Friday, May 21, 2010


I am finally down 10 lbs (10.2 to be exact.)
It is a small victory (as I still have about 50 more lbs. to lose,) but a victory nonetheless.

I have been going to Weight Watchers about 8 weeks. So that averages a little more than a lb. a week. But it really was down 8 in first month, and 2 more the second month.

I have decided that I am only going to do WW for 4 more weeks, because I would rather spend the $40 a month on organic greens to put in my green smoothies. My goal is to drink a quart a day (as recomended by Greensmoothiegirl.) Having daily green smoothies has already given me more energy, plus is making me more regular (I know too much information.)

I also want to give up processed sugar and corn syrup, soda, white flour, cold cuts, hot dogs, and bacon.

I feel God has been convicted me about the sugar (it is a stronghold in my life) and it adds no value to our diets. Soda has no value, but this one is not too hard we don't buy soda and barely ever drink it anyway. Wheat flour (especially if I grind it myself,) is much better for us. What is left in white flour sort of has a glue effect on our system. Cold cuts are processed and not healthy. Hot dogs, need I say more (I never really liked hot dogs, so this is no big deal.) Bacon again is processed and not healthy.

I am also debating going no dairy, except plain fat free yogurt. I do think it kind of strange to drink the milk intended for baby cows. I actually stopped drinking cow's milk a while ago, but for now my boys still drink it.

I am realizing it is not good to put food into our bodies (the holy temple of the Lord) that do not give benefit. Candy and junk food have no value. They actually make our bodies sick. Believe me I love junk food, but that is my problem with it. I feel it is unhealthy, that it is like an addiction and that gets in the way with my walk with the Lord.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think God wants all of you to give up certain foods, if they are not a stronghold for you that is. I would encourage you to flee from any sin in your life (yes, loving chocolate more than God is a sin.) But this is an issue I have.

I am taking baby steps though. I am starting with continuing to drink as much water daily as possible (my goal is about 80 ounces,) and adding green smoothies. I am glad to get at least one 12 ounce smoothie in daily, but my goal is 36 ounces daily.
We also have eliminated soda completely (my boys have also not had soda all month.) And we are not going to fast food (especially Burger King and McDonalds) anymore (except the boys went with relatives to BK twice already this month.) I also got wheat berries and will bake with only wheat flour. In addition I gave away all the food in our house that had corn syrup. And I gave away all the regular pasta, keeping the whole wheat.

This is enough for May. Believe me my boys are not happy. But they both are drinking their green smoothie (3 ounces for Jason, 6 for Josh) daily. Josh gets more because he actually likes them. And they gave up soda pretty easily.

I will update frequently.



Cheryl said...

Good for you!
If I may offer one tip - take baby steps, don't try to give up everything at once or you will get frustrated/feel deprived. Try a few things at a time (soda, HFCS are a good start!) - and after weeding them out of your family's diet, tackle another (white flour / white sugar).
I have used this method over the past 5 years to eliminate fast food, soda, red meat, non-organic milk and eggs, and this year am tacking HFCS (high fructose corn syrup), and attempting to eat 5 fruits/veggies per day - which is actually very hard to do!!
I watched Food, Inc and it changed the way I think about everything I eat! I suggest you and the boys watch ot together - perhaps they can write about it as part of their schoolwork?

Becky R said...

Hi. Many of these things I have started doing over past year (no milk, lots of water, no soda, white flour, limiting sugar, etc.) I also have shifted to about 50% organic on milk, eggs, fruits, meats, and veggies over past 6 months.
I want to watch Food Inc. After Supersize Me we decided to really cut back on fast food (which I now want to eliminate completely.)

Did you get your Pampered Chef?


Canadian Saver said...

Congratulations on losing the 10 lbs, Becky :-)

And I think you're really on your way, with all these healthy changes you are making!!

Anonymous said...

Good for you!!!!