Some of my goals:
-daily time with the Lord in prayer, Bible reading, and a Bible study EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!
-lose weight (20-50 lbs.)
-exercise for 1 hour, 5-6 days a week
-drink 6-8 glasses water daily
-stop eating after 8:00pm
-have emergency fund up to three-six months living expenses
-stop yelling! (it does not work with kids, it only stresses me out)
-paint house and deck
-paint my room
-paint my kitchen and the cabinets
-grow a bigger garden this year
-take one trip with kids
-take one trip alone
-be asleep every night by 11:00pm, and up by 7:00am
Have you made any resolutions?
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
2009 Resolutions
Posted by Becky R at 9:56 AM 2 comments
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
cloth pad giveaway
click here
check out this blog for a cloth pad giveaway -Becky
Posted by Becky R at 3:49 PM 2 comments
Friday, December 26, 2008
super blessed Christmas!!!
GOD is way too good to us!!! We had an awesome Christmas!!!
Posted by Becky R at 11:01 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Tuesday Treasures
My friend Courtney always does Tuesday Treasures, so now I like to do it too. Check hers out here.
Here are mine: Dec 2008-We had a visit from Santa last night
Dec. 2007
Posted by Becky R at 9:17 AM 1 comments
Another awesome Christmas gift!
As a family gift my mom and stepfather got us basic cable. We have not had cable at all for over 3 years. And that meant very few channels, and the ones we got were fuzzy (we tried an antenna as well.) Anyway due to the Feb. change over (no more analog signals) we would have had no tv. I know this is not the worse thing in the world and we love to watch movies, but the cable is SO NICE!!!
Thanks MOM & SCOTT!!!
Also we have gotten some gift cards and cash this Christmas. I have been able to pay all Dec. bills, Jan. rent, and I paid ahead on the Jan. gas bill. So all my bills are current or have a credit!!!
In addition I have $150 left to buy a refurbished computer with a used flat screen panel monitor. I need to do so as my cd drive has not worked in years. I got an external cd drive ($50) but that too is now broken (we accidentally dropped it.) So instead of buying another $50 external cd drive, I am just going to buy a refurbished computer. We use them at work and they are great!!! I am so excited. We will be able to load new games, programs, etc. I also hope to get one that I can watch dvd's on.
I know these are material things and so not needed, but we never get to splurge and get ourselves stuff, so it feels so nice. God has always provided for all our needs, but so often He also provides for our wants, and wishes. Our God is so awesome in that he blesses us so.
Merry Christmas! -Becky
Posted by Becky R at 9:00 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tuesday Treasures
check out Courtney's Tuesday Treasures at her blog
Thanks! -Becky
Posted by Becky R at 12:25 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
2008 Christmas Newsletter
Dec. 2008
Dear Family & Friends,
Merry Christmas! We hope this letter finds you well.
As we approach the Christmas season we have been baking cookies; and driving around some nights to see the houses lit up. The boys love to do this! We also made rice krispy houses and then decorated them.
Joshua is 5 and now in Kindergarten. He loves playing on the playground and has mastered swinging with no grown up help. Joshua also played soccer this fall and his skills are greatly improving. He especially likes playing goalie. He also learned to ride his bike with no training wheels thanks to his grandpa. He also likes to ride his scooter around. Joshua loves people and will have conversations with anyone (sound like anyone else? –me –lol.) He is doing great at school. He especially enjoys computer class. Joshua likes to be read to and is starting to read some first reader books. He also loves to build with legos.
Jason is 11 and now in 5th grade. Jason is being home schooled this year and we participate in a home school co-op with about 25 other families. Jason is taking an art and art appreciation class and he has is very creative and talented. He especially pays good attention to details. He is also participating in Odyssey of the Mind. Last year his team took first place at the regionals. Jason still loves to read, and build stuff. Legos are still a favorite toy. Jason spent the summer studying for his hunting test, and in Sept. he passed and got his shotgun license. He and grandpa enjoy hunting together (thankfully, for me, they have yet to catch anything.)
I turned 29 this year. I am no longer doing in home daycare, although I do miss it. With the home school co-op it is not possible for me to do full time childcare. Instead I work in an office part time. The office I work in does Speech, Occupational, and Physical therapy for children, so I still get to see lots of children. In addition I teach the preschool class at the home school co-op. This summer I got a special treat and got to go away for 4 days by myself. I have never left both kids for more than 2 days. My wonderful mother watched the boys so I could visit friends and have me time. It was nice. But I did miss them.
We also all got to go to Ohio this summer to visit my grandparents. My brother, Kevin, came with us. We enjoyed relaxing on the lake, and stopping at Hershey Park on the way home. It was such a blessing to have a vacation alone and a vacation with the boys.
I cannot say enough how blessed we have been this year! We have a wonderful support system in all of you, a nice house, good food to eat, I have enough work to sustain us, and so much more, but what I am so grateful for is Jesus Christ who came to this earth 2000 plus years ago. He is the reason I am writing this letter and the reason for this upcoming season. His birth was amazing, but even more so is his death. He died so that you & I could have a way to know God personally. It is all so amazing. God loves you that much (and me too.) So I pray that your Christmas season is a blessed one and that you would take some time to learn more about why we celebrate the birth of a babe born in a manager.
I’d like to invite you to join us Christmas Eve at 6:00pm at Calvary Baptist Church on the corner of Lloyd Rd. and Church St. in Aberdeen, NJ or any Sunday at 10:30am. Hope to see you there!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Becky, Jason, & Joshua
Posted by Becky R at 5:10 PM 3 comments
Monday, December 15, 2008
Dec. is already an amazing month. I have managed over the past few months to get my non existent emergency fund back up to 2 months worth of living expenses. In addition, I have paid all Dec. bills so far. Between now & Jan. 1st I just need to come up with Jan. rent (only $500.)
I also have been able to give to a few Christmas offerings.
In addition I had Jason's birthday party (thanks Mom & Kevin), and got him a new camera for his birthday. A real camera. He loves it. He likes to take movies of his toys and his hand that he pretends is a monster.
I also got (made, bought, or found) small tokens of appreciation for many people in our lives who I like to give a thank you to at Christmas.
I got Josh a few awesome Christmas gifts. I was not planning on getting the boys gifts (except a new Bible each.) However Josh has this thing about Santa this year; so even though it is all about Christ, I want him to have the excitement that comes with Santa as well. We say Santa brings gifts because Santa loves Jesus. So now I will have to get Jason a few things as well.
I have been to two Christmas parties, and am going to our co-op homeschool Christmas party on Thur.
We have also made cookies and driven around a few times to see Christmas lights; which the boys love to do.
I got a free energy audit from the utility company. They gave me free low energy light bulbs, a free attic cap, and they are delivering a new, free, energy efficient fridge on Thur. Yippee!!!
I can not believe Christmas is only 10 days a way. But we certainly are feeling so very blessed in our home. In addition to all blessings I already mentioned, our home is warm, we have lots to eat, and are all very healthy. Plus we have a wonderful family, friends, and church family!!!
God was, is, and always will be AMAZING!!!!!
Posted by Becky R at 10:46 PM 2 comments
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Want to try goat's milk soap
A christian work at home woman is selling her homemade goat's milk soap. I really like goat's milk soap and it is good for sensitive skin (that is what Josh & I have.) Go here to check it out. Plus it is nice to support work at home Christian women.
her site says:
"Goat Milk Soap is now Available!
I am now selling goat milk soap. I have three different kinds for sale, I have Peppermint Goat Milk, Tangerine Goat Milk with bits of orange peel, and Strawberry Herbal with dried herbs for a gentle exfoliate.
