I was so excited to learn the sex of my new niece or nephew today, but it didn't work out and we have to wait longer. My sister was pretty upset it didn't work out.
I would ask you to pray fr her. She is 20 and having her first baby. The baby's father is also young and they have lots to work out. They are dating, and I pray they would both be what each other needs and especially what the baby needs. I especially pray they would both give there lives to God and live for Him everyday. And I pray that God would use me in there lives in some way as well.
I am really excited though as I get to be in the delivery room (with my mom and my sister's boyfriend too.) She is due May 17th (which is Josh's 7th birthday.)
20 more weeks to go (give or take.) I love babies.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
no baby news yet
Posted by Becky R at 10:43 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
My annual Christmas letter
Dear Family and Friends,
Usually I am so excited to write this letter wishing you a Merry Christmas and to update you on our lives. However, this year I have been dreading writing this letter. I guess acknowledging Christmas this year is a bit hard for us.
As most of you already know, we lost my older brother Eric on June 14. So although Christmas will come with or without us celebrating it, we wish we were celebrating it with Eric.
2009 has been a hectic, sad year, but we also have had some positives as well. In April my grandfather passed away and we went to Ohio for the service; and again in the summer to spend time with my grandmother. In April, I had surgery to fix my right ankle which had not healed from breaking it in Feb. of 2007. In June we lost Eric. In Sept. I began homeschooling both boys. It has been interesting. But I love the closer bond I see growing between them. In Nov. I bought my first house. In Dec., after much work from all of my family (thanks Mom & Scott) we were finally able to move in. It already feels like home.
Jason turned 12 this year (just this month.) He is in the 6th grade. He really enjoys science and reading. He still loves to ride his bike. Of course his favorite thing is to play video games in his new room, with his new tv that he got as a birthday gift from his grandparents. He is excited to start guitar lessons and basketball next month.
Joshua turned 6 this past May. He is in the 1st grade. He really enjoys math and art. Currently in art we are making lego movies, which he is so excited for. He has many ideas on what will make a great movie. Joshua continued to play soccer this year and played goalie much of the season. He can’t wait for spring soccer to start up again. Joshua loves to ride his bike and is especially happy we are on a corner so he gets to ride on two streets and still be close enough to the house for me.
I am still doing childcare, no longer in my home, but in other’s on an as needed basis. It works out well, as I usually just bring the boys along. I also have begun selling the homemade laundry soap that I have been making for years. I hope to grow my business to 10 bottles a month sold to ideally 100. I also am busy unpacking and dreaming of decorating. I hope to learn how to sew this year. I also hope to spend more time at home; and double my garden from last year, as my new yard is bigger and can accommodate a bigger garden.
Mostly we are really just trying to get through the day. It is hard. Losing Eric makes no sense. It hurts.
Still I know how much God has blessed us this year!!! I can still praise Him for what He has done.
I would love for you to join me at church Christmas Eve at 6 at Calvary Baptist Church in Aberdeen, NJ. On the corner of Church & Lloyd. It is a short, one hour service.
Also I hope you have a blessed Christmas and 2010.
We love you!
Becky, Jason, & Joshua
Posted by Becky R at 10:39 AM 2 comments
Monday, December 21, 2009
Easy kid friendly cookies and frosting
I make these every year with my kids. They are so easy, the kids can do everything. You can even make some of the dough colored to make colored cookies (i.e. some red dough, twist with non colored dough to make candy cane cookies, add crushed candy canes to top right before you cook.)
I just made a batch and tomorrow we will be making cookies. Yum!
Super Easy Sugar Cookies
3/4 cup butter
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
2 1/2 cups flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
Mix all ingredients. Chill for at least one hour. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Flour surface and rolling pin. Roll dough to 1/4" thickness. Use fun cookie cutters (or a glass) to cut out cookies. Put on cookie sheet and bake 9-10 minutes. Cool and decorate if desired.
Homemade frosting
Warm Milk
Confectionery sugar
Mix small amount of milk with sugar to make frosting; add food coloring if so desired.
Posted by Becky R at 11:37 PM 1 comments
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Time for play
It is so nice that we live a few houses down from our cousin's Michael making a snow angel
Joshua and Breanna's snow fort
Posted by Becky R at 1:09 PM 1 comments
Baggies on my feet? What?
It started snowing about 3pm yesterday. It stopped sometime during the night. It looks so pretty out. We did not go to church as I don't like driving in snow or digging out my car for that matter.
It is about noon and my kids are getting ready to go outside an play. I did manage to get Joshua snow pants yesterday, so they both have a pair, but Jason does not have snow boots. I told him I will put baggies on his feet like my mom did when I was a kid, so his feet would not get wet under his sneakers. His face was priceless.
Posted by Becky R at 11:58 AM 0 comments
Saturday, December 19, 2009
More grieving
I spent all day Thur doing not too much. We did some school work and baked some muffins. The boys and I spent time together. I was pretty calm and didn't yell. I even brought some of the muffins to our new eccentric neighbor.
But Friday I tried to have another calm day but Jason was not cooperative. He has been sick, or sad, or not himself lately. He had a headache again Wed. night and apparently he has had it for awhile.
That makes me feel all the more horrible to hear. He is my son and I am not even aware that he has felt like "his head is exploding" for awhile, he said maybe even for a month.
I am trying. I desire to draw closer to the Lord daily, be the mom He wants me to be, and create a calm, loving, home that my boys feel at peace in. But this is almost the opposite of how it has actually been lately. It is hard.
My grief seems to be more intense. I feel disconnected from the world, and am ok with that. I sit here typing and my mind is consumed with Eric. But my boys didn't cause his death and they are grieving too. They need so much more than I am able to give right now. NONE of this makes sense.
Eric's death was so senseless. Him dying has just caused so much pain. My mom, brother, sister, and I are so hurt and more disconnected. I can barely have a conversation with my mom or Kevin. It seems we are always at different stages. If I am having an ok day and try to have a normal conversation they may not be having the same type of day or vice versa. Or I don't want to hurt them further or myself for that matter.
Again nothing makes much sense.
I found a good site if you need to know what to do with helping someone dealing with a death like this.
But I really hope no one else is going through losing a sibling!
Posted by Becky R at 11:09 PM 1 comments
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Become a follower of my blog please!
Scroll down the stuff on the left until you see Follow and click on it, please! I would love to double my followers by year's end (I have 5 now, but I know more of you read my blog.) Thanks!
Posted by Becky R at 4:47 PM 4 comments
Come see our upstairs
our stairs (so exciting, as our last house had only one floor.)
upstairs hallway. Joshua's room is to the right. Jason's room is behind me as I took picture.
Posted by Becky R at 4:11 PM 1 comments
Joshua's new room
Joshua with his cell phone, which is now missing AGAIN
Joshua posing with a stuffed animal, he posed with all of them, lol
Joshua on his new captain's bed, note the space for his stuffed animals Joshua's new headboard
Joshua's new closet
Joshua's new closet
Posted by Becky R at 3:58 PM 0 comments
Jason's new room
Jason's new bed
Jason's new tv
inside Jason's closet
Jason's closet
Jason on his new captain's bed
Jason in his new room with his new tv
Posted by Becky R at 3:50 PM 1 comments
Labels: Jason, photos of new house
Question about using cloth toilet paper
Anonymous said...
