Is it considered a no drive day if I was in a car, but it was not mine and I did not drive?
I guess if the point is to save my gas and wear and tare on my car it is, but if the goal is to stay out of the car, then no.
Yesterday I did not drive my car at all, but drove with my sister in law to Dorney Park.
You decide.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
No drive day
Posted by Becky R at 1:46 PM 0 comments
Challenge for today
It is Aug. 31st. This is the first month the month has ended and all my bills are not paid in full. I still need to come up with $214 to finish out the month.
(still owe: water bill $40, sewer bill $50, owe Kevin $50, sponsor child commitment $74.) [side note, the water and sewer bill are not late yet, I actually only just got water bill in mail, but I usually like to pay even before the bill comes in]
So today I am challenging myself to make this money. I just got a commitment to $20 by selling the Latin books I offered the other day. I also have two checks coming to me by Fri. for $36 & $50. I still need to come up with $108.
I have a few new pampered chef items that I will try to sell as well and some cloth diapers that are too small for Kaiden.
I will update as I sell more stuff.
update: Just got another $60 commitment for a new Pampered Chef knife set I have valued at $99.50, so they got a good deal (I only paid $60 for it anyway, so at least I got my money back.) $48 to go. This is fun! (not having too little money, but trying to make it right.)
Just secured another $10 to make two gallons laundry soap for a friend. $38 left to go.
Posted by Becky R at 1:05 PM 0 comments
Finished 9th book
I read another book, Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. This one took me about 5 days. It was hard as I hate to put a book down once I start, but this one was just too long to do so (over 500 pages.)
I read this book in high school, but did not fully enjoy it until now. It is hard to see a child struggle so, but also refreshing that the main character still can find love although she has never been loved by anyone for very long (her uncle loved her, but died when she was very young.) Not only does she find love in another, but she also has love for herself. This is very admirable.
So in two months I have read 9 books. I should have started in June and I would have made my goal of 14 books, but 9 is still good.
What have you read this summer?
Posted by Becky R at 1:00 PM 2 comments
Yesterday my sister in law called in the am and asked if we wanted to go to Dorney Park. She had 10 free tickets. We jumped at the idea. We packed some food and were on our way. She drove (it is about an hour and a half away.)
It was a hot, but fun day. We did some water rides first and then the roller coasters ( I volunteered to stay with my 10 month old niece, I am not so into rides anymore.)
The kids had fun. Josh even went on this upside down ride (twice.) He was thrilled. Josh's favorite ride
Jason's favorite ride
We are exhausted today as we did not get home until 12:30 last night. But it was so worth it.
This Sat. we are going to Hurricane Harbor which is a water park as well (again with free tickets.)
What a blessing these tickets are and a reminder that God even wants us to have fun!
Posted by Becky R at 10:52 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 29, 2010
No drive days
Today was another no drive day. So far this month I have had 5 no drive days (plus 2 other days that I did not drive my car.)
I think I would like to try and do 2 no drive days each week come Sept.
This may be hard as Sun. is church, Wed., is co-op and church at night, Fri. is co-op, and Sat. I work at night. That leaves Mon., Tues., & Thur. If I don't have to work those days.
I will see. I would like to try to save gas, and wear and tare on my car.
Do you drive everyday?
Posted by Becky R at 11:47 PM 1 comments
Homeschool Stuff For Sale
Brand New:
-Latina Christiana Student Book and CD (I have two sets) asking $10 each, plus shipping
asking $10 plus shipping for entire 5th grade lot
-5th grade supplement set (used) includes:
two measurement charts
Superfudge by Judy Blume
Five Children and It by E. Nesbi
Alice and Wonderland & Through the Looking Glass (one book) plus two study guides
Scholastic's 100 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know by 5th Grade
Summer Bridge Activities (going from 5th-6th grade)
Kid Biz kit (teaches kids ideas and how to to run a kid business, includes cd to print flyer's and business cards, and a calculator)
Mix of New & Used:
asking $30 plus shipping for entire 1st grade lot
-1st grade homeschool kit (almost everything you need to homeschool first grader) includes:
game pieces to be used to make homemade games and/or as math manipulative's
two measurement charts
over 60 pieces first grade lined paper (lines are bigger)
origami book
sheet of stickers
two art projects (animals to color, cut out, & assemble)
Grade 1 Reading, Writing, & Math Workbook by Flash kids (only about 10 out of 180 pages are done)
Reading For Understanding Grades 1-2 (not written in at all)
Scholastic Spelling Workbook (1 page written in)
Scholastic Maps workbook (never used)
Scholastic Vocabulary workbook (never used)
Scholastic Reading Comprehension (never used)
Scholastic Math (less than half used)
Hooked on Phonics First Grade (has reading, spelling, & math) (this was $69 new!!!) (it has games, dvds, readers, cd rom games, workbooks, and more)
brand box markers
brand new box crayons
brand new pencils (3 all decorative)
brand new eraser
brand new folder
brand new pencil sharpener
one special surprise
If anyone is interested, let me know. I can accept paypal or a check in the mail. I will charge you only exact shipping rates (which I will know when I mail.) I will not charge any handling fees.
p.s. we are a smoke and dog and cat free home (we do have a bird and hermit crab)
p.p.s. your purchase will help me buy the rest of the homeschool supplies I need for upcoming year
Posted by Becky R at 10:44 PM 0 comments
Homeschool closet
Although I didn't get any milk crates I did have this old radio shelf someone gave us for Jason's room (but it didn't really work in there.) So I pulled everything out of our homeschool shelf and put it all back (minus stuff we no longer need.) shelves to the left (this is a weird closet, it used to hold a water heater, but now is just a closet) these are the boys books
bottom half of closet (using old radio shelf) these are mostly science and art supplies
top half of closet
these are mostly school supplies (glue, rulers, pencils, markers, etc.)