All of my soaps are 100% natural. I do not use any dies or anything artificial in my soaps.
Ingredients: Coconut oil, Olive Oil, Soybean Oil, Sodium Hydroxide, and (in some not all) essential oils, dried flowers, dried herbs, dried fruit peelings.
I sell my soaps for $1.00 an ounce. All of my soaps are rough cut, different sizes, and different weights. If you are interested in buying soap or any other items from my store, please send me an email @ letting me know what you would like to order."
Posted by Becky R at 9:03 AM 1 comments
Happy Birthday Jason
Jason turned 11 today! Happy Birthday Jason, I love you so much! Isn't he a cutie!!!
this picture was taken on the camera I gave Jason for his birthday.
Posted by Becky R at 12:08 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
so cool
we got our first Christmas gift. Jason's grandparents (his dad's parents) gave us a gift certificate to blockbuster online. we can get 1 DVD at a time, for 6 months. these are delivered in the mail, but I think we also can go to the store and exchange 2 DVDs a month as well. this is so cool. what a great gift as we love to watch movies. and no clutter involved!
Posted by Becky R at 8:33 PM 0 comments
finally got some new photos
For some strange reason I got my camera to take these few shots. Then it turned off and would not focus again. I am going to try new batteries and a new memory card. I miss taking lots of pictures all the time.
Today we ran errands and went to Huber Woods (a science park with live reptiles and a nature walk and Lenape Indian room.) We also went to play on a park we have never played on. It was nice out. When we got home the boys decorated our rice krispy houses.
Here they are in action: Joshua & Jason
Joshua decorating his rice krispy house
Jason decorating his rice krispy house
Posted by Becky R at 8:17 PM 0 comments
Tuesday Treasures
once again my Tuesday treasures are my cutie boys, Jason & Josh. I am so blessed to be there mom (even though they can drive me crazy.) Want to check out Courtney's treasure's, go to her blog please! this photo is from June of this year, wow Jason's hair has grown really fast
Posted by Becky R at 10:24 AM 0 comments
Sunday, December 7, 2008
our day
We just spent the day putting up our tree (with some yelling, but not too much.) Actually Jason put most of it up, he is such a good helper. Josh just kept doing something else or yelling about something.
We have not decorated the tree yet, but we are exhausted so we are going to watch Prince Caspian on DVD and then go to bed.
I am sad that I was not able to take pictures as we put up the tree as my digital camera is broken. I am not sure if I can get it fixed. I bought it for myself three years ago. We are pretty rough on it and drop it alot. It turns on and still takes pictures, but it no longer focuses, so all the pictures are blurry.
I did not get up in time for church, which I am very upset with myself about. I am becoming so lazy!!! It is no excuse that I worked last night. I was home by 11:00 and asleep by 12:00. I should have been able to get up by 8:00am. I just forgot to set the alarm, so we didn't make it. And it certainly is not my kids job to wake me, even though I get mad when I wake up late to find them playing video games and eating junk food.
I need to get back to being asleep by 11:00pm and getting up at 7:00am. I am a baby, but for me that is so hard. I like to stay up late and sleep in. I wonder when I am like 80 if I will still sleep in so late.
How was your day? -Becky
Posted by Becky R at 7:18 PM 0 comments
Christmas Wish List- vain post
This post is all about me. I love to make lists, so here is my Christmas wish list:
calm in my home
Christmas lights that put themselves up and take themselves down
clean kitchen
my bedroom done (all spackle & new paint job)
day at spa to get massage, eyebrows waxed, manicure, & pedicure
free sitter for day at spa
winter coat for play
winter coat for work / church
new sneakers (for aerobics) woman's size 9 1/2
Little House on the Prairie DVDs season 8, 9, & 10
Little House on the Prairie DVD Christmas special
Love's Unfolding Dream on DVD
The Courtship of Nellie Fisher Series by Beverly Lewis volumes #1, #2, & #3
The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman
Yankee Candle (cucumber cantaloupe one, or vanilla)
I, of course, would first and foremost want all those I love and care about to know about and accept Jesus Christ as Lord and saviour. But this was just a vain post.
What do you want for Christmas????????????
Posted by Becky R at 2:45 PM 1 comments
oops budget mistake
I previously posted I needed to come up with an additional $245 to pay all bills this month. I forget a bill and it is actually $360. But I did make an extra $50 yesterday at a job, so it is down to $310 that I need to come up with by the end of this month to be current on all bills.
I hope to do some extra childcare to make up the difference. I am confident God will provide a way, as long as I am willing to work. Which I am.
Posted by Becky R at 2:42 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 6, 2008 coupon code
I love this site Christianbook!
They have awesome stuff at great prices.
They also ship very quickly.
I have a 10% off coupon for this place it is code 251523FF, enter this at checkout. I am not getting paid to plug this, just wanted to pass it along.
Oh, and if anyone is wondering, I would love a gift certificate for here for Christmas. They have some books, home decor, and DVDs I want.
Posted by Becky R at 11:24 PM 0 comments
If you want to win a great book
A great mom, author, and doctor, Denise Punger, is giving away a copy of her book Permission to Mother: Going Beyond the Standard-of-Care to Nurture Our Children .
I own this book and highly recommend it to all pregnant woman and mom's, and even dad's too.
Go here to enter to win. -Becky
Posted by Becky R at 12:38 AM 4 comments
Friday, December 5, 2008
Warning -this post may gross you out
Here it is my last wisdom tooth. It really is big. It came out all in one piece (not like my last two that were impacted-ouch!)
Posted by Becky R at 5:22 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
This month's budget
I know I have been tremendously blessed in that so far up to Dec. 1st all my bills are paid in full. I also have money for Jason's 11th birthday party which is in two weeks. And my teeth are all taken care of for at least 6 months. My car is also current on brakes and oil changes and the tires are good as well. In addition we have our home, and our health plus so much more! We are so blessed!!!
However, this month my office is closed two weeks and my Mon. childcare job is over (they only needed someone temporary.) So this reduces my income this month by about $300. So I need to find a way this month to come up with another $245.
I already am doing childcare 3 Saturdays this month and 1 Friday night, but this is reflected in my budget. I do not have any other Fri. nights available for childcare as this Fri. is my church ladies Christmas party, next Fri. is my work Christmas party, and the 26th I am working a Hanukkah dinner (also reflected in my budget.)
I have offered myself out to those I know for childcare the times I usually would be at work. I am hoping some families need some time to do holiday prep.
I do have my emergency fund and technically this is loss of income, but I am hopeful I will not have to touch that money.
But this is just another opportunity for God to provide. I am able and hopefully He will provide more work. I will keep you updated about how it is going!
Posted by Becky R at 12:43 AM 0 comments
Dec. budget- yikes!!!
Becky’s Budget Dec. 2008
Jason $386 ($96.50 weekly)
Joshua $170 ($85 bi-weekly)
Office Work $240 (two weeks)
Mon. childcare $ 70
Childcare $200 (4 Sat. nights at $50 each)
Temple $ 50 (working one Fri. night)
Total $1116
*Tithe $120
Savings $
Offering $ 70 (Compassion Child $35 / Solutions $25 / F.O.F. $10)
*Rent $500
Car Repairs $
*Car insurance $ 70 (due 11/13)
Gas for car $120
*Allowance $ 60
Gas & electric bill $215
*Phone $ 24 (for basic phone only with taxes)
Non groceries $ 30 (contact stuff, misc.)