"I have a logistical question regarding your use of cloth tp… well… how does it work? Do you have a small receptacle where you put the used cloths? Do you wash them in a special manner? I've always been curious about it."
Dear Anonymous,
Hello! Thanks for reading my blog. I am happy to answer any questions you may have. Using cloth toilet paper is surprising easily.
First, I use old t-shirts, sweatshirts, etc. for the cloth tp. I cut up into rectangles, squares, etc. In the picture is fleece, sweatshirt material, and t-shirt material.
Next to my toilet I have a plastic rectangle container that has all the clean pieces.
Then in my shower is a bucket that I throw the dirty ones in. Sometimes while I shower I let some of the water into the bucket. When my boys shower I take bucket out. I throw used ones in wash about every other day. I wash with almost anything. I use my homemade laundry soap. I wash in cold water (I wash 99% of my clothes in cold water.) I also add white vinegar as fabric softener, which kills germs as well. Then I either hang clean tp to dry on line outside or when it is cold, or rainy I throw in the dryer (which I must admit I have been doing with every load lately.) The sun or dryer kills any germs not washed out. The fabric is clean after this.
I have not been sick since before I started using all cloth, so I am sure any germs are being killed.
I hope that helps.
Posted by Becky R at 3:34 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
My mom and Scott are amazing
Scott (my stepfather) has completed the remodel of the upstairs of my new house. He turned one room into two rooms, two closets, and a hallway. He made it so each room has heat, plenty of outlets, and an overhead light with a switch (something we did not have in old house, I had a light with a pull string only.) He also put up shelves in Joshua's closet. He pulled up the old rug and put in two new rugs in the boys rooms. He also put in new floor molding. He did an amazing job.
My mom got the boys new beds and put them together, in addition to getting the boys paint and painting their new rooms.
Both my mom and Scott worked so hard and did an amazing job on our new house. I am so thankful for all their hard work and for them in my life.
Thanks so much Mom & Scott!
Posted by Becky R at 9:01 PM 3 comments
Amazing Homeschool Co-op Group
The Thur. before Thanksgiving we had a feast at our homeschool co-op, and the families at co-op surprised me with housewarming gifts. It was so kind of them and I was in tears I was so touched. I cry when I am happy (and when I am sad of course, actually I cry a lot!)
I got a Target gift card that I used for green cleaning supplies.
I got two Kohl's gift cards. I bought a hair towel (I have always wanted one of them.) I also bought soy candles (I love candles!!!)
I got a Visa gift card that I bought toilet paper (for guests) and garbage bags.
I got new hand and dish towels that are amazing!!!
I got awesome dish soap called Sun & Earth. I think it works great, way better than any homemade dish soap I have been making. I even like it better than Seventh Generation.
I also got some new bins (like plastic shoe boxes.) Great gift for me, I love to organize!
I also got a gift card to Bed, Bath, & Beyond. I used it for a power cord, memory card, three new Christmas ornaments (one for me, Jason, & Joshua, they look like s'mores snowmen, one says Mom, one is a basketball player, and one is a soccer player-too cute!!!) I also got a bath pillow for me as I have a bath tub again after 2 years of only having a shower. I am so excited to use it.
It felt so nice to buy some new things for me, the kids, and the new house. But even nicer is how we are surrounded with such an amazing support system of people who love us so much. God uses all these people to remind us daily of His love for us.
And for that I am extremely thankful!!!
Posted by Becky R at 8:19 PM 2 comments
Monday, December 14, 2009
Bills and more
all Nov. bills are paid in full.
In Nov. I also managed to get new contacts and new glasses. It was almost $700 for the contacts, glasses, and exam. I do not have vision coverage, so this is an expense I need to budget for each year (I do, in my freedom account.) But at least I am good for a year.
So far all Dec. bills are paid and will be. Plus we had a small party for Jason and his friends for his 12th birthday. In addition I just got four new tires that I desperately needed. $365 including tax, mounting, and such. Plus they rotate the tires every 5,000 miles until I need new ones again.
I also have 3 gifts each for the boys for Christmas (each are getting a set of Adventures in Odyssey cassettes that I got for $4 each; a flashlight each, that I got for free from Emergency Essentials.com, and I am making them each a fleece blanket for their new rooms.)
God continues to provide for us in amazing ways!!!
Posted by Becky R at 7:31 PM 0 comments
Still no computer at home
I am at my mom's on the computer as mine is still not working. Pray we all are so sad as today it has been 6 months since we lost Eric.
Posted by Becky R at 7:30 PM 1 comments
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Candy Houses
My kids and my cousin's kids with their homemade candy houses. We used graham crackers for the house, frosting for the glue, and lots of candy for the decorations.
The kids had a blast making and eating these.
Posted by Becky R at 9:50 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 12, 2009
People are so kind
Today we got an anonymous package in the mail with cookie mix in it. It was such a pleasant surprise. I can't wait to make the cookies with boys this week. People never cease to amaze me, that because of God they don't even know us but care about us anyway.
Posted by Becky R at 7:09 PM 1 comments
Almost 6 months
In two days it will have been 6 months since Eric died. Sometimes I think I am ok, but other days it is as if I am discovering the tragic news all over again. It was so hard at Thanksgiving not having Eric there, especially since at Thanksgiving I always try to get a photo of my mom's children so I can give her that as a gift on Christmas. This year I could not even try to bring myself to touch my camera. Why would my mom want a picture with just some of her kids? It is not the same.
It is so hard to go on at times. Some days I am fine, but others I want to stay in bed and be alone. But being a single mom of two kids does not allow that.
I am in therapy, actually I have been attending therapy and a healing class as well. I realize that even before Eric died I have so much pain from my past that I am allowing to control my future. I need that to stop.
I know it is ok to be sad about Eric, I think I would be strange if I was not sad, but sometimes it is so much more than sad. It is like my heart is hurt and bruised, my insides are knotted and contorted. It is like I can't stand up straight from all the pain inside. And it is hard because I look the same on the outside, but my insides are just not right.
I don't think things will ever go back to the way they were, as Eric will always be gone, so I have to learn to live differently. I have to be content in what I do have and find joy regardless of life's circumstances. I know that I can only do that through the Lord. He is hurting with me and He wants to fill me to overflowing with His love. I need to go to Him more to be filled up. And to ask Him to help fill that void that losing Eric has caused. And know I will never be the same again, but that I have to find another way to go on. And amidst all the sadness I need to try and find laughter as well.
That is the best I can hope for.
Posted by Becky R at 6:58 PM 1 comments
Jason turned 12 on Thur.
Happy Birthday Jason!!!
Dear Jason,
I am so proud of you. You are so kind and compassionate. You are also funny and keep us laughing. I love when you pretend to be going down or up an elevator it cracks me up every time. I love how your walk with the Lord is growing and how you are sharing that with Joshua and I. My gift to you is that you are now allowed to text your friends and have your new tv in your room. May you prove to be responsible with both.
I love you!
Thur. we had cupcakes for Jason at co-op. Then I made his favorite dinner, tacos. he also had a few friends over to play his new Lego rock Band for Wii game. Then last night he had more friends over for video games, pizza, and making gingerbread houses. A few of the kids even slept over, so we are all a bit tired today. But I think Jason had a good time. He got $20 cash, a Wii game, and a toys r us gift card from his friends. Josh got him a new SD card for his Wii, apparently he wanted this.
