Saturday, October 10, 2009

Yard Sale Bust

After all that work preparing for the yard sale, it was a bust. Yesterday at 8:00am it was cloudy and looked like it was going to rain. We sat around over an hour and the decided to not set up. Of course it ended up being a beautiful day. Today was cloudy, but not raining, so we set up. Although it only slightly drizzled today, we had very few customers.

I made $30, and my aunt made about another $20.

So in total I worked:

3 hours Fri. Oct. 2nd organizing and pricing my stuff
2 hours Fri. Oct. 3rd cleaning out anything to sell from attic
4 hours today cleaning out my grandma's shed to find stuff to sell
2 hours waiting yesterday and then putting everything back in shed
6 hours today, setting up, selling, and cleaning up

17 hours total for $30 yikes, that is less than .50 cents an hour

My poor mom worked yesterday, all day today, and made signs at home, plus put them up and took them down, without any profit.

Joshua was also upset as he had a kool aid stand set up and had candy to sell, but he only had 5 customers (my mom, my niece, my nephew, one nice guy who came to the sale, and me.) He even had his price right at .25 cents a glass. Poor kid. Don't worry too much though, he was alright as soon as he saw his cousins and they all rode bikes together.

The good thing is my attic and house have less clutter, plus my grandma's shed is almost all cleaned out. Also I got to bond more with my mom, aunt, and grandmother.

However, I am blogging this so I will not forget:




Jeannette said...

Gosh he couldnt sell his yummy candy???
I enjoyed spending time with you, but I can think of far better ways to spend time with you. Hauling boxes and tables not so fun