Freedom account $ 80
*HSLD $11
Clothes $ 0
Spending $ 0
Total $1300
$184 short
$35 owe for Avon order (I know should not have done)
$25 chip in for boss’s Christmas gift
-$245 need to come up with –YIKES!!!
Posted by Becky R at 12:35 AM 0 comments
Saturday, November 29, 2008
It's getting old
I posted the other day that I was recovering and surprised that the pain was not intense as I imagined, but today I am a little annoyed as even though not extreme, my jaw pain is still there. I joked that this was a good diet (getting a tooth pulled) but now it is not a joke. I have actually not eaten that much. It still hurts to chew. I know I am a big baby, but I this pain stuff is getting old.
Plus my days and nights are all messed up again. I am staying up at night, sleeping in, and then unable to fall asleep the next night. So here it is almost 2:00am and I can not sleep.
Ok, complaining over.
We did have a great day though. I got to sleep in; go to bank; make chocolate chip cookies with the boys; relax; watch ELF with boys; make batch of laundry soap; make onion soup; order Christmas card photos; buy stamps for Christmas cards (we send out 100); and do some laundry. It is nice to not have to be somewhere or do something. I think the boys enjoyed our day too.
After the boys went to bed I watched PS I LOVE YOU. It was sad, but good.
I should do the dishes as we still have not cleaned up from making the cookies, but instead I am blogging. Actually, I really should be sleeping, but I am too wide awake for that.
Tomorrow, we will sleep in and straighten the house. Then at 5:00 I have to work (babysitting.) The boys are going to my mom's.
Sunday is church and get ready for our week. Back to work and school and co-op. And maybe back to bed at a reasonable time for me as well.
What are you weekend plans?
Posted by Becky R at 1:29 AM 1 comments
Friday, November 28, 2008
Flashback Friday
My friend Courtney also does Flashback Friday on her blog. This week she posted some of Thanksgiving pasts, so I thought I would do the same.
Us-Thanksgiving 2006 /Jason was 8, Joshua was 3, I was 27 Thanksgiving 2007, my mom & I
Posted by Becky R at 6:54 PM 2 comments
Thursday, November 27, 2008
I must admit the pain has not been as bad as I thought having my last wisdom tooth pulled. I will say I have been very tired!!! I slept all day yesterday. Fortunately for me we are staying at my mom's and they have been taking care of my boys & I. It is nice when you don't feel so good to have your mommy around. So, yes, I am still a baby. But I realize how blessed I am to have the mom I do. Mom, I LOVE YOU!
Posted by Becky R at 2:03 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Tuesday Treasure
Courtney does Tuesday Treasures, check out her treasures this week
Friday night I hosted a Lia Sophia jewelry party. My friend, Kristen is selling it. She offered to let me use her house for a party as my house is too small. I was reluctant as I rarely wear jewelry or spend money, but I am so glad I had the party.
We all had a good time. I brought snacks, plus my grandma made oatmeal cookies and my mom made a cake (thanks guys.) Me wearing one of my free necklaces
From the party sales, I got about $380 worth of free jewelry. I got my mom, sisters, future sister in law, & niece all a Christmas gift. I got myself stuff as well. It was nice to pick stuff out for me. As a hostess I got to buy any item for $15, plus any item half price, in addition to my free stuff. In all I got like $500 worth of stuff for $38 (not including buying the snacks.)
It made me feel special to pick stuff out for myself.
This also got me thinking how much calmer and happier I have been over the past month. This is my true Tuesday treasure. I started taking birth control to regulate my cycle which had become crazy, thus causing my hormones to also be really whacked. In just one short month I feel better. Now I know ultimately more time with the Lord is what I need most, but my body needed something to kick start it back to some normalcy. This is such a praise.
In addition we are so blessed which makes me so content and happy as well. We are all healthy and have SO much. I just paid all of Nov. bills and caught my electric bill up to date (thanks for a wonderful donation through this blog!!!)
God is so good, all the time!
Have a great day!
Posted by Becky R at 12:03 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 24, 2008
Tues. at 4:30pm I am getting my 4th wisdom tooth removed. I am a big baby with this stuff, so I am imagining it will hurt ALOT!!! Please pray for me. Thanks! -Becky
Is the tooth fairy going to come for my tooth tomorrow night?
Posted by Becky R at 10:59 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 17, 2008
I have all the money needed to have my tooth pulled next Tues. I got a few donations from my church and people in my church. Thanks so much!!! God is so good!!! Now how can I avoid the pain part? lol! -Becky
Posted by Becky R at 6:37 PM 1 comments
Hello! I finally got the CVS extra care bucks to work for me. This week CVS is having a deal if you buy $10 worth of Glade products you get $5 in extra care bucks back. I had two buy one get one free coupon for a scented oil candle. So first I bought two candles. I used the buy one get one free coupon, paying only about $6 for two candle and I got $5 in extra care bucks back. Then in my second transaction I bought two more candles with another buy one get one free coupon. So I paid another $6, getting another $5's back in extra care bucks. So now I spent $12 out of pocket and had $10 to spend at CVS. I bought four packs of candle refills for $3.99 each, with two $1.50 off coupons. So I paid first with my $10 free. Then I only had to pay $2.74 out of pocket. And I got back another $5 in extra care bucks to use at CVS. So I bought myself shampoo (it was needed) and a chapstick for Jason, and each boy got candy. I paid with the $5 in CVS first, and then had to pay .28 cents out of pocket.
So all together I paid about $16 out of pocket and I got:
four Glade scented oil candle starter kits
four sets of three each refills for Glade candle kits
Hershey candy bar
Ring pop
CVS brand shampoo, supposed to be equivalent to Pantene brand, if not I will return it I got all this for $16 (candy not in photo as boys already ate it.)
I am so excited! I am giving the candle sets to Joshua's teachers and aides for Christmas, so I spent $4 each (making shampoo & candy free) and these are valued at $10 (kit was $6, candle refill $4.) Good deal.
The best part is I have another buy one get one free coupon and buy two refills get one free, so I will go to CVS again tomorrow and get another two candles for $6 (using the buy one get one free coupon) then I will get $5 back in extra care bucks to use at CVS. Then I will buy 3 more refills for $3.99 each minus the one free, will cot me about $8. I will pay with the $5 CVS money first, making my out of pocket $3. Plus I will get $5 more extra care bucks for CVS. So it will be $9 for two more candle kits and three more refills. So I will have to more gifts for $9, plus $5 in extra care bucks. And we need new batteries. COOL!!!
Posted by Becky R at 5:53 PM 1 comments
Homeschool update
We just had an awesome homeschool day. We got almost all our work done and it was so calm. We only needed less than 3 hours. Jason only has reading left to do. Plus I got caught up on some laundry (even though there is always more to do, lol!)
We are not behind on anything except spelling, so if we have to, we will finish it over the summer.
Now we are off to gym class.
Have a great day!
Posted by Becky R at 12:46 PM 1 comments
My weekend
Fri. night I worked at a temple doing dishes for a service they had. They serve tea and coffee and pastries and hor dourvs (how is that spelled?) they use real dishes and real teacups with saucers. It is mindless work though. I just rinse, dry, and repeat. My mom watched the boys, they slept at her house.
I got home around 11:00pm, but could not fall asleep so I watched Because I said So (we got movies at the library during day on Friday.) The movie was ok.