He also had a family party with his dad's side of the family last Saturday. They got him a 22" flat screen tv, a dvd player, and two Lego sets, and a gift card to WalMart. He wants to use that to buy a wireless router.
Monday my mom and Scott are taking us out to dinner to celebrate Jason's birthday.
Yes, he gets three parties, I think next year will be the last time we do that. It can get crazy!
I think he is pretty set, and Christmas is not here yet. God blesses us so.
I will say he gave me his toys r us gift card so we can buy a gift for a child we picked to buy a Christmas gift for. He is amazing, he has such compassion for those less fortunate than he is. It makes me so proud.
I will post some pics of the birthday boy soon.
Posted by Becky R at 6:47 PM 0 comments
Computer Crashed
My computer has crashed and I can not use it at home at all. I have wanted to post pictures of the new house, the Christmas tree, and of Jason who celebrated his 12th birthday on Thursday.
I am hopeful my uncle or brother can get my computer up and running again as I am going through withdrawal without it.
We have spent 6 nights in the new house and already it feels like home. We still have beds to put together, molding to paint, and shelves to put up in the closet. I would also like shelves in my closet downstairs for the boys school stuff.
I also still have to pack all the kitchen stuff from old house as well as some of the boys stuff and my stuff. We try and go to old house everyday and get a few boxes of stuff.
But at least the house is livable. And I will say having a dishwasher is so nice. I missed having one.
We even managed to put up our Christmas tree and tree lights. We have yet to put the ornaments up though.
It is all coming together and I feel good about the progress. It is still so exciting to have a house.
Posted by Becky R at 6:41 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 7, 2009
One more thing before I go to bed
My thankful list (since I didn't post on thanksgiving):
Jesus dying on the cross for me (and all of you) to have a way to heaven
our health
my mom
my sisters (Samantha & Lindsey)
my living brothers (Kevin & Matthew)
my amazing extended family
my amazing church family
my best friend, Monica
my best cousin/friend, Charlene
Joanna (my friend for 18 years)
Lauren (my friend for 24 years)
Courtney (my friend since high school, 14 years ago)
all my other amazing friends
my new house
closets for Jason, Josh, school stuff, and vacuum (did not have that before)
bathtub (did not have that before-we only had a shower stall)
cozy bed with amazing foam topper
new beds and rugs for boys (thanks mom & Scott)
finally sleeping in my new house
all Nov. bills paid in full
having all our needs met
clean, running water
plenty of food to eat (too much for me lately)
awesome yard (great garden potential)
ability to read and write (where would I be without that, without a blog for sure)
desire in my heart to grow closer to the LORD
there are more, but I really must get to bed
Posted by Becky R at 1:09 AM 1 comments
I so want these
I am dreaming of a pair of handmade moccasins like this, some beading would make them even better.
I better get to bed before I order a pair from somewhere online (which I can not afford at this time.) It's like 1:00am, but I am too wired to sleep (I drank about three cups of hot chocolate around 9pm.)
I love native American handiwork. Especially moccasins. Sigh!
Posted by Becky R at 1:04 AM 0 comments
Medieval Times
Last Sunday my brother Kevin took us to Medieval Times. We had a blast. It is a dinner show as if we are guests at the round table of a king from medieval times. The show has knights and horses, a King and princess, and of course an evil twist. The dinner is served without utensils as it was in medieval times. The menu was super yummy. We had soup and garlic bread, then roast chicken, spare ribs, and potatoes. And we had apple turnovers for dessert.
We sat in the blue knight section, so that means we wanted him to win the tournament.
The whole night was so awesome, especially spending time with family. It was me, my boys, my brother, Kevin, my sister, Samantha, my cousin, Charlene, her two kids, Alex and Amanda, and my brother's friend and her four year old son.
Kevin got some great pics and I will upload some when I can.
Posted by Becky R at 12:13 AM 0 comments
Sunday, December 6, 2009
I've missed blogging
Over two weeks ago I moved half our stuff into my new house, but still we were unable to move in. The computer got moved to the new house, so blogging has been hard. Today we finally got all the beds at the new house and are spending the first night in our new house.
We still have not moved all our stuff in, as tomorrow I have to finish packing all kitchen stuff, Jason's room stuff, my stuff, my bathroom stuff, and other odds and ends. But all our furniture is at the new house.
The boys rooms are almost complete and they look great. My stepfather, Scott, my nephew, my boys, and my mom did an amazing job. We still have to paint floor molding, and put Josh's closet bar and shelves in. But the walls are up, sanded, primed, and painted. The new rugs are in and the molding is almost all in. I am amazed at how awesome it all looks.
I feel so happy to finally be in.
Posted by Becky R at 11:48 PM 2 comments
Contest Winner
Sorry for the delay, but the winner of my diaper contest is:
As soon as I get her mailing address I will send her her cool key chain prize.
My contest got 8 packs of diapers donated to a local pregnancy center. That is so awesome!!!
Posted by Becky R at 11:45 PM 1 comments
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Only two more day to enter my contest!
Hurry, buy some diapers and donate them to your local pregnancy center or donate an amount equivalent to a pack of diapers to your local pregnancy center. Then you will be entered to win a really cool key chain!
Posted by Becky R at 6:13 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 27, 2009
My computer and my bed and some other stuff are at my new house, but we are still living in my old house. We still have the tv, but without cable, so we went to the library the other day and rented lots of movies.
It is weird to be divided between two houses.
Right now I am typing this at the new house, but have to go home to the old house to eat lunch in a few minutes.
What still has to be done so we can move in:
one or two more coats spackle in new rooms (1-2 days)
sand spackle (1 day)
put doors up in boys rooms
prime all new walls (1 day)
paint new walls (1 day)
4-5 more days until we can officially move in and actually sleep in the new house.
We had a great Thanksgiving at my moms. It was my mom, my stepfather, my sister, my brother, me, and my boys. It was a nice calm day. We all helped cook (but my mom did most of the cooking.) We also watched the parade, played games, did a puzzle, and went for a walk after dinner.
It was nice to be with my family, but also hard knowing Eric was not there. I couldn't even bring myself to take any pictures as I usually am obnoxiously doing on holidays. I am sure everyone was thankful for that.
How was your Thanksgiving?
p.s. only 3 days left to get in on my contest
Posted by Becky R at 12:42 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 21, 2009
I have not been blogging too much as I am in the process of moving. Yesterday I brought my computer to the new house and set it up, so I could have the internet and phone hooked up. I am going with Cablevision which is also Optimum. They gave me a better rate than Verizon for those two services and they have no contract. I am a little leery of having the phone through the cable, but I will give it time. We are not getting cable at this time (can't justify the $40 a month right now.)
Today I had some men from my church along with my mom and sister help me move. We did the couch and chair from the living room, my bed and night stand, my grill, my outdoor glass table and metal chair set, all the boxes from my attic (which is all holiday decorations, my fake Christmas tree, and all the out of season and too big clothes for next year), most of our homeschooling stuff, Josh's books, toys, and games, and more.
It is so amazing that the people from my church love me so much because of God and are willing to help bless me time and again. I am so appreciative.
I also can not express the appreciation I have for my mom who brought us breakfast (she also brought some for the two contractors we had doing work on new house.) Then she helped me by supervising the stuff that came to the new house, while I was at old house. Next she cleaned out my shed so we could use it for all the stuff from my attic (after the contractor put a new floor down.) While cleaning she had a shelf fall on her head and she really got hurt, pray for a speedy recover.
