthday boy
Joshua five today
Joshua & Jason
Mommy & Joshua
Saturday Joshua celebrated his 5th birthday. We went to another party for a child in his class, got ice cream, got KFC (his choice) for dinner, and I let him play lots of video games (his request.) Today as his gift I took him to see Prince Caspian (at his request.) The movie was good, but not for a newly 5 year old. Next weekend we are having a barbeque for family and June 7th is his friend party (a carnival in my backyard.) I hope he does not think he is turning another year older like last year when he had two parties. He thought he was 4, then 5 years old with his two parties last year, it was funny.
I just can not believe Jason is 10 an Joshua is 5. It is CRAZY!
Happy Birthday to my baby! I love you, especially your sense of humor and helpfulness! -Becky
Posted by Becky R at 10:27 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
discouraged again
Hi! I did not lose any weight this week. But I did not exercise that much and ate some bad stuff so I expected it. I am glad I did not gain anything.
I am discouraged but realize this is a lifetime change, not an easy fix. I still am thankful to Cindy for all the training and aerobics she is teaching me. I will get this!!! -Becky
Posted by Becky R at 9:43 AM 1 comments
Update on camp
Hi! I sent in the deposit for Jason's camp and we have almost all the money. Jason is so happy. See this post to read more I am having a heart attack.
Posted by Becky R at 9:38 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 12, 2008
awesome day
Yesterday I got breakfast in bed (my mom helped the kids make it for me Sat. night when I was at work.) It was french toast, orange juice, and a pop tart. Also I had fresh cut lilacs in my house. Also Jason painted me a vase and it had a pink carnation in it. And Josh made me a hand print that he wrote I love Mom on. Also both boys made me very nice cards. It was very nice. Then we went to take my car in for a new alternator. And my mom picked us up and we went to hang out at my mom's. It was so nice as my sister, Samantha, and both brothers, Eric and Kevin, came over. We all ate dinner (made by my stepfather Scott) together and just sat around and talked. My kids were there also (of course.) As we all sat around I felt so peaceful and happy. Usually when we all get together we have more relatives over so I don't get to actually chat with my siblings. It made me really happy. I actually have not seen Eric in a while, so that was an added bonus.
Kevin and I discussed our trip to Ohio in July, we invited Eric and Sam, but we got a nice eye rolling about that. It is ok, I am very excited to spend four days with Kevin and my boys.
We discussed tattoo's with Sam, who now has three and wants more. My brothers hate tattoo's and although I like my two I do not want my baby sister having so many. She is only 18. It is just I know how much I changed in the past 10 years and she will most likely too, I don't want her to regret her tattoo's. Especially since she told me she wants to get a Buddha on her stomach. Two gasps, one cause her stomach will not always look so cute (if she has kids) and two, will she always want Buddha on her belly? Most likely not!
So, yes getting into a fight with her about that was not fun, I have to work on how I talk to her as she is only 18 and I am 28.
But overall my day was very pleasant. It got me thinking though how much I need and depend on my family and how I don't think I could really ever leave them, even though I want to build my own house on some property somewhere someday. My family is too important to me. I guess it is silly to think about what might be one day. For now I am so happy I have my family and all so close. Yesterday was an awesome day! -Becky
Posted by Becky R at 12:46 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Tribute to my mom
Hello! Today is Mother's Day, so what better day to give a tribute to my mom. My mom is amazing. I have such fond memories of growing up and home cooked meals (spaghetti and taco salad two of my favorites) and chocolate chip cookies baking in the oven. My mom worked but I always remember her being around. She got us involved in activities and sports, she let us have our friends over for tea parties and pool parties. She listened to us and hugged us. I could not ask for a better mom.
My mom also was honest with me, and let me know of her mistakes and then I am sure painstakingly let me make my own. That is really the only way we learn. But then she was not there waiting to gloat and say I told you so or pick up all the pieces, no she has an amazing way of guiding me to learn from my mistakes and overcome. If I had one word to describe my mom it would be: strength. She is an amazing strong woman. I like to think I am a bit like her, which makes me so proud. Thanks mom for all you do. Happy Mother's Day! I love you! -Becky
Posted by Becky R at 12:05 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 8, 2008
sad truth
"When a poor person dies of hunger, it has not happened because God did not take care of him or her. It has happened because neither you nor I wanted to give that person what he or she needed. We have refused to be instruments of love in the hands of God to give the poor a piece of bread, to offer them a dress with which to ward off the cold. It has happened because we did not recognize Christ when, once more, he appeared under the guise of pain, indentified with a man numb from the cold, dying of hunger, when he came in a lonely human being, in a lost child in search of a home."