Then Sat. I slept in till 11:00am (which was SO nice) then went to get the boys. I made a baked ziti for a friend at church who is ill. Then we went to Josh's soccer party (soccer is over till spring.) Then Jason had a ct scan on his foot. He has been having some pain in it lately. It is not broken or fractured or sprained, we discovered he has two bones that are supposed to be separate that are fused. We'll see about treatment options when we go back to podiatrist.
Then Sat. night I babysat. Joshua came with me, Jason stayed home with my mom. It was an early night and we got home by 9:00pm.
Sunday we went to church,then had a friend and her 5 year old son over for lunch. Then we relaxed and I napped. We straightened the house a bit, and I cooked slider burgers and fries and peas for dinner. Everyone liked the dinner. Yeah!!
Sunday night we watched Extreme Makeover Home Edition. The family had 5 boys adopted from Haiti, 3 from domestic, and 3 biological boys. 11 boys in total. It was a nice show. ABC also sent truck loads of stuff to orphanage boys came from in Haiti. It was cool to see. We even got to see kids in Haiti receiving the stuff. They were so thankful!!!
I also talked to Duane on the phone after the boys had fallen asleep. We had not talked in over two months (except I called him on his birthday to wish him a happy birthday.) It was nice to talk to him, but I am not sure what God wants in that situation and I want to put GOD first!!!
So that was our weekend. It wasn't too bad, we got some family time, fellowship time, some relax time, and some cleaning done. Plus I don't think I yelled at boys all weekend!!! Yeah! I have been very calm this past month.
How was your weekend? -Becky
Posted by Becky R at 12:31 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 14, 2008
Flashback Friday
My friend Courtney likes us to do flashback Friday on our blogs. I like the idea too. You can check out her flashback's here. Here is mine: this is my boys just 3 short years ago in Dec. 2005. Jason was 7, Josh was 2.
I can not believe how much bigger they look now: my boys this fall
Posted by Becky R at 7:51 AM 7 comments
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Wow, both my boys were asleep by 10 tonight. That is impressive.
Today I had a really hard time getting Joshua up (he went to bed about 10:30 last night.) It is hard to wind my boys down at night, especially since we were at church last night and then after we had a snack and watched a little tv (it was bribery.) So Joshua was late for school again. I think that makes about 24 times so far (he has had 44 days of school, so this is bad!!!) Maybe I am exaggerating a little (I sure hope so!!!.)
So after I brought Josh to school late, Jason & I went to co-op. That went well. I am doing a dinosaur theme with my preschoolers so today we made dino eggs and dino sludge (chocolate pudding.) The sludge went over well. We made it with rice milk as one of my preschoolers can not have milk or dairy.
Jason had a good day at school. We left at 2:20 to go get Josh from school, then I took Jason to a doctor's appointment. After we stopped at Target to get Kung Fu Panda (Josh had a gift card for there that he still had from his birthday.)
Then we came home and watched the movie while eating a delicious dinner from co-op. Josh & I liked it but Jason only ate a pear & a slice of bread. I guess he is more picky than I thought. After I ate, I feel asleep for about 20 min. so I am not sure if I will ever get to bed tonight.
Then I put the boys to bed. Joshua did pretty good. We read and then cuddled. He only got up 3 times (once to pee, two times to tell me something) before he fell asleep. Jason read in bed about an hour then fell asleep. I think because I was reading a book and the house was so quiet. The tv distracts him and keeps him up.
So I read A Walk To Remember. I had seen the movie but the book was better. I could not put it down and read the whole thing. I still have tears in my eyes.
I hope I am not boring you, just wanted to relay how calm it is in my house. Now I am going to do the dishes, take out the trash, and get my clothes ready for bed tomorrow and try to go to bed.
Tomorrow I work my office job from 9:15am-2:15pm, then another job from 7:00pm-11:00pm. My mom will watch Jason in day and both boys at night. My mom is such an amazing blessing to us.
Good night! -Becky
Posted by Becky R at 10:22 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Tuesday Treasures
sometimes they do get along
check out some more Tuesday Treasures at Courtney's Blog
Posted by Becky R at 3:30 PM 4 comments
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Reward for cleaning
I was supposed to work my babysitting job at 5, but the mom cancelled me so as a reward for all the hard work my boys did I took them to the mall. Josh got a build a bear gift card last Christmas so I figured he could finally use it. I have only been in the mall one other time this year with my mom. We are not big mall people or shoppers for that matter. I prefer, if I need something, to try and get it first free; second, used; or if I have to pay full price, I buy it online (to at least avoid taking two boys shopping.)
Joshua made a bear, and got it a shirt, and sunglasses. He had the $10 gift card and an $8 off coupon. So out of pocket he paid $3, of his own money of course. Jason wanted a bear too. He made one, and got it sunglasses, and a sport outfit. He had a $10 gift card and $5 off coupon so he spent about $12 out of pocket. They were excited to make there own stuffed animals. Josh made a koala, Jason made a bear.
They both used there own money. They also bought themselves dinner with there own money and Jason also bought me dinner. So the outing only cost me some gas money. Plus we took my sister too so we got to bond with her. It was nice. Jason with his new bear, Fred
Joshua dancing with his new koala, Wally
I also used a gift card I had gotten from Bath & Body Works to get 8 moisturizing hand soaps to use as teacher gifts. I will keep one as I love that hand soap. They were on sale 4 for $10, not a bad deal. But they were free for me as I had a gift card. I like shopping without spending any of my own money.
Posted by Becky R at 9:13 PM 0 comments
Clean room
Today we spent 4 hours cleaning Jason & Josh's room. They have a very small room. It is 7' x 11'. They have 1 closet and 1 shelf (that is like a second closet not closed in.) We pulled everything out, cleaned and dusted, then put stuff back in neatly (and threw away three bags of toys, old clothes, garbage, etc.) We also moved the bearded dragon out into the living room. Here are the results: Below is Josh's bed, above is Jason's loft bed. Inside is his desk. It is so neat and organized right now. The goal is he will use it to do homeschooling work (it has a light under there.) The book shelf has Jason's book on top shelf and some of Josh's book on second shelf.
This is the shelf that my stepfather, Scott, custom built. It is next to where there clothes closet is. The top shelf that you see is a share shelf with all there board games. The second shelf is all Josh's toys. The bottom is all Jason's toys. You can't see the very top shelf which is the tv, dvd player, and video games. The boys can only use this tv to watch dvds and / or play video games (with my permission first) so I don't mind it in there room.
Of course there is no room for any new toys so I hope we don't get too much for Christmas (others tend to spoil my boys, because I get them like 1 gift each.)
Posted by Becky R at 9:03 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
big baby
After a torturous cleaning at the dentist Monday it is confirmed I need my last wisdom tooth pulled. It is scheduled for Tues. Nov. 25th.
I realize I have been putting this off for 9 years, because I don't like the dentist. Well, the dentist I don't actually mind, the pain I CAN DO WITHOUT!!! Yes, I am a big baby. But I have already had 3 wisdom teeth out (the first when I was 16.) And it HURTS!!!
I will stop my whining now.
Pray that I raise the $290 needed to get the tooth pulled. I can't believe I am going to pay someone to hurt me.
Ok, confess when is the last time you went to the dentist? -Becky
Posted by Becky R at 9:14 PM 3 comments
what do boys do best?
CLIMB Joshua climbing a wall (following his brother, note the foot in upper left corner)
Jason after climbing up an old lookout
Posted by Becky R at 9:06 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
well I had a complete calm feeling for my conversation with big Jason last night regarding our son. God told me what to say and when to close my mouth. Thanks for all your prayers! I think I finally realize it is God who is in control of it all, not big Jason, not the courts. Even if it is not the way I think it should be, God knows what He is doing (why don't I always realize that?)