My sister was also a huge help. She cleaned my bathroom and set it up so it looks nice. She also helped with cleaning the shed and bagging lots of garbage.
We got so much accomplished today.
While we were doing all that the contractor (who happens to be Eric's friend since they were teenagers) and his helper removed the leaky window, closed up the hole, sheet rocked all the water damage, and resided where the window was. It looks great. The new siding is almost an exact match of old.
Having Eric's friend doing the work was sort of was a comfort since he was not there helping. It was still hard though. Especially when I found boxes with my wedding pictures and other pictures with Eric in them. But I know Eric wanted me to get this house, so he is in this move with me. Even though he is no longer here on earth he is still with me.
Tomorrow after church we are going to Eric's to help clear more of his stuff out so my mom can put his house on the market. Then my mom invited all his friend's over for pizza. That will be nice.
He has been gone for over 5 months and still it can be so hard. We all miss him so.
But overall today was a good day, much was accomplished, and we are that much closer to actually moving in to our new house.
Posted by Becky R at 6:46 PM 1 comments
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Painting, packing, and leaking windows oh my
Today Monica and I started painting my bedroom. I also have been doing some packing. Scott has been busy converting one room upstairs into two bedrooms and a hallway.
Of course, it would be unrealistic to expect no problems along the way. The window upstairs has been leaking in like crazy since it has been raining the past few days. It has been leaky for years, but I was hopeful to wait until I get my income tax refund to fix it. But I don't think I can wait. The worst thing is we don't know if it the roof, or window. There is some roof damage, not enough overhang on the roof, and the window slopes in instead of out. These things were in my home inspection, so it is not a complete surprise.
Tomorrow I have someone coming to look at it to see what can be done.
Still I am so thankful for Scott and Alex for all the work they are doing upstairs, Monica for watching my boys and helping me paint, and my mom for all she is doing.
Tomorrow after church will be more painting and packing.
What are you doing this weekend?
Posted by Becky R at 9:03 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
I got a valid c of o today.
We can officially move in.
But we are waiting until we convert room upstairs into two bedrooms for the boys (my stepfather has agreed to do this- he really is great!)
Yippee!! (is yippee one p or two?)
Posted by Becky R at 8:19 PM 6 comments
Labels: new house
Monday, November 9, 2009
Not even a dent
I just packed 8 boxes, threw away a huge carpenter bag size of junk, and have another huge bag of stuff to give away. Most was from going into my kids rooms. And right now it barely looks like I got rid of anything. Ahhhh! Plus I packed two huge bins.
What we packed:
1 box Josh's toys
1 box Josh's games
1 box Josh's stuffed animals
2 boxes Josh's books
1 box Josh's radio, alarm clock, and cds (he has like 4 cds)
1 box Jason's stuffed animals
1 box my books
1 bin fall / winter clothes that are still too big to fit Jason or Joshua
1 bin summer clothes for next year
I am going to have alot of work to do over the next two weeks.
My goal is to move into the new house on Nov. 21st and Nov. 22nd.
Posted by Becky R at 10:43 PM 0 comments
Donate a Pack of Diapers-Win a Prize-Help Me Honor Eric
My local pregnancy center, called Solutions is in desperate need of diapers. They give these out free to those in need all year long. I have a real heart for this ministry as I came to know the Lord there 11 years ago.
So I thought I would have another contest.
I was thinking that you all probably have local pregnancy crisis center's as well. I thought many of us CVS and coupon and such. Maybe this week we could all buy a package of diapers (with savings, coupons, CVS bucks, etc) and donate them to a local pregnancy center. Actually this is my contest. Buy diapers and be entered to win a prize.
Could you imagine not even being able to buy diapers for your baby? I am glad I am not in that situation anymore. But many woman are. Let's help them this week. When you buy the diapers also pray for the mom who will receive them.
If you can't find a local pregnancy center maybe you can donate online to Solutions or another center closer to you.
Go to Carenet to find a Christian based pregnancy center near you!
So to recap:
1) find local pregnancy center in your area
2) buy a package of diapers or donate an amount equivalent to a pack of diapers to your local pregnancy center
3) leave a comment telling me that you donated the diapers or amount equivalent to diapers
Bonus: To earn an extra chance blog about my contest and link this post on your blog.
Then I will pick one of you (who participated) to win a prize. The prize is a really cool Swiss Tech key chain. It is brand new in a cool case, all ready for gift giving. It is a safety key chain.
It has:
seat belt cutter
automatic glass breaker
sonic alarm
led flashlight
It retails for $10-$15. So it is worth more than a package of diapers. This would make a great gift for everyone on your list (who drives.) I bought this for my brother Eric for Christmas, so I want it to do more than just collect dust (since he passed away and can not use it.) I want this gift to give forward this Christmas.
So leave me a comment once you've bought the diapers, and you will be entered into the contest. The more packs of diapers you buy the more entries you will have to win. This will be on the honor system.
Posted by Becky R at 6:30 PM 3 comments
Sunday I overslept and missed church. After finally getting up and getting a shower Jason and I stopped at the bank on our way to get Josh. The bank was very crowded so we did not wait. We went to get Josh from my mom and then went back to the bank. I had to close out a checking account. The bank kept charging me $15 a month if my account was under $100 at all that month. Yikes. After paying that fee for three months I didn't want to do it anymore. I have two other checking accounts that have no minimum balance and no monthly fees at all.
Then we went to see Astro Boy with my brother, Kevin. It was cute. After the movie we had to stop at Lowe's to get some stuff for the new house. Josh had a melt down because I required him to hold my hand. I know I an SO mean.
After Lowe's we went food shopping. The boys picked fish sticks for dinner and the smell of them in my house was making me feel sick. Yuck processed food. Tonight we are making tacos. I will be putting fresh peppers that Josh just picked the last batch from my garden.
Once home we all relaxed together. I put both boys to bed by 9:00pm. Josh was actually asleep by 10pm. Then I folded all clean laundry and wrote out the instructions for our bearded dragon, as today we donate her to a middle school that will appreciate her much more than we do.
I actually went to bed before 12:00am. Go me!
That was our Sunday, how was yours?
Posted by Becky R at 10:54 AM 0 comments
This Sat. I slept in till 9:00am. Then we stopped at new house as my stepfather and friend, Peter were doing work that failed the c of o. Next, we ran to food store to get half time game snacks for Josh's soccer game. Then we went to Josh's soccer game at noon. I had to work snack stand, so I watched from there. Josh's team did well and won the game.
After soccer we went to the new house. The boys raked leaves with a friend. My stepfather, Scott was working on giving me a bedroom door. Peter was fixing outlets and the dryer vent. I straightened up and then made lunch for everyone (hot dogs, grapes, and store bought cookies.) It was nice cooking in my new kitchen. After lunch I cleaned out the shed. It is still full of my grandmother and aunt's stuff. I got everything out of one room of the shed (it is a two room shed. Half for storage, half for the lawn mower and yard stuff) except four boxes my aunt still has to go through.
So as of now everything should pass for the c of o. Please pray it does as the inspector is coming back tomorrow (Tues.)
Sat. night Jason came to work with me and Josh went to my mom's. I worked from 5:00pm-11:30pm. It was good I worked late as I so could use the extra money.