- Mother Teresa
My friend Courtney had this on her blog, and it reminded me that I often wonder what is God telling me to do that I am neglecting? Or who should I tell about Him that may not hear about Him from anyone else?
What about you? -Becky
Posted by Becky R at 8:37 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
internet dating
What do you all think of Internet dating? It seems to be more and more popular. I met Duane from NE online (eharmony) and his brother met his wife on eharmony as well. What are some good rules? How long should you chat before you meet? Do you ask for references? What is acceptable? Do you meet only locals or all over? Are paid dating sites better than free ones? I am not personally looking myself just wondering what you all think. I actually am dating the guy from NE, if you can really date someone who lives 1,200 miles away. I like that we have taken lots of time to get to know each other via email, phone, and written letters. Yes, he writes me real letters, and I do as well. I love to write and I love to receive letters so it is nice to do. It is so 90's (lol), but I enjoy it. It is nice to talk to someone and get to know them without stressing over appearance or physical stuff. But still I wonder is it all real? Do we fill in the blanks for what we don't see but want to be there?
Duane and I emailed, talked on phone, and wrote letters and exchanged photos from Aug. 11th-Dec. 29th before we met in person. He flew here. Honestly it was weird. His plane was a day and a half delayed for bad weather and it was really late when he finally got here Sat. night and he left on Sunday. After he left I was ready to give up on him and online dating for a bit, but I prayed and did not get that from God, so we continued to talk. I was hesitant and guarded (which I still am) but realized that I was mad at him for stuff he had no control over, bad weather and me being so tired, and my plans being changed ( I like my plans, but I need to like God's more.) So I got over the first meeting and eventually we had another (I wrote about it in post: Not to go into too much detail.)
Anyway it is good now and I am enjoying things as they go. What about you and your experiences with online dating? -Becky
Posted by Becky R at 9:13 PM 2 comments
found out
The job from the last post is a permanent position and they need 20-25 hours a week, this may be too much for me. If both my boys were going back to school in Sept. I could work four, six hour days and still be there to get them to school and home after school, but I feel like I am being lead to homeschool Jason next year. And what about summers and school holidays? I will still go Tues. for the meeting, but I think that is too many hours for me. Maybe I can do about 20 hours a week in the summer and less in the fall, I am not sure, but God is. He knows if I should homeschool or not and if I should continue in home daycare or do other work from home or what. It is so confusing for me though. I still feel that God wants me in the home for the majority of the time. I will go to Tuesday meeting, then I will meet with parents who may want me to watch there son next year. It all also depends on where and when co-op is this year, so I can see if it is too far and if I can plan my week around it or not. So much up in the air, I am just going to keep lifting it up to Him. I will update after Tuesday. -Becky
Posted by Becky R at 8:54 PM 0 comments
God never ceases to amaze me
Hi! When I first started doing in home childcare I had a set of special needs twins who got therapy from the state. Well, one of the therapists and I remained in contact and when she was treating a baby a year later who needed childcare she recommended me. The therapist went on to open her own private physicality and I worked for her last summer 4 hours a week teaching social skills to autistic kids. I had planned on doing that again this summer. I found out that they were expanding the office as business was good and I prayed about asking them to hire me in Sept. to do about 12 hours a week work so that I could be home with Jason homeschooling the other days (and not do in home daycare at all next year or do both, therapy center Mon. & Sat., daycare Tues.-Fri.)
Well, I never actually approached them about it as I was waiting till they had the summer schedule underway. Well, today they called me and basically said they want to hire me for exactly what I was hoping. I am still not sure about all the details, pay or hours, but I am having a meeting with them on Tues. in am. They need office help and such. They want me to start in June (the times I am at therapy center I will pay my assistant to do daycare girl & my boys, and I should still make some money from it.)