Please pray for big Jason & his wife, Donna. They need the Lord, and they need some financial provisions. They have had a tough year. Please pray big Jason would meet little Jason on his terms so my son feels loved not abandoned by his father. Thanks so much! -Becky
Posted by Becky R at 8:14 AM 1 comments
Monday, November 3, 2008
another why it matters story
this came to me after I posted original post this morning:
Another story from Woman #3
"I was a divorced 22 year old mother of 2 children, when I met and fell in love with who I thought was the greatest man on earth. We were together for about a year and 1/2 when I got pregnant. I wanted very much to keep the baby, although I knew it was going to be hard, especially having 2 babies already.
I wasn't sure if I was going to marry this man or not, and we spent many days crying and trying to decide what to do, whether I should have an abortion or not. We chose "NOT" to have the baby. In my heart I knew that I was not doing the right thing, and then again I felt confused. I was very embarrassed about being pregnant, not married and having 2 babies already, I felt I couldn't tell my Parents at all. I did wind up telling my Mother, and I praise God that I had a Mother who I was able to go to with this decision I had made.
The Father of the baby drove me to my appointment at Planned Parenthood, and I was quickly given what they call the counseling portion of the process. I will never forget the pain of that day! Not the pain from the actual "procedure", but the pain of "NOT" wanting to have the abortion, but yet, having it anyway. When I look back I wonder, what was I thinking???? I loved babies, I loved children, I loved being a Mom. Personally, I think I did it to please the Father of the Baby, the Love of my Life, the Greatest Man on Earth, the one that I wasn't sure if we were going to truly have a life together.
I have to tell you, this man is my Husband today, of 22 years. We remained together, and there is "NOT" one day that goes by that we don't regret having the abortion 23 years ago. And there are always reminders of our "SIN" and always pain in our hearts that we couldn't hold that child in our arms all these years, and watch him or her grow into a Beautiful Godly person that God intended him or her to be. We have shed many painful tears and memories of our decision "NOT" to have this child. We so look forward to holding that child one day, and telling him or her how loved he or she is.
My reason for telling you my story too is because there are so many different situations that different women are in. Here I was with the Father of my child, and I wasn't sure if he would stay with me, or leave, and 24 years later he is still with me. We were blessed with another child from God, and she is our greatest testimony. We truly feel that she is a miracle, she was our second chance from God to be the Parents that He created us to be.
Those of you who are voting & thinking about the issues on abortion, please rethink why you are voting for the candidate that thinks it's personally ok to just have an abortion. Having an abortion is not freedom, it is a lifelong consequence that never frees your heart, mind & soul. Please think about our stories...I am constantly reminded of what I did to my precious little baby so many years ago. My heart breaks over & over and even though I know God has forgiven me, I am having the hardest time forgiving myself.
May God Bless you and keep you in His Loving Care" -Woman #3
How many more countless woman have been affected by abortion, and know all too well that it does matter???
Posted by Becky R at 9:20 PM 1 comments
PRAYER-abortion minded woman
I received a comment off blog that a woman my sister knows is 6 weeks pregnant and abortion minded. PRAY she would change her mind. My sister and her husband want to adopt her baby (they are young but so far unable to have there own children.) It would be amazing if she would realize that baby is wanted and would chose life. Thanks! -Becky
Posted by Becky R at 5:10 PM 1 comments
Why it matters (sensitive pro life post)
I was reading about how sometimes it seems Christians only care about the hot topics such as gay marriage and abortion, in regards to the polls. Well, of course that couldn't be further from the truth. However, these things do matter as they affect lives. I am not going to get into anything about gay people and there wanting to marry. That is an issue I don’t feel led to discuss.
A huge hot topic with Christians though is the subject of abortion. After reading my friend Courtney's amazing post about this issue, and the Lord tugging at my heart I feel I need to discuss the issue of abortion. It does matter. Pro-life people say it is the woman’s right to chose, and that is what is happening in America and all over the world. But those babies, yes they are babies, they have no choice, no voice.
Before you think that I could not possibly understand this issue, I will tell my story. It is not my intent to judge those who have had or are considering abortion. It is instead my intent to inform how abortion does matter.
I was a good girl growing up. I thought I was living a good life. Although I did not know the Lord personally, I thought surely I would get into heaven. I got good grades, played with my siblings, loved my parents (my mom and awesome stepfather Gary.) I didn’t drink, or do drugs, or skip school. I respected my teachers. I was student council president in 8th grade. I wanted to change the world. I cared.
However, I never felt very pretty. I felt like I was overweight and was insecure. In 7th grade I met a boy who liked me. He was older and in the wrong crowd. But I felt that he needed me and that I could change him. We began an on again off again relationship from that point on.
I was 12, so how much of a relationship was it really? But to me it was.
At one point we broke up and he started dating my cousin, she was his age. That was hard and altered the relationship I had with her for a long time. He eventually ended the relationship with her. After, we started dating again and I felt pressure to do what he wanted. I wanted him to love me, so I gave in. At 14 I started having a sexual relationship.
Thinking back it sickens me as I was just a child, but I thought I was so grown up.
Not long after the sexual relationship began I discovered I was pregnant. I remember that day so clearly. I was at his house and his whole family was somewhere in his house. I was just crying and screaming. I didn’t believe it. I was 14, what did I know.
He was so happy. I was in shock. Once the pregnancy was furthered confirmed I didn’t know what to do. I went to Planned Parenthood and was treated coldly, like a number. They explained my options or so they said. I was scheduled for an abortion. It was all such a whirlwind.
I did not want to have that abortion. I did not want to lose my boyfriend. I was living in a fantasy. But the reality was that I could barely handle my own life, so I thought the best thing for that baby was to not be born. My boyfriend was a drinker, he also did some drugs, and on more than one occasion he had put his hands on me. I am not sure why I put up with all that, but I guess I thought I couldn’t do any better. But ultimately I didn’t want that life for my baby. I wish now that I never had to make that choice. I wish I was never pregnant at 14, but mostly I wish that abortion were not an option.
I remember also the day of my appointment. I remember another girl screaming who had gone before me. I remember the noises and the doctor explaining what he was doing. It was like an out of body experience. I remember afterwards sitting in a green chair in a recovery room watching jeopardy. Oh how I still hate that show.
But the worst part of it all is how my life seemed to go on as if it had never happened. As if I had not made a choice to the end the life of my baby. A baby who at only 6 or 7 weeks already had a heartbeat and life!!!!
I re-read my journals of the time after the abortion; and I became a self-absorbed teenager again. Yet inside I was dying. Thoughts of suicide invaded my mind on seemingly normal days. I resumed the destructive relationship with my boyfriend. I fought with my mother. I missed a lot of school.
Guess what? My life changed that day and I can never get that back. So it does matter. Often I think of how old that child would be. I imagine he would have been a boy. I would have named him Aaron.
Now I didn’t know it then but through my abortion I would eventually come to know the Lord; as I subconsciously wanted a baby after that, hence getting pregnant three years later. That child is now my oldest son. Before he turned 1, I accepted Jesus in my heart, to be Lord of my life. But as I post pictures of my two boys I can’t help thinking that someone is missing.
Now I have given all this to God and I know He has forgiven me and is holding my child for me to one day meet face to face, but still is hurts. I can be forgiven yet still remember.
So I implore you, as you may want to pass over the abortion issue. Reconsider!!! Girls and woman are affected; it is not a quick fix. Yes, I made a choice, and yes my life would have been hard no matter what, as I was the one who got pregnant at 14. But do not believe the lie that it doesn’t matter.