So that was our Saturday. It was a good, productive day.
What did you do on Saturday?
Posted by Becky R at 10:46 AM 0 comments
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Guest Post by Sylvia
This is a guest post from Sylvia, who is on another blog my mom started:
I am 57, almost 58. I was married for 35 years to a man 17 years older, was with him since I turned 21. He died in 2008. I have stepdaughters very close to my own age, and their kids range from 6 to 31. Also more steps and stepgrandkids. It's not a family tree, it's a family forest.
I have worked in service jobs my whole life, either retail or food service, sometimes both at once. Currently I work in food service at a private women's college on the east coast. And for now, it is the only job I have, lol.
When my husband died, an event I thought I was well prepared for, since he was ill for quite some time, I found myself planning for the end of my own life. I don't mean I wanted it to end, I mean I set up my trust, started simplifying my assets, started to write my end of life plan. And then I stopped. And I had no idea why I stopped. It all just got to be too much, but I wasn't really aware of that.
I started doing more things at church, seeing different people, keeping up with my hospice support groups, etc. And then December 2008 our section of the world was hit by the worst ice storm in a hundred years. I had no power for 7 days. I moved into a motel, told my work I was staying with family, told my family I was staying at the college where I work, and only told my brother where I really was. Everyday before work I drove up into the hills to make sure my house was okay. And after work I sat in the motel and cried, thinking I was going to lose my house. Up to that point I had started listening to people who hammered at me to think about getting the heck out of the hills and moving down into city. Yeah, as if I could afford that. I didn't know how I could afford my mortgage payment, [too young to get my husband's social security], but I darn sure knew I couldn't afford anything in the city, rents are $1200 and up for an apartment!!
So this ice storm and coming close to losing my house proved to me I wanted to stay here. So, how to do that. I had heard that this man at church who I knew slightly, was pretty smart about electronics and plumbing, and had helped some other widows from church set up generators. So as soon as I got a Sunday off from work I went to church and walked up to him and started asking questions about generators. I knew nothing about this man.......but now know that he had in fact asked people about me months ago and was told I was married, but my husband was dying. So he never pursued me. And then he was away from the church for a few months when my husband died so he didn't know that.
Long story short, we are now deeply in love. It took me a long time to get over feeling like I was somehow cheating on my late husband. I told all the kids, and frankly the stepkids were not so good about it, but the grandkids, after checking him out, lol, are delighted. I laugh and tell them they are just glad they won't have to take care of me in my old age. We are in love "with God", and so far have chosen to not live together. Hardest thing I have ever done to be truthful. But good things are worth waiting for. I needed the one year point of Bob's passing to happen, which it did at the end of the summer. Now we talk about a future together, but we are spending this time learning about each other and spending time in the Word. Gosh, I had a lot of baggage I was unaware of, I had never thought about a relationship this late in life, and all the stuff people bring with them.
Anyway, I now have a second set of step-kids so to speak, who think I am a gift from God, their dad was so lonely and miserable for so long. His ex-wife has a mental illness that went undetected for years, and they have all spent time in therapy. Some of the stories make me wonder how this man and his kids survived, but they did. He got them out of the situation, got custody of them, took care of her two from a previous marriage....as he puts it, he's 55, been through Hell, and it's his time now. How wonderful that our Lord set us together. We live 2.2 miles away from each other. Honestly, even if I were not a believer, I would have to know this is from God.
That's where my life is at right now! I'm desperately trying to pay down my mortgage debt, because he is pretty much debt-free and I'm not anxious to bring my debt into a new marriage. Yes, we speak of that often!! And I know the bible preaches about getting out of debt.
So my daily concerns are the same as most of the people who read Becky's blog: stay in the Word, love our Lord, and live below my means.
I enjoy reading about other people's lives and struggles, knowing we're not alone. I hope my story shows people that when you least expect it, God knows your needs and supplies it for you.
Posted by Becky R at 9:45 PM 3 comments
Friday, November 6, 2009
Brrr, it's chilly
We just got home from a great day at the Camden Aquarium (where I forgot my camera.)
Upon arriving home, I discovered it was 55 degrees in my house. Brrrr!!! So I turned the heat on to 60 degrees to get the chill out. But I was trying to avoid turning on the heat since we are moving so soon.
Fortunately it is supposed to be nice tomorrow, so I will turn it off before we go to bed (since we all have nice warm blankets on our bed.)
Tomorrow we will sleep in, then Joshua has a soccer game at 12:00pm, next we are going to new house to rake all the leaves (there is SO many.) Finally, at 5:00pm tomorrow I have to work.
Sunday after Sunday school and church we are going to Eric's to help Sam move all her stuff out and back into my mom's. Then get some more of Eric's stuff sorted and into another place, as we need to get out of Eric's house soon (I think it is going on the market.)
I also have to food shop sometime before Monday.
This up coming week (in addition to regular life and homeschooling) I have to:
1) arrange to get stuff for c of o to pass finished
2) get the c of o guy back to pass me
3) pack (I have only packed one box so far)
4) get new house ready to be painted (Ideally I want to paint my room, bathroom, kitchen, and living room BEFORE I move in. Realistically I will probably only get my room done.)
5) rake leaves in house I still live in
Posted by Becky R at 8:59 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Thanks Eric
Part of the reason I have this house is because of my brother Eric. He wanted me to get this house. He was there the day we got the assessment. I can still see him standing in my Grandma's kitchen that day. I just wish he were here now to see that it happened.
One thing I am really sad about leaving though is the custom closet he and Scott built for me in my current house (that I rent.) But no matter where I am Eric will always be with me.
Thanks Eric, you helped make one of my dreams of owning a home come true.
Posted by Becky R at 11:50 PM 1 comments
Labels: Eric
My new house
front of my house
my deck (in back of house), my shed, and some of my yard
My house was built in 1924. I so love that it has history. The house is on a nice lot that is 85' x 100'. The house is about 825 square feet. It has a big wrap around gravel driveway. The yard has a nice wood deck, and a two room shed. It has a few pretty trees as well. The house has light yellow siding. It also has a dirt crawl space.
Inside the front door you walk into the living room, which has enclosed utility room to right, with washer and dryer, furnace and hot water heater in it. If you walk through living room next to right is stairs, to left is my room. Then hallway to the kitchen. Past the kitchen is bathroom, coat closet, and other small closet, and then the back door. If you go up the stairs (to the right past living room) there is one room and a closet up there. We plan on turning it into two small rooms for the boys.
My kitchen has a dishwasher, which I do not have now. Plus my new kitchen is slightly larger than my current one. Also I have a skylight, which I love!!! (I hope my kids do not put their hand print on the outside of it though, as I did as a kid to my skylight. LOL!)
It is all so exciting!!!
Posted by Becky R at 11:34 PM 1 comments
Labels: pictures of our new house
Monday, November 2, 2009
The secret is we bought a ...
new pj's?
No silly it's a ...
I am literally dancing I am so happy!!!
My mom bought me dinner and chocolate covered strawberries and apples to celebrate. My mom is the BEST!!!
Today is a good day.
Posted by Becky R at 8:36 PM 4 comments
I need prayer today
Please pray as I am trying to straighten the house, get caught up on homeschooling, and get ready for today. Also I am trying not to yell and to be calm.