As I was putting it back the door to the radio shelf shattered (it was glass) although it looked so pretty on the floor it was no fun to clean up.
At least now we can start homeschooling (well I haven't gotten the boys math yet, but we can review last year's math to get started.)
I like that I was able to repurpose the old radio shelf. I am a firm believer in making due with what I have. I also believe that if it doesn't work then I have too much stuff to fit. God gave me this house, He knows it is exactly what we need. That may mean parting with some stuff I may want to keep, but don't really need. Or it may mean finding another spot to keep some stuff.
Posted by Becky R at 10:33 PM 1 comments
Milk Crates
I came up with a frugal idea to make shelves in my homeschool closet using milk crates (I don't want to put up permanent shelves, because the entire closet is going to be removed within a year.) I was in for a shock when I discovered how hard it is to come by milk crates. Plus how expensive. Real, sturdy ones are about $17 each (plus shipping.) I wanted 5, so forget the frugal idea. It would have been if I had some lying around. Still trying to come up with a frugal shelf, I texted everyone I know and asked for milk crates, but got no from everyone.
So much for that idea. Now I have to look around and see what I have that can work as right now even opening the homeschool closet door could be hazardous to my health.
Posted by Becky R at 7:15 PM 1 comments
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Our vacation to Cape May, NJ
I have been waiting to post about our trip to Cape May until I had more pictures. I finally saved some from snapfish, so here they are.
The boys left Fri. (the 6th) with my parents. They did a fire, lots of bike riding, went to the beach, and more. They even took the ferry to Delaware and rode bikes there.
Mon. (the 9th), my sister, brother, nephew, and I drove out there. We hung out at house, then went to Cape May lighthouse and some tourist shops. Then we has crabs and built a fire and had smores. We also all played Life together. we climbed to the top, it has over 200 steps
Jason & Kaiden
Kevin & Kaiden
Tues. (the 10th,) we went to the beach and also went power sailing (I didn't go up, just in the boat.) I can not believe my boys were so brave to go up, Jason went with my sister, Josh went with my mom (go mom!) mom & Kaiden
Scott teaching boys to boogie board
Sam boogie boarding
Kaiden at the beach
Jason buried at the beach
Jason boogie boarding
there were dolphins swimming in water while we were swimming as well
look how high up they went
mom & Josh power sailing
Sam & Jason power sailing
Wed. (the 11th), we went to thrift shops and shopping down town. We also made another fire at night, Josh actually helped start the fire. yum, smores!
Josh on swing in yard of house we rented
Jason on swing in yard of house we rented
Josh with fire he built
Mom & Scott around fire
Thur. (the 12th), we packed up the beach house and then went to Cape May Zoo on the way home. Jason and Josh both liked the monkeys. Josh & I at Cape May Zoo
boys at Cape May Zoo
It was a very nice time. Very relaxing. The weather was so nice. I am so glad we all got to do this trip together!
Posted by Becky R at 4:00 PM 1 comments
Friday, August 27, 2010
Testimony to God
Since Nov. 2004 I have not paid my rent or mortgage late. I am proud of this, but more so it is a testimony to God of His provisions.
Any testimonies you want to share?
Posted by Becky R at 5:08 PM 0 comments
Beach theme mini camp
this is the bay that is about 7 min. away from my house (by walking.) I took all the kids here yesterday.
We sure had.... admiring God's amazing beauty
look what I found
what does that feel like?
tossing around a football
dead horseshoe crab
making sand castles
playing in bay
We went home and had lunch. We played football and tag in the yard. Then we did some sand art. Some of the kids wanted to do three or four each. But all the kids did at least one (except Jason.) Joshua doing sand art
colored sand
finished sand art
Stay tuned for next week's back to school mini camp
Posted by Becky R at 12:22 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Here's to 1,000
Can hardly believe it but this is my 1,000th post.
I thought I would recap some of my blessing:
my health
my amazing family (did not have digital pics of sister, Lindsey and brother, Matthew)
my amazing church family
my friends who I consider family
being able to sponsor two children through Compassion
my home
this blog
my readers
my nice, cozy bed
days I can sleep in
taking a nap
free public libraries
ability to bake, especially from scratch
the smell of fresh baked bread in the morning
and... getting to enjoy, grow with, and homeschool these two amazing boys
my amazing family
freedom! freedom to worship God, to homeschool, and so much more
old friends (going on 25 years) yes she is a bit crazy (she has to be to be my friend. lol) Lauren and also Joanna (not pictured)
my niece (who is 15) and my best friend of 12 years (who actually still calls to hear my lists) Monica
My grandma, cousin, sister, friends, & niece
Mom, Sam, and a sweet family friend
having Eric as my older brother for 29 years
Kevin, grandma, and my boys
having Kevin as my brother Samantha
having Sam as my sister Jason
I have more (about 1,000 more.) How about you. What are some of your blessings?
Posted by Becky R at 10:28 PM 4 comments