Decide where you stand on the issue (where does GOD stand really?) and find out if your candidate has the same stance. It is important and it does matter.
The above is my story, but I also have permission to share another abortion story, so to show this is affecting other woman not just me:
"The story does not end here. I am woman #2 and here is my story and I while I don’t judge people, as that is God’s job, I have an obligation to share my truth……..
I was a 27 year old woman, and I had just landed the job I had been looking for. My career was just beginning. I was dating what seemed like the millionth wrong guy hoping he would turn into the right one if only a few of his major flaws would change. I was on a business training trip when I discovered I was pregnant. Being raised in the lie of women’s liberation my choice was clear, an abortion was my only option. I am ashamed to say that I never even considered anything else. My life and career was just beginning, the boyfriend was not going to last, my parents (who lived way across the country at this point) would be disappointed. Especially my Dad. Embarrassed about my situation, I made an appointment at Planned Parenthood and got the required “counseling” if you could call it that and signed on for the abortion. I showed up on my appointed day and sat in a room full of total strangers whose faces I never saw as I sat in a bull pen of liberated women who could not face each other. No one was discussing how great it was to have this freedom to control our destinies. We could not even look at each other. It was the most horrible feeling that I could have imagined. I should have gotten up and left but facing the consequences of my mistake was something I still could not do. What a strong and smart woman I found out I really wasn’t that day. Instead I was weak and succumbed to the pressures of being a woman who could put herself first and live out her dreams without regard for others, just like a man or so I thought.
That is what I was told to believe, women’s liberation gave me that false freedom. As soon as the procedure to take my child’s life was complete I learned about the lies of women’s liberation. The lie that I have control of my body and no one should be able to make the decision for me regarding an unwanted pregnancy. How many times have I prayed that one person would have tried to talk me out of my decision to get an abortion that day? It was not my choice, it was God’s gift to me and this world and I snuffed it out because I didn’t think it would fit. I never even tried it on, and I returned it back to Him in a very nasty fashion. I was not a 14 year old girl like woman #1, I was a 27 year old woman with a good job who could have figured it out because I really am smart, despite my obscenely naive decision to play God. I am still embarrassed by that pregnancy, but not for the same reasons as before.
To all who are voting think about the abortion issue. Women are different from men when it comes to a lot of things, especially sex and children. Anyone who doesn’t honor that difference and realize that abortion is a quick and false solution to a much more difficult problem does not get my vote. Women’s liberation should never have sought to make us the same as men, because we are not. The choice I made with my body that day forever bruised my soul. I did not know that was going to happen. The embarrassment I feared would have faded as soon as that sweet baby showed his face, the memory of what did to that sweet baby has never faded. I too know that God has forgiven me and is holding my child for me to meet one day. I have been forgiven, but I also, will never forget.
It is a really important issue, and we women do not have all the facts about it. What I learned is that abortion is not a freedom, but a prison that we choose for our self. Where do you stand? Think about it long and hard. I assure you it is not as easy as you think."
Matthew 11:28-30
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
Matthew 11:28-30
I just read this on someone else's blog and I so needed to read it today!!! -Becky
Posted by Becky R at 9:14 AM 0 comments
prayer needed for tonight 7:15pm-9:00pm
Tonight at 7:30pm I will be having a phone conference with Jason's dad. I have not spoken with him for over 10 months. I allow him to have this power over me. It is sick. Please pray I would give that all to the Lord and speak only His words.
Please around 7:15pm, up through 9:00pm I ask if you remember please pray (just a minute or two, I am not asking you to pray the entire time, just at anytime during that time period.) I need it!!! Thanks! -Becky
Posted by Becky R at 12:08 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Pity Party
Lately I have been having myself a nice pity party. (As reflected in my past few posts.) Plus I have not even been posting that much lately.
Today I had plans to clean house, bake bread, cook a nice dinner, and start doing some Christmas gifts (we are making them.) And enjoy time with my boys!!!
Instead I:
slept in (missing Jason's doctor's appointment)
took Joshua to his soccer game (15 min. late)
fed Josh a hot dog (and me too) and candy for lunch
went to bank to deposit a check and get boys allowance
put gas in the car
did two loads of laundry (still not folded or put away)
watched about four episodes Little House on the Prairie (we are on season 6)
took a nap
made a batch of homemade laundry soap
yelled at the boys
cooked some kind of meat for dinner
ate weird meat dinner with Josh (Jason would have no part) with left over biscuits and fries from last nights KFC and of course some more candy
made boys pick candy they were keeping from yesterday so we can get rid of the rest (they each got two bags full of candy, which I will end up eating if it stays in our house)
I also let Josh paint some Christmas sun catchers (he got mad that I gave him black paint, project was a debacle)
So we ate horrible, watched way too much TV, and did no chores, fun family stuff, or Christmas gifts. What a wasted day!
So please join me in my pity party!!! We sure have lots of junk food for it!!!
Posted by Becky R at 12:35 AM 1 comments
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Nov. 2008 Budget
Jason $386 ($96.50 weekly)
Joshua $170 ($85 bi-weekly)
Office Work $420
Mon. childcare $210 (working 3 Mondays)
Sat. night job $120 (working 2 Saturday nights)
Temple $ 50 (working one Fri. night)
Total $1356
*Tithe $140
Savings $
Offering $ 70 (Compassion Child $35 / Solutions $25 / F.O.F. $10)
*Rent $500
Car Repairs $
*Car insurance $ 80 (due 11/13)
Gas for car $160
*Allowance $ 60
Gas & electric bill $215
*Phone $ 24 (for basic phone only with taxes)
Non groceries $ 30 (contact stuff, misc.)
Freedom account $ 80
*HSLD $11
Clothes $ 0
Spending $ 0
Dentist for me $80
total $1450
will be negative $94, I just sold something online for $34 after shipping & fees, so I need to find a way to come up with another $60 this month. Plus I need to not spend on unbudgeted items!!!
Posted by Becky R at 4:10 PM 1 comments
With God I managed to pay all Oct. bills & Nov. rent.
This month I had a few extras. I had to pay $100 to fix my headlight. I had to pay $24 to renew my license and $20 to get some papers from motor vehicle. I also got started on Christmas buying some supplies to make a few gifts. I also bought some stuff not budgeted for.
I am starting Nov. with:
checking account $0
emergency fund $200
money for Jason's birthday gift & party $80
money for brake job $200
Praise the Lord that I have no debt or overdue bills (except my electric bill which I am going to catch up on this month.)
Posted by Becky R at 3:56 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Joshua has finally fallen asleep, but now Jason is crying about his lizard biting him (why he was playing with it at 10:00pm I don't know.) He said he put a toy in there and thought it was funny that lizard was acting weird. The lizard was probably threatened. It has never bitten before. Anyway Jason threw the lizard and now is in agonizing pain. Just a note there is not even a speck on his finger (least you think I am cold hearted as I blog away.) He is clearly tired and over reacting! The joys of parenting!!!
Posted by Becky R at 10:05 PM 0 comments
Prayer Requests
Please Pray for me to be calm and fun with my boys every day!!!
Pray that Joshua would obey, he is flat out not listening to anything I say lately. As of right now it is 9:00pm, I put him to bed at 7:00pm because he was so disobedient and he has been yelling, getting up, and such for 2 hours!
Pray for Jason to have nothing wrong with his foot. Pray for him to obey me as well(although he is much better at it right now.) Pray for him to not shut down before his Odyssey of the Mind class at 3:30.