At 12:00 we have a doctor's appointment
At 1:15 we have homeschool gym class
At 4:00 I have a secret appointment
I am very excited and stressed at the same time. Also my lower back and right leg is aching so I can barely walk. I am going to take some medicine for it and a hot shower and hope it goes away asap.
I so appreciate your prayers today!
Posted by Becky R at 9:36 AM 1 comments
Poll Results
It appears as if you all enjoy reading the types of things I am already blogging about. Thanks for participating in my poll. I will try to post a bit more about my walk with God and a bit less about my budgeting and finances (which I actually have already been doing less financial stuff.)
Thanks! -Becky
Posted by Becky R at 9:34 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 1, 2009
please pray
tomorrow is a big day for me. please pray all goes smoothly. thanks! -Becky
Posted by Becky R at 8:11 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Prayer Request
My best friend , Monica had surgery last week on her foot so she is on crutches and is in a walking boot. Pray that she heals quickly and is financially ok as when she misses work, she does not get paid.
Also her two sons have fevers, and stomach aches, please pray her boys recover quickly and do not get worse. Also pray her and her husband do not get sick.
Posted by Becky R at 12:12 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 30, 2009
aluminum water bottles
I love having my aluminum water bottle. I have like three now and the kids each have two. They really help me to drink lots of water. I fill them every night and put in fridge and that is pretty much all we drink all day long.
I was thinking these would make great Christmas gifts and I just got a coupon code for Gaiam company for $20 off $100 or more purchase. Plus they do free shipping on these water bottles. The water bottles are about $10 each, which is a great price. If you order 10 that will be only $80 with free shipping. I think teachers and others would love these for Christmas. Who doesn't want to drink more water without plastic going into themselves or the landfills?
Check out the Gaiam website here
Josh just got an orange one, and I got a turquoise one from them. Plus we got another orange one as a birthday gift.
The $20 off coupon code is GA09 and it expires 12/31/09
p.s. I also got a code for 10% off any order if you want to place an order under $100. That code is GREENBB and it expires 01/30/2010
Posted by Becky R at 9:03 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 29, 2009
It's the little things
I just went out to the car to get something and remembered Josh's bike in the back seat. Sometimes something like this would frustrate me, but tonight it filled me with such joy that I had a wonderfully healthy son who could ride his bike without training wheels and loves to do so. (It's in the car because it got dark when he was riding at his cousin's, who incidentally live almost across the street from where we are moving.) So I came in and got in bed with him (he was still up) and gave him a big hug and kiss and told him I am so glad he is my son, because I really am. Then I went in to Jason's room to find him reading and again instead of getting annoyed that he was still up, I was filled with joy at how he loves to read. I told him how much I love him, then I did pull the plug on his light. It is after 11pm after all.
But no matter my rantings and crazy days and venting on ths blog, I really do love those boys.
Posted by Becky R at 11:12 PM 3 comments
Want to write a guest post for me?
I have read some guest posts on others blogs. If you'd like to write a guest post for me let me know and on what topic. If I choose to use your guest post, I will send you a bar of The Body Shop Daisy bar soap or something else that is fun or cool.
Topics you can write on:
your life
your testimony
your walk with God
your kids and / or family
your finances
your budget
real work at home job ideas
frugal / green living (as it pertains to your life)
your dreams and goals for your life
a book review by you
an adoption story
how much you like me and my blog (tee-hee)
something else you'd like to write about
If I use your post I will also add a link to your blog (if you have one) so people can see your blog as well, or if you wish to remain anonymous and write a post with no name that is ok too.
What do you think? Leave a comment with your email address if you are interested.
Posted by Becky R at 1:09 AM 5 comments
Cures for insomnia
Help! How do you go to bed at a decent hour? Here it is 1am and I just finished making a batch of dish soap. I have to get up before 8am. I find it so hard to get into a routine to go to sleep. It doesn't help that my boys are usually still up around 10pm. I like having some me quiet time (don't even bother saying get up before them and have quiet time; in the am Josh has lowjack on me, as soon as I wake up so does he.)
What is your bedtime routine? How do fall asleep at a decent hour? When do you cut eating out before bed (maybe I eat too close to bed?) Do you exercise during day, if yes what time? Maybe I need to exercise more and not so close to bed. Ahhhhh!!!! I need help and I so need to be asleep.
Posted by Becky R at 1:04 AM 0 comments
If it works
If it works I will just have made 3 quarts of dish soap for about $1. I got the recipe online. I have tried a few of my own recipes, but they have been unsuccessful. Regular store bought dish soap smells too strong for me and I feel like it takes forever to wash off the dishes. I have been using Seventh Generation unscented free and clear brand, but it is about $4 a bottle and I was having it shipped. $4 is too much for dish soap in my opinion. So I searched online and found this recipe:
1 bar octagon soap
3 quarts water
1/2 cup baking soda
1/8 cup washing soda
1/8 cup lemon
I just grated the soap and heated it in water over stove top until soap was all dissolved. Then I added baking soda and washing soda. I stirred it a bit more. Next I turned off the stove top. Finally I added the lemon (I actually squeezed it from a lemon, not sure if you could use the real lemon they sell in bottle.) I stirred it all up again. The I poured it into a glass container. I can not wait to try it on my dishes.
If it works I just spent about $1 for 3 quarts. That even beats the smaller bottle at the dollar store. Plus what I made is free of smelly chemicals. I will let you know how it works.
Yes, I will do just about anything to save money, and also to stay up at night (it is almost 1am.)
Posted by Becky R at 12:51 AM 0 comments
Labels: dish soap, frugal living, green living
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Sometimes blessings come in the least likely places. They come from situations that seem so bleak.
So many years ago when I was pregnant at such a young age I could not see the blessing that baby would be or how I would give my life to the Lord because of it. God certainly used that time in my life to strengthen me and bless me.
Once again God has sent a blessing into my family. My youngest sister told me last week she is expecting a baby. She is 12 weeks along. She is young (she just turned 20) and not yet married. Although the circumstances are not ideal I already feel so blessed by this baby (who I am sure is a GIRL.)
It does bring back lots of feelings of sadness that I went through, but I pray it will turn out better for my sister. I pray her and her boyfriend would turn to the Lord (he is not a believer, she is not walking with the Lord.) I pray that they would be all that God has for then and be blessed tremendously. I ask that you would pray that as well. Especially as her boyfriend has moved out and is not working at this time. Pray he gets a good job asap. Pray that he and my sister build each other up and encourage each other daily, and just overall are good for each other.
I am excited as I love babies. And since God has blessed me to be with home with my boys (for the time being) I pray that I will be able to watch my new niece 2-3 days a week once she is born so my sister can stay in college.
Joshua is super excited as my sister is due one day before his 7th birthday (she is due May 16th.) He is excited to get a baby cousin for his birthday. I hope he knows he doesn't get to keep her (lol.)
What are some blessings in your life that at first did not seem blessings; or where in your life can you look at a situation you are facing a new way and see God's blessings?
Posted by Becky R at 11:35 PM 2 comments
Monday, October 26, 2009
This blog has already seen me through a move
So this is my second move since starting this blog. But this will be my 7th move in the past 10 years. Yikes.
When I was 20 I moved into my first apartment (with another single mom and her 2 year old son)
When I was 21 I moved into my first ever alone apartment (with Jason who was 3 at the time.)