It will be awesome if in Sept. I can work there five hours Mon. and five hours Sat., do my daycare child Tues.-Fri. Homeschool Jason and do co-op on Tues. & Thur (with daycare child.) This would still give me Sunday off and allow me to be home after school for Joshua as well. If I work at therapy place Sat. in am I would probably give up my Sat. night job, but we will see as I love that job too.
I will know more after my meeting on Tuesday.
What I do not want to give up is my Tues. night aerobics and Bible study and one other hour per week workout with my trainer (thanks Cindy!) I also do not want to work weeknights or Sundays ever! I need some time with Joshua too who will be at school all day next year. Plus Tues., Wed., & Thur. nights we have somewhere to be (aerobics, & Bible study, church, and doctors.)
God already knows, but I LOVE having options! -Becky
Posted by Becky R at 1:15 PM 0 comments
Well, after working out an hour a week for 6 months, doing First Place Bible Study for 3 months, and working out an additional hour a week for 1 month, plus my at home workouts I have lost another 2 lbs. So I am at a total loss of 4 lbs. I am so doing a happy dance. My ultimate goal was 42 lbs, so only 38 more to go!!!
I am not dieting, I am working really hard at keeping my calories under 1,700 a day and exercising about 5 hours a week (2 in class, the other 3 at home.)
I also am doing the Giving Christ First Place Study which is amazing, but focuses on your entire walk with the Lord not just eating and exercise. This is so important because when we want to overeat we need to call on the Lord and when we don't want to exercise we need to call on Him too.
I have realized that not enough time is not an excuse, God desires me to spend daily time with Him in prayer, Bible reading, and Bible study as well as time in exercise. That's right exercise time is time with Him as our bodies are His temple. That sure makes my workouts easier, knowing it pleases Him. I said easier but I still sure struggle with not wanting to do it, I ache afterwards, sometimes all week. But I realize that is a praise too. I am young and able with no real reason to be heavy. I take my good health for granted.
I praise you for this healthy body. Lord I praise you that you love me the way I am, but love me too much to stay that way (so not my line.) Lord, thank you for Cindy working to train me and this first Place Study so my walk with you can grow. Lord, also thanks I have a Tues. night sitter(thanks MOM)so I can work on your temple.
Posted by Becky R at 7:36 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
HI! We do not have any cable, so we get netflix. They are offering anyone 1 month free. go to: and enter M80905650705
Posted by Becky R at 3:33 PM 0 comments
update on bread experiment
Hi! The banana bread is delicious!!! -Becky
Posted by Becky R at 3:32 PM 0 comments
baking / cooking
We just starting a loaf of bread and then made some banana bread. The kids and I love to bake and cook. They love to crack eggs and stir and add food coloring to whatever we are making. Today our banana bread will be orange (who do you think chose that color?) Well as we were mixing the banana bread I added some cranberry juice (sometimes I add orange juice, but I had some pure cranberry juice that I don't want to waste as it cost $8, but I can't stand to actually drink it.) Well the cranberry juice and baking soda starting fizzing. I had no idea. The kids thought it was hilarious. I added a little water to diffuse the bomb. We still put it in the oven, I wonder how it will taste. I will update you all later.
Do you and your kids like to bake / cook, if so what do you make? We make breads, and lots of muffins, cookies, and cake (can you tell why my weight loss is a challenge-lol.) They also love to chop veggies and fruit for lunch and snacks. -Becky
Posted by Becky R at 10:51 AM 2 comments
It's Tuesday
Hello! I have been really focusing on ways to reduce, reuse, recycle lately. For two main reasons to save me some money and to be a better steward of the earth that God has entrusted us with.
One thing we do that the kids love is I save boxes (like cereal boxes, etc) for art projects. We recently made robots which came out really cute. daycare girl, Joshua, daycare boy
I also cancelled my debit card and amazed at how much I have not spent, especially on online purchases in the past month.
I find it fun and addicting to see how I can stretch what we have and save money, and preserve the earth a little bit longer. I am thankful God gave me the desires to do so and the ability to go without (although honestly we have everything we need and so much more.)
I am so thankful for all we have. We are so blessed!!!