Pray for my boys not to antagonize each other so much.
Pray for me as I need a tooth pulled, a cavity filled, and a dental cleaning (all without dental insurance.)
Pray for me to spend time with the Lord daily and stick to my First Place study and commitments to the Lord!
Pray for us to spend calm time just being home, not always going, going, going! I feel like we are never home and when we are we have such an agenda (you know clean house, cook, laundry, etc.) I want my home to be a calm haven for us, lately it has not been.
Pray as Monday at 7:30 I have a phone conference with Jason's dad, Jason (they have the same name.) We have not spoken in over 10 months. I am very stressed about this phone call. But I desire him to make the effort to see little Jason.
Thanks! -Becky
Posted by Becky R at 9:09 PM 0 comments
yeah-praise God!!!
My car passed inspection today! Now it is good for two years!!!
All I had to do was get a new headlight to get it to pass. I had money to get the headlight fixed and renew my driver's license as well.
Also I just paid all of Oct.'s bills including Nov. rent. I even have money to get my brakes fixed. I only have one bill that is a little behind (my electric is $60 behind.) I even got and started a few Christmas gifts this month (we are making gifts this year.)
The boys had dental cleanings and both were calm. Joshua had a cavity and got it filled without incident!
We are all healthy!
We have lots of food!
Joshua is doing well at school and listens well there. He is making new friends as well!
Jason's homeschooling is going well. He is not behind on Bible, Language Arts, Science, History, Geography, Handwriting, Math, Art, or Gym. (Just a little behind on Spelling.)
God is so amazing again!!!
Posted by Becky R at 9:00 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Lia Sophia Jewelry
My Lia Sophia Party
Hostess: Becky Rivera
Belford, NJ
Friday, November 21st, 2008 @ 7:30pm
email me to get exact address and rsvp
Be the first to see our new Fall/Winter 2008 Collection! With so much to choose from you will be able to perfectly accessorize your wardrobe with all of the current trends.
lia sophia collections are right in line with the fashion features of Elle, Glamour, InStyle, Cosmopolitan, Vogue & other leading fashion magazines.
lia sophia offers over 500 styles with more than 200 priced under $35 each.
And there is a LIFETIME REPLACEMENT GUARANTEE on every piece.
Most importantly, please come and relax, enjoy the company of friends and be assured that with me, there is no long boring demonstration.
Just a fun Girls Night Out!
The special for November is: when you buy 3 items, the most expensive of the 3 is half price! THEN get up to 3 necklaces at ½ price! They make great gifts for teachers, bosses, secretaries, babysitters, etc.
Holiday pins and bracelets are now available for purchase too!
Kristen Trumble, Independent lia sophia Advisor
Posted by Becky R at 1:01 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 24, 2008
Cloth diaper lot for sale / over 70 items
Hello! In the market for any cloth diapers size small, check out this link
I am selling a set of some used and new cloth diapers.
The starting bid is $10. I paid over $200 for all the items.
At least 30 diapers can be made with this set (reusing covers.) Some are all in ones, some are prefolds, some are diapers that have Velcro but just need a cover. A wet bag is also included, as well some inserts, and nursing pads. 4 snappi's are also included (no need for pins anymore.)
Leave a comment if you have a question. -Becky
Posted by Becky R at 6:37 PM 1 comments
Monday, October 20, 2008
about me
I was going to re post my original about me from back in July. of last year when I started this blog, but so much has changed I thought I would rewrite it.
Well, my name is Becky, I turned 29 years old on Oct. 3rd. I am a Christian, or follower of God. I love the Lord, and am striving to live each day His way, but I stumble, and I give into my flesh, and I backslide-A LOT!
I am a single mom to two amazing, strong willed, energetic, creative boys.
Jason is 10 years old and had ADHD and some different learning abilities. He is super sensitive and has such a heart for others, being especially considerate to younger children (except his younger brother of course) and those who are less fortunate. We moved last year into a new school district and I felt they were not meeting Jason's particular needs, so after praying a lot I decided to homeschool him. This is going along. We are getting some stuff accomplished, but I desire to be home more (I do work outside the home 4 days a week.) Jason is doing well, and especially enjoys the homeschool co-op we go to.
Joshua is my baby, he is 5 years old but thinks he is 10 like his brother. He loves to argue and talk back and try to convince me of what he can do. We are working on this. On one hand his verbal skills are amazing, he can hold a reasonably entertaining conversation with just about anyone, yet does not quite know his limits when to stop. (If you know me at all, this is so much like me, I love to talk also and sometimes do not know my limits-lol.) Joshua plays soccer and he is enjoys it; especially playing goalie. Joshua is in kindergarten at our local public school. He really enjoys playing with all his friends there.
Both my boys are very creative and love to build things (especially with Lego's.) We have built Lego creations all over the house as well. I so need a Lego room (and a library, craft room, two more bedrooms, a full basement, and a BATH TUB!!!!)
And we ALL love to read; Jason & I the most. We have books all over the house. Currently I am reading about five different books:
Nicholas Spark's A Walk to Remember,
Scott Turansky's Good and Angry,
Dr. Steve Stephen's the Worn Out Woman,
Carole Lewis's Stop It!
and Julie Ann Barnhill's She's Gonna Blow!
At our homeschool co-op I teach the preschool class. I love this age group, and God has really given me a heart for them.
I also do childcare Mon. & Sat.
Mon. for a sweet almost 4 year old girl. Jason comes to work with me.
We go 9:00-2:30. We take the little girl to our homeschool gym class (she also is homeschooled.) It is nice, as I get to bring Josh to school and pick him up as well. And if he has no school he can just come with us.
Sat. I do childcare 5:30-10:00 for a set of 7 year old twins. The boy has severe allergies so his parents are very leery about who they leave him with. They feel better with me since I have CPR & First Aid & Epi-pen training. I also have an AA in Early Education. Sometimes one or both of my boys come with me, sometimes they sleep over at my mom's.
My other job is working in an office two days a week (Wed. & Fri. 9:15-2:15.) I get to bring Josh to school and pick him up as well, so this is good. I answer phones, clean, organize, help out the Occupational, Speech, & Physical therapists and other odd things. Sometimes I even teach in the social skills groups. My office only sees babies through teens, no adults. It is a very friendly, easy going place to work. But like any office, it can get very busy.
In addition to the above, I am a daughter to an amazing mother (as well as to our Heavenly Father), I am a sister to three brothers, (Eric 32, Kevin 27, and Matthew 6 months old) and two sisters (Lindsey 23, and Samantha 19.) I am a niece, cousin, and granddaughter. I also am a friend, and of course I am a blogger!
Please share about you in the comment section.
Thanks! -Becky
Posted by Becky R at 4:53 PM 4 comments
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Best friends
one of my best friends and I, Monica about 8 years ago
Monica & I met about 9 years ago. We were both single moms who lived at home, so after some prayer we decided to get a place together. Monica is the big sister I always wanted. We talk about everything and do so a few times a day. There are only 3 pictures of Monica & I. This is the first one of us ever. Charlene, Monica, & I on a retreat about 6 years ago
This is the second picture with Monica & I in it. My cousin, Charlene is also in the photo. Charlene and I are also very close.