When I was 22 I moved to KY with my husband (Jason was 4.)
When I was 23 I moved in with my mom, stepfather, and sister (Jason was 5, I had Joshua while I lived there.)
When I was 25 I moved into a nice three bedroom apartment (Jason was 7, Joshua was almost 2)
When I was almost 28 I moved into my first alone house (Jason was 9, Joshua was 4.)
Now that I am 30 we are moving again (Jason is almost 12, and Joshua is 7.)
It has been stressful, but most of my moves have been for the better and baby steps. I never could have moved right into a house alone, I gradually worked my way up to that. Plus we are moving really close (same town and all.)
It is all God, He has allowed me to grow until I could handle a house alone. Not to mention the great group of people He has given me in my life who help me with home repairs and such.
He is so good! I have to say it again. He is so good! Amen!
Posted by Becky R at 11:41 PM 2 comments
Labels: moving
Alright, alright
I guess my clues were too easy. Yes, we are moving. More details to follow, please pray it all falls into place in His perfect way.
Posted by Becky R at 8:38 PM 0 comments
Labels: moving
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Yippee and my secret
Joshua was asleep by 9:30pm, Yippee!!!
We started calming down at 7:30pm. We put on pj's and played Uno attack. Then Josh brushed his teeth. Then we read Alexander, Who's Not (Do you hear me? I mean it!) Going to Move. We then prayed and cuddled for a few minutes. Then I left. He did get up two times though, so he will not have any video game time tomorrow. But he finally calmed down. That was about 9:00pm, and half hour later he was asleep. So tonight the whole thing only took about two hours. That is exciting.
Then I spent time with Jason talking and such. He said lately he has been thinking who will be his best man. Is there something he wants to tell me? LOL.
I had a good day (I only yelled twice-that's a new record.) I think being away and having such a calm weekend helped with that. (By the way my goal is to never yell.)
In the morning I went to church with the boys. After church I let them play on the church park while chatting with friends. Next I hung out with the boys playing Wii fit. Finally, we went to my mom's for dinner.
While at my mom's I was finalizing some plans for the secret I have been keeping.
I am not ready to spill it but will give two clues.
One is in this post, it has to do with something I did with Joshua today. The second clue is in the photo of the boys playing Wii fit I posted today, notice the background has three shelves built into the wall. The top two shelves used to have some collectibles and frames on them.
Can you guess my secret yet?
Posted by Becky R at 11:20 PM 7 comments
Support the Girl Scouts
One of the girls in our homeschool group is in Girl Scouts. Her troop is selling magazines to raise money. These would make a great Christmas gift. Please check out this site. Thanks!
Posted by Becky R at 10:48 PM 0 comments
Labels: fundraiser, Girl Scouts
Wii Fit
I got a Wii fit for my 30th birthday (Oct. 3rd.) I have been really dizzy for a few weeks so I had not tried it. Feeling fully better and wanting to do an activity the kids would enjoy, I just tried Wii fit for the first time. It was fun! I will admit being told by a machine I am obese is a bit humbling, but it is something I already knew. I am overweight. I need to lose weight. God has also been giving me this message for quiet some time (although He also reminds me how much He loves me just as I am.)
We all set up our profiles and got our weight and Wii fit age. Jason's was 19, Joshua's was 33 (but I don't think he understand what he was doing.) Mine was 33, much better than I expected (since I am 30.) I thought it would say like 68 or something. I did not like that the machine put Josh as overweight. He is not at all. I think this might be something that could affect a kid's self esteem. This feature should be something that can be blocked, maybe it can and I am not aware of how to do it.
We all each played for 10 units, which is equivalent to 10 min. exercise. Not too bad. The boys are actually still playing, they are running together. Although Jason figured out how to cheat and he is only moving his hand. No big deal as he exercises plenty.
Hopefully this game will be a nice tool to help me get healthier though. I even think the balance games will be really helpful as I still favor my left side (after not using my right leg after my surgery.)
Have you ever played Wii Fit? What do you think of it?
-Becky Boys running on Wii Fit
Posted by Becky R at 3:11 PM 2 comments
Labels: photos Jason and Joshua, pictures
My mom and stepfather gave me the greatest gift
Fri. at 9:00am my mom arrived at my house to pick up my boys, and I am not picking them up at her house until 9:00am Sunday morning.
48 whole hours of not being responsible for anyone but me. AHHHH!!! (that was a sigh of relaxation)
I got to go to an appointment yesterday, visit with my best friend Monica (who is recovering from surgery,) go to my church's ladies retreat, come home alone, and tonight I will get to sleep in my own bed all night alone. The best part was two whole nights of not putting any very strong willed children to bed.
I so needed this time. I feel so rejuvenated.
Thanks so much Mom and Scott, I love you both so much!
Posted by Becky R at 12:22 AM 1 comments
Devotion-I did not write this
Happiness is a Choice!
"Give me your heart, my son, And let your eyes delight in my ways." Proverbs 23:26
How simple and yet so true. All God asks is for us to give Him our hearts!
Once you have done that, completely and honestly, your eyes will delight in HIS ways! It isn’t like giving your heart to some other ‘person’. God promises us unconditional love and forgiveness if we seek it.
He has allowed us ‘free will’ and therefore our access to His many blessings and delights is governed by our own choices!
Happiness, therefore is very simple, CHOOSE your Lord God in Heaven! Repent your sins and fully give your heart (mind, body and spirit) to Him.
You will find much delight!
Dear Heavenly Father,
Please forgive us for not always choosing You. Please speak to our hearts and help us to make the right choices every day. Help us to honor and glorify You in each decision we make. Thank you for your unconditional love Father!
In Your Son's Precious Name,
Posted by Becky R at 12:04 AM 0 comments
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Church Ladies Retreat
I just got in my from my church's ladies retreat. It was emotional and fun. (Thanks mom for making me stay.) Here is a picture of me and my friend with our colors. (Colors that look good on us and that we should wear.)
We were in our pj's
I will blog about the retreat in more detail later.
Posted by Becky R at 11:51 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
I really feel old
The tow truck driver just came out to put the doughnut on where I had a flat tire. I was casually talking with him and discovered he grew up in this town. Since it was dark and I could not see him, I asked him his name. He told me, then he said, "I graduated _(local elementary school)_ in 2000." That stung. That he had graduated 8th grade in 2000. I sure felt ancient when he said that. Then I remembered I graduated 8th grade in 1993, so he was only 7 years younger than me. Still hearing the 2000 was a shock.
At least I can drive again.
AAA to the rescue again (I used to have to call them alot with my previous cars.)
Posted by Becky R at 10:58 PM 1 comments
Yikes, I have a flat tire. I have never seen anything like it. My car was fine, then poof it was flat. The rubber actually fell off the rim. I have AAA coming out to put on the doughnut. But I guess tomorrow I will be buying a new tire.
Posted by Becky R at 10:17 PM 0 comments
Labels: budget
Break Up Songs
Usually couples have a song that is there's. I have some of them, but this post is about my break up songs.
I have had four boyfriends. I started dating my first boyfriend in 7th / 8th grade. We dated until the week I graduated high school (June 1996.) Shortly after I started community college, I started dating my second boyfriend (Jason's dad.) We dated until Jason was 10 months old (Oct. 1998.) Four years later I had my third boyfriend, who later became my husband (in Sept. 2002.) And then even later my ex husband (in 2006.) Finally I had my 4th boyfriend, Duane, who you all have have seen posts and pictures of in this blog. But as of last night he too is an ex. So once again I am in my listening to the same song over and over mode, I call this my break up song.