Posted by Becky R at 8:50 AM 2 comments
Sunday, May 4, 2008
God keeps confirming it
Well, I just found out I will be doing daycare this summer as the little girl I watch will need care after all. This makes me feel so much better as I will not deplete my entire emergency fund. Plus I will have $20 a week for spending and will be able to visit my grandparents in July, and she will be on vacation 2 separate weeks so we will get two weeks off (without pay, but I was not expecting pay all summer.) Plus the other little boy I watch his mom asked me if I could watch him and his brother one day a week so she can keep up on her teaching stuff. This money will pay for Jason's Sept. home school curriculum.
It is also a blessing because I like to sleep in and the little girl I watch comes at 7:00am, so I can't sleep in. I was fearing I would sleep till noon everyday, which is so not good. My day goes so much more smoothly when I am up before my kids.
I am so in awe of how wonderfully God provides. It is amazing how He works out all the details. And this just confirms that He wants me in the home.
This summer we are actually going on two or three trips and I am so excited.
One trip is a four day drive to my grandparents cabin in Ohio.
One trip is a three day, two night camping trip in August in NJ with friends.
In addition we will have at least one week off with no daycare kids to do day trips and such. And we can do day trips with the daycare girl I watch as well, like the beach, zoo, and parks. Our area has so many free or inexpensive things to do, it is really nice.
I am so excited.
Are you already making summer plans? -Becky
Posted by Becky R at 7:33 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Hi! I just posted Friday about extra money I needed to come up with for May. Well, I forgot I still had a check I had not cashed and it was enough to send my sister a Target gift card for her new house and get my new brother a gift and ship it to them (along with there Christmas gifts because I never saw them around Christmas.) I am so excited about that.
I am so blessed I paid all of April's bills and will have enough to pay all of May's as well. God is so amazing.
I have been doing a good job not spending money that is not budgeted for. But I do have to take my car in for some repairs so we will see how it goes this month.
How are your financial goals going? How has God amazed you in this area lately? -Becky
Posted by Becky R at 10:29 PM 1 comments
I have a new brother
My dad's girlfriend gave birth to me new brother this week. A baby is always a blessing. Matthew Fredrick R. / 7 lbs 14 oz
born 4-29-08 at around 8:00pm My dad, Nola, and new brother Matthew
Posted by Becky R at 10:21 PM 2 comments
Friday, May 2, 2008
May extra money to come up with
In March & April I did a good job coming up with extra money for additional expenses by selling some used dvds, toys, and an old gold chain & bracelet I had. This month I also have need to come up with additional money (about $80) for:
$30.00-housewarming gift for my sister-her & her husband recently bought a house in Georgia (if she lived closer I would make her a meal and give an offer to clean her house once, but since she is so far I want to send her a gift, any frugal ideas?)
$20-graduation gift for my dear friend Heather who is graduating college (but I may give her free childcare for a date with her husband as a gift.)
$30-baby gift for my new brother (my dad's girlfriend, Nola gave birth to my newest brother, Matthew on Tuesday.) (They also live far away so I can't give my gift of free babysitting or house cleaning to them either.)
It is my goal to be very frugal with everything I do, escpecially since in about a month I will not be working anymore. I am trying to use up everything in my house and not buy anything I do not absloutely need. I have given up most paper products. I will no longer be buying napkins, paper towels, or pads. For all three I have gone cloth. I will use up any paper I have in my house and save one roll of paper towels for my mom, who hates when she can not find any washclothes, kitchen towels, etc. This paper choice will be better for our budget and the environment as well. I also am not buying any books, toys, clothes, or daycare supplies (my weakness) new. I may have to buy ink for computer, but otherwise I have so much that we can use for daycare that I want to use up first. I will still buy used if we need an item. Fortionately I have enough summer clothes and even new sandals that I got on clearance in the winter for $5. Hopefully my boys will have enough too. I think they actually do. They both have new flip flops, sneakers that fit, and bathing suits. They both have at least 5 pairs of shorts that fit, I think this will be plenty. Jason may need water shoes, but Joshua has two pairs. I do not forsee needing much else for summer, except sunblock, but I have three bottles from last year that may still be good (we go through about 5 bottles sunblock a summer.)