Posted by Becky R at 11:05 AM 2 comments
Oct. budget
Budget Oct. 2008
Jason $386
Joshua $170
Office Work $576 (10/17 & 10/31)
Mon. childcare $268
Sat. night job $120
Total $1520
*Tithe $150
Offering $ 70 (Compassion Child $35 / Solutions $25 / F.O.F. $10)
*Rent $500
Car Repairs $
*Car insurance $ 70 (due 10/13)
Gas for car $160 (10/4, 10/11, 10/18, 10/25)
*Allowance $ 60 (10/4, 10/11, 10/18, 10/25)
Gas & electric bill $215
Food $150
*Phone $ 24 (for basic phone only with taxes)
Non groceries $ 30 (contact stuff, misc.)
Freedom account $ 80
*HSLD $11
Clothes $ 0
Spending $ 0
Posted by Becky R at 11:03 AM 0 comments
Me at 17 years old
This is me in Nov. or Dec. of 1996. I had just turned 17 years old. I also had just met Jason's dad. I was a freshman in college. I love my hair (I know I am vain.) And yes that is a piercing in my chin. I loved it. And still have the scar from it.
Posted by Becky R at 10:51 AM 2 comments
my best friends from high school with baby Jason
Lauren & Joanna with Jason. This photo is over 10 years old, from early 1998 (maybe March.) Lauren was 18, Joanna was 19, Jason was about 4 months old.
Posted by Becky R at 10:46 AM 1 comments
My best friends in high school
This is a photo of Joanna & Lauren. This was them in high school.
Lauren and I met when we were 6 years old and have been friends ever since. We were best friends from about 7th grade and all through high school. We still keep in touch and get together once or twice a year (she lives in another state). Lauren is now married with an adorable two year old son, Jackson. Lauren is an amazing person and so beautiful as well. For many years I lived vicariously through her as she traveled and lived here and there, graduated college, and enjoyed life. I am so proud of the amazing woman she has become.
Joanna and I become friends when I was in 7th grade. She was a grade above me. By the time I got to high school, she had been there a year already. We shared (still do) a love for reading and writing, and quickly became close. We would talk on the phone until about 2:00am most nights, meet at the bus stop at 6:45am, talk on the way to school (ok I slept most days), then talk at school, and hang out afterwords. What were we talking about all that time? To this day whenever we get together (which is more often as I now live across the street from her) we still talk the hours away. I am also so proud of Joanna. She also had graduated college and now is working on getting a job in her chosen field. The best thing about Joanna is how we laugh together. Still when we talk we really have some good laughs. Joanna & I at RBR homecoming (Nov. 1994)
Posted by Becky R at 10:34 AM 1 comments
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Me 29 years old, photo by Jason (he was in a tree)
Yesterday I turned 29. It was strange. I feel so old sometimes, yet so young at others. My body sure feels old. Yet I still feel so small and insecure at times.
My day started out bad. I slept in and then got mad at my kids for making a mess and eating chips for breakfast (they know they are not allowed to do this.) I asked them to clean up and get dressed which turned into a fighting match. Why can't they just listen?
But then we went to Lee Turkey Farm with my stepfather (my mom was also supposed to come, but she is very sick, please pray for her) and had a nice time. We did a corn maze, picked pumpkins (Jason's weighs about 17 lbs.), and picked apples. We also played on the farm playground. It was really relaxing. It was a beautiful fall day and there was a slight breeze in the air. It was also very clear. Despite my heart (mean inside) God still blessed me with an amazing day. Lee Turkey Farm
conquering the corn maze
pumpkin picking
apple picking
apple picking
on the tire swing
After the turkey farm Josh had soccer practice, then we went to my friend, Monica's. She made a fire and cooked me dinner. Then she had a cake for me. She is so sweet. It was a relaxing time.
Then I went home and put the kids to bed. Josh was asleep within 30 min. of putting him to bed (all that outside activity sure helped.) This is a real blessing as sometimes it takes two hours for him to stop trying to get up.
Then I did all my bills. I was a bit behind from Sept. as I took off a week in Sept. to get kids situated for school, so I had to use Oct. 3rd paycheck to finish up Sept. bills. But praise the Lord. I paid every bill from Sept. (except my electric bill is still one month behind, but I plan on catching up this month.) Fortunately in Oct. I was scheduled to get 3 paychecks instead of two, so I will not be behind for Oct. It is amazing that I have no debt (except the electric bill behind one month.) GOD IS SO AWESOME TO US, ESPECIALLY FINANCIALLY!
Now I have gas in my gas tank, gave the boys allowance, and have food shopping money. I even have money to have my front brakes done. This makes me feel good.
I don't know why I stress so as it always works out. I need to wake up each day and give my day to God and spend time with HIM. This way I am not "mean mommy". I really do love my boys and want them to know it each and every day!
Posted by Becky R at 3:45 PM 5 comments
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Amazing book
Hi! I read THE SHACK by William P. Young the other day (my friend lent it to me-Thanks Lisa!) You have to read this book! It is hard and sad in the beginning, but so redeeming in the end.
Product Description
"Mack" Philips took his three children on a family camping trip while his wife visited her sister. Just as they were about to leave the campsite, the two older kids decided to take a last canoe ride before heading home. As their canoe overturned, and Mack went to help them, his back was turned and the unspeakable happened. Mack's youngest daughter,Missy, was abducted by a known child predator. After a massive search, evidence of Missy showed up at an abandoned cabin. Although they never found her body, everyone knew the worst had happened. For the next four years "a great sadness" fell over Mack and his family, until a note from God showed up in his mailbox. What happens next will move you to a greater understanding of God's unfailing love for us all.
Posted by Becky R at 10:45 PM 0 comments
Horrible day
I have been having some horrible days. Not too much happening, but my heart is mean. I have been yelling at my kids and stressing SO much. It is not healthy. I keep thinking I can not do all this. I wonder why God gave me these precious boys, when I do not appreciate that gift?
My house is a nightmare, but we did clean the living room and front hall tonight with lots of yelling and fighting going on.
My fear is that all of our spirits are broken. This is not how parenting should be. My goal is to build them up in the Lord. I am supposed to be the spiritual head of household. YIKES!!!!
I need prayer! I need to be calmer and more enjoyable. I need the joy of the Lord. I know He wants to give it to me, I just have to go to Him and ask, and spend time with Him daily. How come I know what to do, but still don't?
Sorry for the all the negativity, this is so how I do not want to be!!!
Posted by Becky R at 10:36 PM 1 comments
Monday, September 29, 2008
I can not fall asleep
I was so exhausted from yesterday that we all slept in and missed church (I really slept in.) Then I realized my back was really hurting so I layed around ALL day. I even took a nap. So now I can not fall asleep. Please pray I can fall asleep asap and am able to go to work tomorrow. I can not afford to call out and I fear if I do I may lose my job. But I am having a hard time doing stuff with my back. Thanks! -Becky
Posted by Becky R at 12:46 AM 2 comments
My Saturday
Hi! I have not posted much this week as I no longer have paid internet service. I did get 10 free hours a month from Juno. I am glad as it is free, but it is slow. I am using the Juno now.
Yesterday Samantha (my sister), Eric and Kevin (my brothers), Scott (my stepfather), and I threw my mom a surprise 50th birthday party. We had a lobster / clam bake. It was nice. We really all worked hard together which I know my mom appreciated. My mom is so amazing. I wanted her to know how much she was loved and appreciated. I hope she knows that. MOM YOU ARE GREAT! MY WORLD WOULD NOT BE THE SAME WITHOUT YOU (actually I would not exist without you. lol.)
-Becky Jeannette, my beautiful mother
Jason (10), Me (28), & Joshua (5) at my mom's surprise party on Saturday
Eric (32),
Me (28),
my mom (50),
Kevin (27),
and Samantha (19)
Posted by Becky R at 12:14 AM 4 comments