Here is the run down:
First boyfriend- I will always Love You by Whitney Houston, and it is true I do still love him (in a you were my first love, innocent way, not a I want to get back with him way.)
Jason's dad- You Were Mine by Dixi Chicks
Josh's dad- Pictures by Kid Rock and Cheryl Crow (especially the line "I was headed to church, I was off to drink you away.")
Now- We've Go Tonight by Kenny Rogers and Sheena Easton (because I feel like the time we had was good, but never really meant to be) and Don't Fall in Love with a Dreamer also by Kenny Rogers
Of course I am sad. I am sad about my life. I am sad that Eric is gone. I am sad that I spent the past two years building a dream with someone without really seeking God's will for my life. I am sad that I can't get this relationship thing right. I am sad that I gave part of my heart to each of these boyfriends. But for some reason part of my healing is listening to my break up song until it doesn't make me so sad anymore.
It will happen one day. Songs #1-3 bring my memories, but no longer reduce me to tears.
But for now, I think it is ok just to be sad.
Posted by Becky R at 9:12 AM 7 comments
Saturday, October 17, 2009
I hate swallowing pills, but do realize the value of taking vitamins.
Everyday I take:
-400mg calcium Citracel brand in Petites easier to swallow size (I so need lots of calcium and should take 400mg 2-3 times a day)
-Multi vitamin For Her by Nature Made liquid soft gel to make swallowing easier
-B-6 100mg by Nature Made (was told it helps calcium absorb better)
-Advanced C plus 500 mg Nature Made brand (recommended to me in Donna Partow book I am reading)
Also once or twice a week I take extra fiber (should this be daily?)
I do feel more energy when I take my vitamins.
Jason takes:
-Ocean's Kids DHA chewables 250mg from Garden of Life (sugar free)
-Nordic Naturals ProDHA 500mg (purified fish oil)
-Flintstones chewable multi vitamin (we got these free from someone)
(Jason enjoys the taste of all of the above, which is odd, usually Jason has issues with tastes and textures.)
Joshua takes:
-Nordic Naturals DHA Junior 250mg (Joshua hates to take these)
-Nordic Naturals multivitamin gummy berries (all organic ingredients) (Joshua loves these)
I am not sure if I notice a difference in my kids or not.
I will say we rarely get sick. I am sure this is because God knows I can not handle anything else, but also I think the vitamins, eating lots of fruits and veggies, drinking lots of water, and lots of hand washing sure does help.
Do you and / or your kids take vitamins? If yes, what and why?
What makes you buy a vitamin? Price? No sugar? Organic ingredients? Doctor or someone recommended?
Posted by Becky R at 11:57 PM 4 comments
Friday, October 16, 2009
Not sure if I should blog this
Is this normal, funny, or horrific?
Yesterday the UPS man ran our bell and dropped a package. By the time we answered he was gone. The kids started talking about being ding dong ditched and then about leaving flaming poop in a bag on someones doorstep and ringing the bell and running (don't let your kids watch Billy Madison.)
Well, I guess Josh liked this idea, so he went into the bathroom and peed into a plastic bag. I assume he thought the boys (I had 2 other boys over that I was watching) would think this was cool? He showed it to them and said we can leave this on someones doorstep. Well, they were disgusted, so Josh got upset and threw it at them. EWWWW! I was in my room on the computer and ran when I heard the yelling. I didn't even grasp what had happened. But after sending Josh to my bed to think, and after I cleaned up the pee in the boys bedroom; I got the whole story. I was mortified!!!
Josh got a nice talking to, time out for about 30 min., and he went to bed about 7:00pm.
Today I see some some humor to this story, but am wondering what is an appropriate response to your six year old peeing in a bag and throwing it at his brother?
Yikes, the things that come out of mouth now that I am a mother.
Posted by Becky R at 11:33 PM 3 comments
Labels: Joshua, my weird kids
Good day
Today I got up on time and made it to my 10am appointment exactly on time. The appointment was exactly what I needed today. My kids actually finished all there school work (thanks Mom & Scott.) They even did there current events. (My goal has been to do one very week, and this was there second.) [I do think that is the wrong usage of there, I have to look that up and possibly edit this late. Sad, since I am teaching them. LOL.]
After lunch at my mom's (thanks again mom) we stopped at the post office to pick up Josh's new bike helmet. His had some sort of accident from being near furnace and was melted. Plus it was Cars from the Disney movie, he always hated that movie. It was time for him to have a new helmet. Especially since he loves to ride his bike (no training wheels since last year-go Joshua.)
Then we went home and we all had a snack and a rest. Josh's soccer practice was cancelled due to the rain, so we all straightened the house. Then we ate dinner. Next we made window art out of a kit I have (it is paint that dries and then you can stick it to windows and mirrors and such. I made myself to stick to my car and want to make the boys as well. Like when you see a family on the back of a car. Mine doesn't look so good though. LOL. Then we went to rent a movie and with lots of popcorn watched half of it together. About 9:30pm, my boys went to bed rather smoothly and quietly. Josh was asleep by 10:30pm, without getting up once. Yeah!
Next, I organized all the school papers so we are caught up on paperwork (too bad we are a bit behind in actual schoolwork.) I also did all the dishes, and checked some email.
Now I am blogging and soon will be folding and putting away five loads of clean laundry. What a blessing that we have enough clothes to last us all fall and winter and a washer and dryer to clean them in. God really is so good. My heart is literally bursting with how blessed we are.
I forgot to mention that my boys are grounded from video games and playing with friends (and tv too, but I picked the movie so I let them watch half,) anyway, the past few days I love how they have been finding other ways to entertain themselves. Some board games have come out. They have been doing some more art. They also found some old superhero costumes and have been wearing them around. Also today they were making videos on Jason's camera. They were taking things up close and far away to distort images and pretending they were on another planet. It was really neat to see that. I even think they got a nice video of me yelling to clean up the art supplies. I hope that one doesn't end up on u tube or mom tube or whatever.
Overall today was a good day. Thank you Lord! (I know, Lord, I do still need to work on the yelling.)
Posted by Becky R at 11:12 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 15, 2009
I have been thinking about Eric lately. Yesterday was 4 months since we discovered he was gone. I have so many unanswered questions. I am not sure why I have to know every little detail. Maybe it diverts my focus. But no matter what or when or how, he is gone.
Today we were watching tv and the character on tv died, so I started to cry. Josh came up and hugged me. Then Jason said, "When you think of Uncle Eric, think of the good times you had together." My boys really can be sweet and sensitive.
I guess celebrating all our family birthdays in Sept., and then my birthday this month without Eric has really got me down. It isn't right not having him around. this is Eric, he hated to have his picture taken
Posted by Becky R at 12:11 AM 1 comments
Labels: Eric
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Lee Turkey Farm
me, photo by Amanda
ready, set , pick
mom and Jason picking cabbage
Jason, Joshua, and me in apple orchard (minus the apples)
my cousin, Charlene and her daughter, Amanda
Joshua on the hay ride
Jason on the hayride
Joshua with his 13 pound pumpkin
Posted by Becky R at 11:42 PM 1 comments