I am trying to be as creative as possible as I really want to make continuing to work at home work. I also do not have much work lined up for the summer (it was my plan not to work in summer at all, because I was going to start working outside the home in Sept., but as I previously mentioned in Desires of the heart post that I feel God wants me in the home. I still feel so blessed. Using less actually reminds me how much we really have. We have to this day NEVER gone without a need. Honestly, we have barely gone without a want (although I want a pool, but am happy that we live near free beach and two friends with a pool.)
GOD IS SO GOOD (I can never say ths enough.) -Becky
Posted by Becky R at 12:34 PM 2 comments
Hi! My brother and I are taking my kids to Ohio to visit my grandparents this summer at the end of July. As kids we went to there cabin on the lake often, but I have not been there in about seven years now, and I have only seen my grandparents once in the past few years. Sadly they are not going to be able to keep up the cabin home much longer as there health is failing, so I really want to get there this year. We have to rent a car as neither of us has a car that we can depend on driving to Ohio. I looked into renting and am shocked by the prices.
For a full size car:
20.00 day collision (my policy is only liability and I won't risk having to repair a rental)
5.00-homeland security fee (so they can check that I am not a terrorist)
10.00-additional driver fee (so my brother and I can both drive rental)
35.00-full size car per day
$70.00 a day plus 7% NJ sales tax
For a minivan:
5.00-homeland security fee
10.00-additional driver fee
90.00-per day
$125.00 a day plus 7% sales tax
No way can I afford the minivan. That is crazy!!!
I forget to mention, you get 150 miles free a day, any after that are .25 cents a mile. I am sure we will go over 600 miles. AHHHHH!!! Not to mention we need gas for the trip ( I have budgeted $200 for gas). I am so glad we will have no hotel and food costs as we are staying with my grandparents.
My idea of a frugal vacation is to stay home and walk to the free beach. But it is important for us to see my grandparents.
Anyone planing any trips this summer? -Becky
Posted by Becky R at 8:43 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Tribute to Joanna & all my friends
It is never my intent to offend anyone with this blog, especially my friends. In my post about my weekend with Duane I neglected to mention that on Saturday my friend of 16 years and now current neighbor hung out with us while we played outside. Joanna is so awesome in that she loves to play with my kids and they all have such fun together.
I am so proud of Joanna as she recently graduated from Rutgers.
I love Joanna because no matter what we can ALWAYS laugh together.
In high school Joanna and I spent alot of time together and always had something to say, on the phone, on the bus, hanging out in the yard. I wonder what did we talk about till 2:00am and then all day at school. But still to this day if she comes over at night we talk the hours away. It has been such a blessing to have her as a neighbor and to be close to her again these past 6 months. I especially like to wait by the window and say hello (aka stalking her-lol!)
God is so good in that He has allowed me such a great group of friends throughout my life. All growing up I had Lauren, and then also Joanna, who were both my best friends in high school. I also met Courtney in high school and to this day we have an amazing bond (even though it has been a few years since we saw each other.) When I was a young single mom, I met Monica who not only became my best friend, but the older sister I always wanted. Now a day can't go by that I do not talk to Monica. I love it when she does not hear from me in a few hours she is ready to drive by (and has) to assure I am ok. I also have Charlene, my cousin, who has become a close friend. And I still have Lauren & Joanna as well. Among all the other wonderful people at church who have become my friends. I feel so blessed in this area as I have needed my friends so in the past. I do not want to leave out the closest person to me, my mom. She has been an amazing strength to me, and I love the friendship we have now in addition to our mother/daughter relationship. Yes, I am blessed indeed! -Becky
Posted by Becky R at 1:53 PM 3 comments
May Budget
Becky’s Budget May 2008
Jason $450
Joshua $170
Daycare $200
Daycare $510 (paid $128 weekly)
Daycare $540 (paid $135 weekly)
Total $1870
Tithe $190
Savings $170
Offering $115
Rent $500
Car Repairs $200
Car insurance $80
Gas for car $120
Allowance $60
Gas & electric bill $200
Phone & online $70
Business supplies $30
Food $115
Non groceries $20
Spending $0
Clothes $0
Sat. night job $120
Tithe -$12
Freedom account -$76 (towards Christmas ’08 only)
Wed. night dinners -$32
Need to save: 3-6 months emergency fund
Posted by Becky R at 1:35 PM 0 comments