Sunday, October 25, 2009

Yippee and my secret

Joshua was asleep by 9:30pm, Yippee!!!

We started calming down at 7:30pm. We put on pj's and played Uno attack. Then Josh brushed his teeth. Then we read Alexander, Who's Not (Do you hear me? I mean it!) Going to Move. We then prayed and cuddled for a few minutes. Then I left. He did get up two times though, so he will not have any video game time tomorrow. But he finally calmed down. That was about 9:00pm, and half hour later he was asleep. So tonight the whole thing only took about two hours. That is exciting.

Then I spent time with Jason talking and such. He said lately he has been thinking who will be his best man. Is there something he wants to tell me? LOL.

I had a good day (I only yelled twice-that's a new record.) I think being away and having such a calm weekend helped with that. (By the way my goal is to never yell.)

In the morning I went to church with the boys. After church I let them play on the church park while chatting with friends. Next I hung out with the boys playing Wii fit. Finally, we went to my mom's for dinner.

While at my mom's I was finalizing some plans for the secret I have been keeping.

I am not ready to spill it but will give two clues.
One is in this post, it has to do with something I did with Joshua today. The second clue is in the photo of the boys playing Wii fit I posted today, notice the background has three shelves built into the wall. The top two shelves used to have some collectibles and frames on them.

Can you guess my secret yet?



Carlee said...

You are moving? Did you buy a house?

Jeannette said...

Well Scott says a I am mean so, let me just say that they are the dumbest clues ever

Anita said...

My guess is that you are moving:) If I'm right, I say Congrats!

Denise Punger MD IBCLC said...

You are moving to South Florida!?

Becky said...

You wrote a book? You got a new pair of pj's?

Anonymous said...

you're moving?

Jeannette said...

ha ha I like the got a new pair of PJ's, that was cute